First Name
Last Name

Leah Murray

Arts & Imaging Studies

Graphic Designer

Young woman, dark skin, wearing striped sweater, sitting at table with laptop, stairway in background.

Levittown, Pa.

Degree programs
Arts & Imaging Studies

Year of graduation

Place of employment
Advancing Opportunities, Ewing, N.J.

Job Title
Graphic Designer (summer co-op)

Work Responsibilities
I designed and worked on newsletters and brochures, flyers, seasonal greeting cards, and backgrounds for the company’s Twitter account using a laptop and my Monoprice tablet. I learned many new software programs that helped me do my job. My supervisor and I discussed revisions and those discussions provided many resources for me to use, both in print and online, so that I could experiment with new design tools. I like to learn new things and I work hard because I like the challenge.  

How my career relates to my degree from RIT/NTID
My program at RIT helped me become well-versed in using Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. I developed new skills in design and in using color and balance. And, I learned how important it is to make the design strong enough to get people’s attention and help them understand the reason for the publication. It’s a challenge to convert my sketches and drawings to computer art and I work hard to make it perfect. I have learned how to apply my design interest and training to the real world, and how I can make a career out of doing what I love. I think it’s important to get my degree in this field so that I can get a good job in the future.

Never doubt yourself. Never doubt your talent. Do what you believe in. Do what you love to do. It may be frustrating but it’s important not to give up.