First Name
Last Name

Leonard Macisco



Where is your hometown?
Stratford, Connecticut

What was your degree program and graduation date?
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry 2024) from RIT, and Associate in Applied Science (Laboratory Science Technology 2013) from RIT/NTID.

What was your co-op employer name and location?
Tufts University, Massachusetts

What was your position at your co-op and what were your responsibilities?
My position was researcher, and I studied polymer films for their application with hydrogen fuel cells to develop a better understanding of what was possible with that.

How did your co-op relate to your studies at RIT/NTID?
My co-op at Tufts University taught me the importance of research techniques and record-keeping, which were skills I applied to my studies and organizations.

What is your preferred language: American Sign Language, spoken English, both, or another language?
Both ASL and spoken English

What was your high school experience like? Were you mainstreamed, the only deaf person in the class, or were you enrolled with deaf classmates?
I was mainstreamed until high school, where I attended American School for the Deaf in Connecticut.

What was your college search process like, and what reasons made you choose RIT/NTID?
I felt RIT was the best fit for me because of the deaf population here and the lab science program.

Did your identity as a deaf/hard-of-hearing person have an impact on your college choice? What makes RIT a good fit for you?
Yes, I felt that RIT might be the best fit for me, as I have former experience with interpreters in the classroom and wanted a large deaf community.

What were your peers like at RIT/NTID? Did you have a mix of hearing/deaf friends?
I had a large mix of friends from all backgrounds, including deaf and hearing friends.

Were you involved with any extracurricular activities on campus?
I was a member of both the Beekeeping Club and Astronomy Club.

What is your career goal?
My goal is to contribute to society’s advancements in climate education through research and studies. I'm hoping to do more in environmental research and combine that with more advanced research techniques.

How did your experience at RIT/NTID prepare you for your career?
Staying on top of my studies and path at RIT/NTID taught me soft skills for the workplace such as clear communication, advocating for myself, and time management.

If possible, what one word would you use to describe RIT/NTID?