New Signers Program

Interested in learning American Sign Language? Now it couldn't be easier!


The New Signers Program (NSP) is an intensive, fast-paced, summer pre-college experience designed for newly admitted deaf and hard-of-hearing students who have little or no prior skill in American Sign Language. Through a variety of learning experiences such as lectures, small group activities, evening gatherings where students interact with other deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, and completing self-reflection journals, students will learn how to use ASL to communicate in real-world conversations and situations that are likely to occur on the college campus. Interactive evening activities provide opportunities for students to be immersed in Deaf culture.

Program Cost:

Course/program cost: $3,536. For international students: $7,027. Some financial assistance may be available to those who qualify.

NSP 2025 will be offered in a hybrid format: on the RIT campus and online prior to the start of your orientation.

Online Sessions Move-in Day On-campus Sessions
July 28 – August 1 August 3 August 4 – 13

Application Deadline: June 1, 2025

Application Form

Program Schedule

The 2025 NSP Schedule will be posted here soon.

Program FAQs

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No, the program is optional, but if you are interested in learning how to sign, we encourage you to participate in this hybrid program. You not only will have the opportunity to learn basic sign language skills, immerse in Deaf culture, and meet and develop relationships with other non-signing students, but this program also will help ease your transition as you prepare for your first year at RIT/NTID.

The program cost is $3,536 (for international students the cost is $7,027). That fee covers the direct cost of all programming, room and board, off-campus excursions and recreation activities, and the tuition for the four-credit course. If accepted to the program, the program fee will be reflected on your summer bill. If you have VR (Vocational Rehabilitation) or OSAP (Canada’s VR) support, be sure to discuss the cost related to NSP with them before arriving. If VR or OSAP is covering the program fee, authorizations should be faxed to 585-475-5307 or mailed to:

Office of Student Financial Services
25 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623

Or emailed to:

Is there financial aid?

In some states, the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), or a similar office, will pay some or the entire fee of NSP.

If you have Vocational Rehabilitation questions, contact Denise Hampton.

Check out this video on VR that may be helpful for you:

You are responsible to pay for all travel costs.

The online application must be completed by June 1, 2025.You are not accepted into the program until we receive and review your application, and we send you an official acceptance letter. A certain number of accepted applicants must be reached before an acceptance letter can be sent. This is when you know you're officially an NSP participant. Please apply early to ensure a spot in the program.

The first part of NSP will be offered online, and the next part of the program will be offered in-person on the RIT campus prior to the start of your orientation.

Details will be shared with you once you have been accepted to NSP.

NSP 2025 is in hybrid format with the first part online and the second part on-campus.

The Online portion is from July 28 - August 1, 2025; move-in day is August 3, 2025; and the on-campus portion is from August 4 - 13, 2025.

Classes will run from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. with ample breaks along with evening activities. We will have day-long activities on Saturdays and Sundays.

All times are in EDT.

If you are accepted to the NSP program, it is our goal to have you move your belongings into your permanent dorm room on August 3 between 1:00-3:00 p.m. This is in advance of all other first-year students.

Upon arrival for NSP in-person session, it is our goal to have you to move into your permanent assigned housing for the school year that you had applied through RIT housing using your myLife portal. There may be constructions going on around the residence halls during the summer and that might prevent you from moving in your permanent assigned housing.

It is because the program has to happen before Summer Vestibule Program (SVP) which starts on August 14 to accommodate those students who are enrolled in SVP.

Yes, this is a credit-bearing program and participants are required to stay the entire program to earn the credit.

Deaf and hard-of-hearing students who have identified themselves as non-signers or have minimal ASL skills. Program seats are limited, and are filled on a first come, first served basis.

Yes, you can enroll in NSP. All students accepted into associate, associate+bachelor’s and pre-baccalaureate programs, or in career exploration studies will transition to SVP after NSP ends.

Only NSP students are moving in on Sunday, August 3, 2025. Other students who are participating in SVP only and not NSP will arrive on Thursday, August 14, 2025.

NSP students enrolled in associate, associate+bachelor’s and pre-baccalaureate programs, or in career exploration studies need to check-out of NSP on the morning of Thursday, August 14 and then check-in for SVP on the same day.

Yes, all deaf and hard-of-hearing students who have little or no prior skills in American Sign Language, and who are accepted into a bachelor's degree program in one of the other colleges at RIT can apply for NSP.

Since SVP is not required for bachelor’s degree accepted students and New Student Orientation does not start until August 17 or 18, there will be a gap of three-four days between August 14-17 or 18. There are two options for you to choose from:

  • You can remain at RIT in your permanent room and pay an additional fee for housing plus meal costs This will give you an opportunity to remain on campus until all students move-in. During those three days, you will have the opportunity to meet other students that did not take part in NSP and possibly participate in some SVP activities.
  • You may choose to return home after NSP concludes and return on New Student Orientation Move-in Day on August 17 or 18. If you choose this option, please bring only your belongings needed during the NSP program while you are in your NSP room. You will not move in your permanent belongings to your permanent room until August 17 or 18.

Yes. All incoming first-year students, including international students, are invited to participate. The program cost for international students is $7,027. You will need to have appropriate student visa to participate.

No, you cannot participate in both programs since classes may overlap in days/times. You have to choose one.

A computer or laptop with a webcam and an internet connection is required for our classes and evening activities. Please ensure your Zoom software is fully updated! It is preferred that you use a computer or laptop instead of iPad/tablet because of the limitations of being able to interact with other students.

For specific requirements see Zoom and GoReact.

Once you are accepted, you will be required to sign Expectations and Guidelines form for NSP, which follows RIT’s Student Code of Conduct for Computer and RIT’s Student Academic Integrity Policy before starting the program, and you will be requested to sign a media release form.

At the end of NSP, you will meet these outcomes:

  1. Establish a basic foundation of American Sign Language as a visual-gestural language and the modality of ASL
  2. Generate the ability to converse in American Sign Language about familiar topics using a variety of basic phrases, simple sentences, and questions, including creating an autobiographical profile
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of typical college experiences and of the RIT/NTID campus
  4. Discuss similarities and differences in behaviors and values between the United States majority culture and the Deaf co-culture in the United States
  5. Prepare for interaction with members of the Deaf community at a Novice-Mid level in some very familiar everyday contexts
  6. Compare identity development based on their own lived experiences with Deaf people’s lived experiences in United States

On the myCourses platform you will find information about your ASL classes and evening and weekend activities, including a syllabus, a course schedule, and any other information you need for the ASL classes and evening and weekend activities. The point system will be posted in myCourses. Also, there will be a link that includes contact information for people that you might want to reach.

Yes. RIT/NTID is a welcoming and supportive environment for all learners. Students with low vision or who are blind will work with the Disability Service Office and their instructor to determine the best ways in which to support their needs.

NSP will involve daily group activities and give you opportunities to maximize your interaction time with other students in the program while learning ASL.

For the NSP only, students can withdraw from their course up to the last official day of classes, which occurs on August 12.

A point system will be used to track your daily participation and assignments. You can get access to the point system at any time during NSP by using the Grades tool on myCourses to see your progress. Near the end of program, you will have an opportunity to meet with the instructor to discuss your ASL development and skills. You will receive a letter grade at the end of the program.

Successful students will receive four college credits that will count toward their degree requirements.

We encourage you to reach out to the RIT Financial Aid office for assistance.

If you have Vocational Rehabilitation questions, contact Denise Hampton.

Check out this video on VR that may be helpful for you:


Contact Us

Have any questions or concerns? Fill out the form below and we'll get right back to you! You can also contact us directly by email at about the NSP program.