New Signers Program Application

New Signers Program Application

You must be an accepted first-year or transfer deaf or hard-of-hearing student to be able to apply for NSP.

You are not accepted into the course/program until we receive and review your application and we send you an official acceptance letter. This is when you will know you're officially an NSP participant and you will be automatically enrolled to the course/program.

The fee for participation in the NSP is $3,536. That will cover all  tuition, programming, housing, and meals for the duration of NSP. If accepted to the program, the program fee will be reflected on your summer bill. If VR is covering the program fee, authorizations should be faxed to 585-475-5307 or mailed to:

Office of Student Financial Services
25 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623

Or emailed to

Regarding the application form below:
Note that a red asterisk next to a field name indicates that the field is required. If you click Submit when a required field is left blank, the form will not submit yet and you'll see an error message by the empty field. If that happens: stay on the page, fill in the field indicated, and then click Submit again.

Student Information

Enter your birth date in the format month/day/year. Example: 05/25/2005

Academic Information

Have you completed the Language/Communication Background Questionaire as required as an accepted student?
Have you taken a formal American Sign Language course anywhere?
Do you know any other sign languages?
Are you currently getting specific accommodations at school?

Essential Information for NSP

Do you have a laptop or computer for use?
Do you have access to high speed internet?
Did you sign up for any other programs at RIT or NTID that might overlap with NSP?
Have you applied for your housing for the school year through RIT housing using myLife portal?
Please choose activities that you might be interested in participating during NSP
Choose as many as you like. Note: not all activities will be done during NSP.
Please list up to 3 activities
Will you be bringing your own transportation during NSP?
( SVP = Summer Vestibule Program )
List any food or beverages that you don't consume
How did you learn about the New Signers Program?

Emergency Contact Information

Contact Address Info

(if different from applicant)

Alternate Contact Info

Alternate contact in the event your emergency contact is not available

Program Commitment