News by Topic: Partnerships

Cooperation brings out the best in us, and that’s no different at the university level. RIT is proud to partner with multiple companies and fellow universities to find novel breakthroughs in technology and create exciting new experiences for students.

  • August 14, 2019

    Overhead view of students working on laptops at table.

    Program gives new pathway to RIT for students of area community colleges

    Under the new program, first-year students at Monroe, Finger Lakes or Genesee Community colleges can enroll to complete a bachelor’s degree from RIT. The students would attend RIT for their second year, and after completing that year, would receive their associate degree from their community college. They would then go on to finish their bachelor’s degree from RIT.

  • August 6, 2019

    Artist rendering of glass building.

    Global Cybersecurity Institute to open in 2020

    Cybercrime is costing the world trillions of dollars, and analysts say that there aren’t enough qualified professionals to prevent those attacks. To address this problem, RIT is creating the Global Cybersecurity Institute (GCI), aimed at meeting the demand for computing security and artificial intelligence professionals, while developing future technologies, protocols and human understanding needed to address the global cybersecurity crisis.

  • June 20, 2019

    two people standing in lab.

    Podcast: Discovering New Bacterial Properties and Growing New Scientists  

    Intersections: The RIT Podcast, Ep. 17: Science professor André Hudson mentored three area high school students, and their collaboration led to the discovery that a rare bacterium kills E. coli and B. subtilis. The group published their findings in an academic journal. Hudson talks with Kit Mayberry, RIT vice president for strategic planning and special initiatives, about what he learned about himself as a teacher and a scientist on the project.

  • May 29, 2019

    Adult students conduct experiment with protractor.

    East House James Papero Enrichment Program to open at RIT on June 3

    Forty-five East House clients will visit RIT in June to take part in a two-week enrichment program designed to encourage participants, who are recovering from mental health or substance use disorders, to pursue educational goals to achieve independence and self-sufficiency.

  • May 29, 2019

    Student wearing headphones using music keyboard connected to computer monitor.

    RIT experts shine at Rochester’s Light and Sound Interactive Conference June 25-27

    RIT experts will help Rochester push the edge of light- and sound-based technologies at the Light and Sound Interactive conference. The event aims to spur economic growth, as leading technologists and innovators come to Rochester for collaboration on the future of light-and-sound based technologies, applications and emerging industries.

  • May 28, 2019

    Overhead shot of umbrellas.

    RIT students, faculty and alumni take Manhattan for stellar Design Week

    Students, faculty, staff and alumni from RIT’s College of Art and Design descended on Manhattan last week for NYCxDesign—New York City’s annual celebration of design that attracts hundreds of thousands from across the globe—that included a memorable celebration on the iconic Sesame Street.

  • May 15, 2019

    Student wearing eye-tracking headset stands with another student holding laptop.

    RIT research helps artificial intelligence be more accurate, fair and inclusive

    RIT has received a grant from the National Science Foundation to help make artificial intelligence smarter and more inclusive. The grant creates the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site in Computational Sensing for Human-centered AI and will allow a total of 30 undergraduate students from across the country to spend 10 weeks at RIT.