First Name
Last Name

Steven Forney

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technology - BS

Research Associate

Young man wearing yellow polo shirt, green cap, standing outside in lawn, hand indicating hovering drone, building in background with letters UAH.

Huntsville, Alabama

Degree programs
B.S. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technology

Year of graduation

Place of employment
University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) Management and Production Center, Huntsville, Alabama

Job Title
Research Associate

Work Responsibilities
I provide assistance to internship students at UAH. Also, I use reverse engineering, which is the process of discovering the technological principles of a device, object, or system through analysis of its structure, function, and operation, along with my building and programming skills to work with Unmanned Aerial Systems. I perform experiments and research various materials and sub-systems to determine the best suited wireless communication related to Radio Controlled size airplanes, helicopters and multi-copters. I interpret drawings, schematics and technical specification sheets as well as design blueprints and schematics with computer aided drafting programs.

How my career relates to my degree from RIT/NTID
When I applied to RIT/NTID, I didn’t expect I would become interested in the robotics world. RIT/NTID gave me the chance to explore deeper interests and build my own destiny. My reverse engineering experiences at RIT enabled my current work on Unmanned Aerial Systems innovation at UAH. These experiences and the opportunities to have comprehensive study and a working knowledge of electrical/mechanical engineering allowed me to become a research associate.

Think about a career, not a job. Think about what you really like and what you would like to do, and turn it into a career. Be dedicated. Be motivated. Education is the foundation for success in life, so never be afraid to take on new challenges and learn new things.