Faculty Scholarship 2010

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Anurag Agarwal

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Agarwal, Anurag. “Representation Numbers and Prague Dimension of Graphs.” MAA Seaway Section Meeting. Plattsburgh, NY. 15-16 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Agarwal, A., M. Lopez, and D.A. Narayan. “Representations for complete graphs minus a disjoint union of paths.” Journal of Cominatorial Mathematics and Cominatoral Computing, 72 (Feb 2010): 173-180. Print. «

Agarwal, A. and J.E. Marengo. “The Locus of the Focus of a rolling parabola.” The College Mathematics Journal, 41.2 (March 2010): 129-133. Print. «

Agarwal, S. and A. Agarwal. “Investigating the nature of knowledge of mathematics required for teaching of functions.” Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2009-10. Print. «

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Ephraim Agyingi

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Agyingi E, S. Magglelakis, D. Ross. “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy vs de-oxygenation therapy in wound healing.” SIAM Conference on Life Sciences. Pittsburgh, PA. 12-15 July 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Agyingi E., S. Maggelakis, D. Ross. “The effect of bacteria on epidermal wound healing.” Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, 5.3 (2010): 28-39. Print. *

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David Axon

Research Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Privon, G., S.A. Baum, C.P. O’Dea, D.J. Axon, Robinson, J.F. Gallimore, and J. Noel-Storr. “Modeling the Infrared Emission from Cygnus A.” American Astronomical Society, 215th Meeting. Washington, DC. Jan. 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Gallimore, J.F., A. Yzaguirre, J. Jakoboski, M.J. Stevenosky, D.J. Axon, S.A. Baum, C.L. Buchanan, Elvis, Elitzur, C.P. O’Dea, Robinson. “Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Seyfert Galaxies: Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of the 12 μm Sample of Active Galaxies.” Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 187 (2010): 172-211. Print. "  £

Baum, S.A., J.F. Gallimore, C.P. O’Dea, C.L Buchanan, J. Noel-Storr, D.J. Axon, Robinson, Elitzur, Dorn, and Staudaher, Elvis. “Infrared Diagnostics for the Extended 12 micron Sample of Seyferts.” Astrophysical Journal, 17 (2010): 298-308. Print. " £

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Gregory Babbitt

Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Kim Y., J.H. Lee, and G.A. Babbitt. “The enrichment of TATA box and the scarcity of depleted-proximal-nucleosome in the promoters of duplicated yeast genes.” Journal of Molecular Evolution, 70.1 (2010): 69-73. Print. «

Babbitt, G.A., M.Y. Tolstorukov, and Y. Kim. “The molecular evolution of nucleosome positioning through sequence-dependent deformation of the DNA polymer. Special issue - current perspective in nucleosome positioning.” Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 27.6 (2010): 765-780. Print. «

Babbitt, G.A. “Relaxed Selection Against Accidental Blinding of Transcription Factors with Conserved Chromatin Contexts.” GENE, 466 (2010): 43-48. Print.

Babbitt G.A. and C.R. Cotter. “Functional conservation of nucleosome formation selectively biases presumably neutral molecular variation in yeast genomes.” Genome Biology and Evolution, (2010): n.p. Web.

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Stefi A. BaumDirector, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Christiansen, K.P., C.P. O’Dea, J. Noel-Storr, and S.A. Baum. “Chandra Observations Of Cooling Flows And Brightest Cluster Galaxies.” American Astronomical Society, 216th Meeting. Miami, FL. May 2010. Presentation. " 

Smith, J. Noel-Storr, S.A. Baum, and C.P. O’Dea. “Methodology for Source Extraction in Radio Astronomical Data Cubes.” American Astronomical Society, 216th Meeting. Miami, FL. May 2010. Presentation. " 

Privon, G., S.A. Baum, C.P. O’Dea, D.J. Axon, Robinson, J.F. Gallimore, and J. Noel-Storr. “Modeling the Infrared Emission from Cygnus A.” American Astronomical Society, 215th Meeting. Washington, DC. Jan. 2010. Presentation. " 

McCoy, Melia, J. Noel-Storr, S.A. Baum, and C.P. O’Dea. “The Life Cycles of Radio Galaxies.” American Astronomical Society, 216th Meeting. Miami, FL. 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Michael, S.A. Baum, T.W. White, et al. “Does Function Follow Form: Methods to Fuse Structural and Functional Brain Images Show Decreased Linkage in Schizophrenia.” Neroimage, 49.3 (2010): 2626-2637. Print. £

Daly, R.A., P. Kharb, C.P. O’Dea, S.A. Baum, S.A., M.P. Mory, McKane, Altenderfer, and A. Beury. “Detailed Study of the Lobes of Eleven Powerful Radio Galaxies.” Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 87 (2010): 1-61 Print. " £

Gallimore, J.F., A. Yzaguirre, J. Jakoboski, M.J. Stevenosky, D.J. Axon, S.A. Baum, C.L. Buchanan, Elitzur, Elvis, C.P. O’Dea and Robinson. “Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Seyfert Galaxies: Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of the 12 μm Sample of Active Galaxies.” Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 187 (2010): 172-211. Print. " £

O’Dea, K.P., A.C. Quillen, C.P. O’Dea, G.R. Tremblay, Snios, Christiansen, S.A. Baum, J. Noel-Storr, Edge, M. Donahue, and Voit. “Hubble Space Telescope Far-ultraviolet Observations of Brightest Cluster Galaxies: The Role of Star Formation in Cooling Flows and BCG Evolution.” Astrophysical Journal, 719 (2010): 1619-1632. Print. " £

Baum, S.A., J.F. Gallimore, C.P. O’Dea, C.L. Buchanan, J. Noel-Storr, D.J. Axon, Robinson, Elitzur, Dorn, Staudaher, and Elvis. “Infrared Diagnostics for the Extended 12 micron Sample of Seyferts.” Astrophysical Journal, 170 (2010): 298-308. Print. " £

Perlman, E.S., C.A. Padgett, Georganopoulos, D.M. Worrall, J.H. Kastner, Franz, Birkinshaw, Dulwich, C.P. O’Dea, S.A. Baum, W.B. Sparks, J.A. Biretta, L. Lara, Jester and Martel. “A Multi-wavelength Spectral and Polarimetric Study of the Jet of 3C264.” Astrophysical Journal, 708 (2010): 171-187. Print. " £

Tremblay, G.R., C.P. O’Dea, S.A. Baum, A.M. Koekemoer, W.B. Sparks, G. de Bruyn, and A.P. Schoenmaker, “Episodic Star Formation Coupled to Reignition of Radio Activity in 3C236.” Astrophysical Journal, 715 (2010): 172. Print. £

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Roy BernsHunter Chair, Director of the Munsell Color Science Lab

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Berns, R.S., “Designing white LED lighting for the display of art: A feasibility study.” Color Research and Application, (2010). 1-11. Web. £

Berns, R.S., and B. Hou. “RIT-DuPong supra-threshold color- tolerance individual color-difference pair dataset.” Color Research and Application, 35.1 (2010): 274-283. Web. " £

Berns, R.S., and S. Shen. “Modeling lightness dependencies in color-difference formulas.” 11th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 2009), AIC, AIC 2009, 2010. n.p. Print.

Berns, R.S., and M.I. Haddock. “A color target for museum applications.” 18th Color Imaging Conference, IS&T/SID, 2010. 27-32. Print. " 

Heckaman, R.L., and R.S. Berns. “GO Colorants.” IST 2010, IS&T/SID, 18th Color Imaging Conference, 2010. 260-265. Print. " 

Derhak, M.W., and R.S. Berns. “Comparing LabPQR and the spectral gamut mapping framework.” IS&T/SID, 18th Color Imaging Conference, 2010. 206-212. Print. " 

Chen, P. , M.D. Fairchild, and R.S. Berns. “Scaling lightness perception and differences above and below diffuse white.” IS&T/SID, 18th Color Imaging Conference, 2010. 42-48. Print. " 

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Bernard Brooks

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Brooks, Bernard. “Rumour Propagation on Social Networks as a Function of Diversity.” Fifth International Workshop on Dynamics of Social and Economical Systems. Benevento, Italy. 23 Sept. 2010. Presentation.

Brooks, Bernard. “Discrete Diffusion in Systems of 1st Order Difference Equations.” AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting. Syracuse, NY. 2 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

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Nathan Cahill

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Cahill, Nathan D., J.A. Noble, and D.J. Hawkes. “Extending the Quadratic Taxonomy of Regularizers for Nonparametric Registration.” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing, 7623 (February 2010): 0B-1- 0B-12. Print. *

Cahill, Nathan D., J.A. Noble, and D.J. Hawkes. “Accounting for Changing Overlap in Variational Image Registration.” Proceedings International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 2010: 384-387. Print. *

Cahill, Nathan D. “Normalized Measures of Mutual Information with General De nitions of Entropy for Multimodal Image Registration.” Proceedings International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, LNCS 6204 (July 2010): 258 - 268. Print. «

May, Brandon B., N.D. Cahill, and M.R. Rosen. “Calibration of a Multi-Projector System for Display on a Cylindrical Surface.” Proceedings IEEE Western NY Image Processing Workshop, November 2010. 6-9. Print. " É *

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Cara Calvelli

Associate Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Calvelli, Cara. “LeClair Bissel Memorial Lecture. Cat Meets Owl: Reigniting the Spark of Curiosity Through the Art of Observation.” Women in Medicine 2010 Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA. 28 May 2010. Presentation.

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Manuela CampanelliDirector, Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Campanelli, Manuela. “Simulations of Binary Black Hole Mergers.” Physics Club Colloquium. Department of Physics. Yale University, 6 December 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Full Numerical Simulations of Black-Hole Binaries Mergers.” Joint MIT/Tufts/Harvard Cosmology Seminar. Institute for Theory and Computation (ITC) at the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). 30 November 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Wave Astrophysics.” GRAILS Seminar. Kavili Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. Cambridge, MA. 29 November 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Numerical Relativity.” GW2010 Conference. Minneapolis, MN. 14-16 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Numerical Relativity.” 20th anniversary conference at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP). Kyoto, Japan. 21-25 Sept. 2010. Presentation. " 

Campanelli, Manuela. “Black-hole Science with LISA.” 19th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR19). Mexico City, Mexico. 5—9 July 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Binary Black Hole Mergers and Gravitational Recoils.” Colloquium. US Naval Research Laboratory. 27 May 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Nakano, Hiroyuki, M. Campanelli, C. Lousto, and Y. Zlochower. “Perturbative effects of spinning black holes with applications to recoil velocities.” Classical Quantum Gravity, (2010). arXiv:1011.2767 [gr-qc]. Web. "  É  «

Zlochower, Yosef, M. Campanelli, and C. Lousto. “Modeling Gravitational Recoil Using Numerical Relativity.” Classical Quantum Gravity, (2010). arXiv:1011.2210 [gr-qc]. Web."  É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, and M. Campanelli. “Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Intertwining Numerical and Perturbative Techniques.” Physical Review D, (2010). arXiv:1008.4360 [gr-qc]. Web. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, and M. Campanelli. “Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Numerical Relativity meets Perturbation Theory.” Physical Review Letters, (2010). arXiv:0904.3541 [gr-qc]. Web. É  «

Campanelli, Manuela, C.O. Lousto, B.C. Mundim, H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, and H. Bischof. “Advances in Simulations of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 084034. arXiv:1001.3834 [gr-qc]. Web. É  «

Kelly, Bernard J., W. Tichy, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli, and B. Whiting. “Post-Newtonian Initial Data with Waves: Progress in Evolution.” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 114005. arXiv:0912.5311 [gr-qc]. Web. " É «

Lousto, Carlos , H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, and M.Campanelli. “Statistical Studies of Spinning Black Hole Binaries.” Physical Review D, 81 (2010): 084023. arXiv:0904.3541 [gr-qc]. Web. É «

Campanelli, Manuela, C.O. Lousto, H. Nakano, and Y. Zlochower. “Remnant Masses, Spins and Recoils from the Merger of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 114006.arXiv:0904.3541 [gr-qc]. Web. «

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Linlin Chen

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Chen, Linlin. “Overcoming Adverse Effects of Correlations in Microarray Data Analysis.” 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings. Vancouver, Canada. August, 2010. Presentation.

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Jeremy Cody

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Cody, Jeremy. “Innovative studio-based approach to teaching organic chemistry.” 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting. Boston, MA. 24 August 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Cody, Jeremy, I. Ahmed, D. Tusch. “Studies toward the total synthesis of eletefine: an efficient construction of the AB ring system.” Tetrahedron Letters, 51.42 (2010): 5585—5587. Print. "  É  *

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Michael Coleman

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Coleman, Michael G., A.N. Brown, B.A. Bolton, H. Guan. “Iron-Catalyzed Oppenauer-Type Oxidation of Alcohols.” Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 352.6 (2010): 967-970. Print. «

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Christopher CollisonCore Faculty, Microsystems Engineering and Polymer Photovoltaics Group Leader, NanoPower Research Laboratory

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Collison, Christopher. “Strategies for improved efficiency and sustainability of bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic devices.” Chemistry Department Seminar. University of Maryland. 15 September 2010. Presentation. " 

Collison, Chris, Amber Monfette, Jessica Alexander, Jason Staub, Annick Anctil, Paul Jarosz, Susan Spencer and Harry Hu. “Potential New Candidates for Near-Infra-Red-Absorbing Active Layers in Multijunction Organic Photovoltaics: Characterization and Performance.” MRS National Spring Meeting Organic Photovoltaic Science and Technology symposium. San Francisco, CA. 8 April 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Collison, Christopher J., Susan Spencer, Amber Monfette, Jessica Alexander, and Jason Staub. “New candidates for near-infra-red-absorbing active layers in multijunction organic photovoltaics: Characterization and performance”. Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 20-25 June 2010. 1601-1606. Print. "  É 

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Sandra Connelly

Assistant Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Tucker, AJ., C.E. Williamson, K.C. Rose, J.T. Oris, S.J. Connelly, M.H. Olson, D.L. Mitchell. “Ultraviolet radiation affects invasibility of lake ecosystems by warm-water fish.” Ecology, 91:3 (2010): 882-890. Print. «

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Paul Craig

Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Craig, P.A., E. Federici, and M. Buehler. “Instructing Students in Academic Integrity.” Journal of College Science Teaching, 40.2 (2010): 50-55. Print. "  *

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Roger Easton

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Book

Easton, R. Fourier Methods in Imaging. United Kingdom: John Wiley and Sons, 2010. Print. " 

Published Article

Easton, R.L., and W. Noel. “Infinite Possibilities: Ten Years of Study of the Archimedes Palimpsest.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154.1 (2010): 50-76. Print. £

“The Archimedes Palimpsest.” Eikonopoiia, Digital Imaging of Ancient Textual Heritage: Technological Challenges and Solutions, 2010. 3-26. Print. "  £

Christens-Barry, W.A., K. Boydston, and R.L. Easton. “Some Properties of Textual Heritage Materials of Importance in Spectral 27 Imaging Projects.” Proceedings of Eikonopoiia, Eikonopoiia, Digital Imaging of Ancient Textual Heritage: Technological Challenges and Solutions, 2010. 27-38. Print. £

Bloechl, K., H. Hamlin, and R.L. Easton. “Text Recovery from the Ultraviolet-Fluorescent Spectrum for Treatises of the Archimedes Palimpsest.” Proceedings of the SPIE, Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art, 2010. n.p. Print. " 

Easton, R.L., K.T. Knox, W.A. Christens-Barry, K. Boydston, M.B. Toth, D. Emery, and W. Noel. “Standardized system for multispectral imaging of palimpsests.” Proceedings of the SPIE, Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art, 2010. n.p. Print. " 

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Alan EntenbergPhD in physics

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Razdan, M., A. Entenberg, T. Debies, B. Parekh,P. Rai and G. A. Takacs, “Surface Modification of Poly(biphenyl dianhydride-para-Phenylene diamine)(BPDA-PDA) and Poly (pyromellitic dianhydride-oxydianiline)(PMDA-ODA) Polyimides with UV Photo-oxidation”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24 (2010): 1153-1166. Print. " 

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Irene M Evans

School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Tra, Y.V., I.M. Evans. “Microarray Data Analysis Course: An Interdisciplinary Course Bridging the Disciplines of Mathematics and Biology.” CBE-Life Sciences Education, 9.3 (2010): 217-26. Print. É  *

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Mark FairchildColor Science Masters and PhD Program Coordinator; Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Kuang, J., R.L. Heckaman, and M.D. Fairchild. “Evaluation of HDR tone mapping algorithms using a high-dynamic-range display to emulate real scenes.” Journal of the Society of Information Display, 18 (2010): 461-468. Print. £

Katayama, and M.D. Fairchild. “Quantitative evaluation of perceived whiteness based on a color vision model.” Color Research and Application, 35 (2010): 410-418. Print. £

Johnson, G.M., X. Song, E.D. Montag and M.D. Fairchild, M.D. “Derivation of a color space for image color difference measurement.” Color Research and Application, 35 (2010): 387-400. Print. £

Fairchild, M.D. “Color appearance models and complex visual stimuli.” Journal of Dentistry, 38.s2 (2010): e25-e33. Print. £

Fairchild, M.D., and D.R. Wyble. “hdr-CIELAB and hdr-IPT: Simple Models for Describing the Color of High-Dynamic-Range and Wide-Color-Gamut Images.” IS&T/SID, IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference, 2010. n.p. Print.

Chen, P., M.D. Fairchild, and R.S. Berns. “Scaling lightness perception and differences above and below diffuse white.” IS&T/SID, 18th Color Imaging Conference, 2010. 42-48. Print. " 

Fairchild, M.D., ”Stimulating future color imaging scientists and engineers.” IS&T/SID, 18th Color Imaging Conference, 2010. 38-41. Print.

Fairchild, M.D., “Still photography throwdown: Silver halide vs. silicon.” IS&T/SID, 18th Color Imaging Conference, 2010. n.p. Print.

Fairchild, M.D.,“The perceptibility of video artifacts: A perspective from color science.” VPQM, 5th International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics, 2010. n.p. Print.

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David Farnsworth

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Long, Michael and David Farnsworth. "Modeling the random component of manufacturing yield of integrated circuits." International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2.6 (2010): 1-4. Print.

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Raluca Felea

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Felea, Raluca. “FIOs with open umbrellas. Special section on harmonic analysis and PDEs.” 2010 Spring Western Section Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. 17-18 April 2010. Presentation.

Felea, Raluca. “FIOs with fold and cusp singularities. Special Session on Inverse Problems, Riemann-Hilbert Problems, and Nonlinear Dispersive Equations.” 2010 Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting. Lexington, KY. 27-28 March 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Felea, Raluca and Alan Greenleaf. “FIOs with open umbrellas and seismic inversion for cusp caustics.” Mathematics Research Letters, 17.5 (2010): 867-886. Print. *

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James Ferwerda

Associate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Ferwerda, J.A., Phillips. “Effects of image dynamic range on perceived surface gloss.” Vision Sciences Society, VSS 2010. Naples, FL. 2010. Presentation. " 

Zhang, J.A. Ferwerda, “A low-cost, color-calibrated, reflective high dynamic range display.” Vision Sciences Society, VSS 2010. Naples, FL. 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Krivanek, J.J., J.A. Ferwerda and K.K. Bala. ”Effects of global illumination approximations on material appearance.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2010. n.p. Print. £

Ferwerda, J.A., Kalghatgi, B.A. Darling. “A psychophysical analysis of the touch-up problem.” 18th Color Imaging Conference, IS&T, 2010. n.p. Print.

Zhang, J.A. Ferwerda. “Appearance-based image splitting for HDR displays.” 18th Color Imaging Conference, IS&T, 2010. n.p. Print.

Ferwerda, J.A., Selens, Pellacini. “Perception of lighting errors in image compositing.” 18th Color Imaging Conference, IS&T, 2010. n.p. Print.

Ferwerda, J.A. “The medium and the message: a revisionist view of image quality.” Proceedings SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘10 (Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XV), SPIE, HVEI, 7257 0J (2010): n.p. Print.

Darling, B.A., J.A. Ferwerda, “Tangible Display Systems: direct interfaces for computer-based studies of surface appearance.” Proceedings SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘10 (Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XV), SPIE, HVEI, 7257 0Z (2010): 1-12. Print. " 

Phillips, J.A. Ferwerda and Nunziata. “Gloss discrimination and eye movements.” Proceedings SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘10 (Human Vision and Electronic Imaging), SPIE, HVEI, 7257 0Z (2010): 1-12. Print. " 

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Scott Franklin

Associate Professor
Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Trepanier, Melissa and Scott V. Franklin. “Column collapse of granular rods." Physical Review E, 82 (2010): 011308. Print. "  É  *

Clark, Jessica, E. Sayre, and S. Franklin, “Fluctuations in Student Understanding of Newton’s 3rd Law." Proceedings of the 2010 Physics Education Research Conference, 2010. n.p. Print. "  É  *

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Alfred Garrett

Affiliate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Garrett, A.J., C. Salvaggio, M.V. Casterline. “Thermodynamics of partially frozen cooling lakes.” Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE Defense and Security, Thermosense XXXII, Utilities and Fluid Dynamics, 7661 (April 2010): n.p. Print. " 

Casterline, M.V., C. Salvaggio, A.J. Garrett, J.W. Faulring, B.D. Bartlett, and P.S. Salvaggio, “Improved temperature retrieval methods for the validation of a hydrodynamic simulation of a partially frozen power plant cooling lake.” Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE Defense and Security, Thermosense XXXII, Utilities and Fluid Dynamics, 7661 April (2010): n.p. Print. " 

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Hamad GhazleDirector of Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program

School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Ghazle, H. “Academic Senates and Governance”. Annual Conference on the State of Higher Education. American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Washington, DC. June 2010. Presentation.

Ghazle, H. ”Ultrasound Harmonics Imaging Techniques.” Rochester Vascular 2010: What’s New in Vascular Medicine, Surgery, and Interventional Care Conference. Rochester, NY. May 2010. Presentation.

Ghazle, H. “Here are Some TIPS: Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt Pre and post-procedure imaging tips.” Rochester Vascular 2010: What’s New in Vascular Medicine, Surgery, and Interventional Care Conference. Rochester, NY. May 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Ghazle, Hamad, and M. Abu-Yousef. “Stent-Induced Cholangitis Mimicking Biliary Dilatation on Sonography.” Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 26.4 (2010): 178-182. Print. «

Pino, Chelsea, H. Ghazle, S. Bhatt, and V. Dogra. “Schwannoma of the Tibial Nerve.” Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 26.4 (2010): 205-208. Print. "  «

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Marvin Gruber

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Gruber, Marvin H.J. “Some Interesting Properties of the Liu Estimator.” American Statistical Association. Vancouver, British Columbia. 8 April 2010. Presentation.

Published Book

Gruber, Marvin H.J. Regression Estimators a Comparative Study. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Print.

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Jinwei Gu

Assistant Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Gu, J., Y. Hitomi, T. Mitsunaga and S. Nayar. “Coded Rolling Shutter Photography: Flexible Space-Time Sampling.” IEEE Computer Society, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), March 2010. n.p. Print.

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Tony HarkinDirector, Center for Applied & Computational Mathematics

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Hollenbeck, Dawn, Michael K Martini, Andreas Langner, Anthony Harkin, David Ross, and George Thurston. “Model for evaluating patterned charge-regulation contributions to electrostatic interactions between low-dielectric spheres.” Physical Review E, 82.3 (2010): n.p. Web. "  *

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Maria Helguera

Assistant Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Pow, J., R. Callens, M. Helguera. “The Effectiveness Of Research Internships For Recruiting High School Students Into Specialized Technical Degree Programs.” Proceedings of the INTED2010 Conference, International Association of Technology, Education and Development, March 2010. n.p. Print.

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Ian Hodge

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Hodge, Ian M. and R. Heslin. “Effects of thermal history on enthalpy relaxation in glasses 7. Thermal time constants” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356 (2010): 1479-1487. Print. "  *

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Dawn Hollenbeck

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Hollenbeck, Dawn, et al. “Model for evaluating patterned charge regulation contribution to electrostatic interactions between proteins.” March Meeting American Physical Society. Portland, OR. 16 Mar. 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Hollenbeck, Dawn, et al. “Model for evaluating patterned charge regulation contribution to electrostatic interactions between low dielectric spheres.” Physical Review E, 82 (2010): 031402. Print. "  É  «

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Joseph Hornak

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Book

The Basics of MRI. Software by J.P. Hornak, 2010. Software.

Published Article

Hornak, J.P. , G. Ferrante, A. Coy, and E.R. McCarney. “A Possible Difference in the Surface Relaxivity of Costal and Inland Sands.” TOMRJ, 3 (2010): 52-56. Print. Ëœ

Moon, S.Y., J.P. Hornak. ”A Volume Resolution Phantom for MRI.” Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 28 (2010): 286-289. Print. "  Ëœ

View All Submissions

Seth HubbardAssistant Professor of Physics and Microsystems Engineering, Graduate Faculty Golisano Institute for Sustainability

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Forbes,D., S. Hubbard, R. Raffaelle, and J.S. McNatt. “Au-catalyst - free epitaxy of InAs nanowires.” Journal of Crystal Growth, 312 (2010): 1391-1395. Print. É  *

Hubbard, S.M. “Quantum Dot Solar Cells.” in Nano- technology for photovoltaics. Ed. L. Tsakalakos. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2010. n.p. Print. É 

Bailey, Christopher G., Stephen J. Polly, Joanne Okvath, David V. Forbes, Cory D. Cress, Seth M. Hubbard, Ryne P. Raffaelle. “Temperature Dependent Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of InAs/GaAs Solar Cells.” Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 20-25 June 2010. n.p. Print. "  É 

Forbes, David V., Chris G. Bailey, Stephen Polly, Chelsea Plourde, Joanne Okvath, Seth M. Hubbard, Ryne P. Raffaelle, “Substrate Orientation Effects on Quantum Dot Enhanced GaAs Solar Cells.” Proceedings of 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2010. n.p. Print. "  É 

Hubbard, Seth M., Chelsea Plourde, Zac Bittner, Christopher G. Bailey, Mike Harris, Tim Bald, Mitch Bennett, David V. Forbes, Ryne Raffaelle, “InAs Quantum Dot Enhancement of GaAs Solar Cells.” Proceedings of 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2010. n.p. Print. "  É 

Polly,Stephen J., Michael L. Harris, Zac Bittner, Chelsea R. Plourde, Christopher G. Bailey, David V. Forbes and Seth M. Hubbard. “Effect of Cell Size on GaAs Concentrators with InAs Quantum Dots.” Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 20-25 June 2010. 2057-2061. Print. "  É 

View All Submissions

Emmett Ientilucci

Assistant Research Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Matteoli, S., E.J. Ientilucci, J.P. Kerekes. “Operational and performance considerations of radiative transfer modeling in hyperspectral target detection.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, (2010): 1-13. Print. £

Ientilucci, E.J., P. Bajorski, “Hyperspectral target detection in a whitened space utilizing forward modeling concepts.” Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, 1.2 (2010): n.p. Print. £

McGlinchy, J., J.A. van Aardt, H.E. Rhody, J.P. Kerekes, E.J. Ientilucci, G.P. Asner, D. Knapp, R. Mathieu, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, B.F. Erasmus, K. Wessels, I.P. Smit, J. Wu, D. Sarrazin. “Extracting Structural Land Cover Components using Small footprint Waveform Lidar Data.” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2010. n.p. Print. " 

Gillis, D., J. Bowles, E.J. Ientilucci. “Results of GLMM-based target detection on the RIT data set.” Defense and Security Symposium, April 2010. n.p. Print.

Matteoli, S., E.J. Ientilucci, J.P. Kerekes, “Characterization of Physics-based Radiative Transfer Modeling Parameters for a Blind Test Airborne Hyperspectral Data Set.” Proceedings of Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI, Defense and Security Symposium, 7695 (April 2010): n.p. Print.

View All Submissions

Jobby Jacob

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Jacob, Jobby. “Irreducible No-Hole L(2, 1) Labelings of Some Classes of Graphs.” Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Francisco, CA. January 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

Baasansuren Jadamba

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Eck, Ch., B. Jadamba and P. Knabner. “Error Estimates for a Finite Element Discretization of a Phase Field Model for Mixtures.” SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 47.6 (2010): 4429-4445. Print. *

View All Submissions

Garrett Johnson

Affiliate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Johnson, G.M., X. Song, E.D. Montag, M.D. Fairchild. “Derivation of a color space for image color difference measurement.” Color Research and Application, 35 (2010): 387-400. Print. £

View All Submissions

Joel Kastner

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Perlman, E.S. C.A. Padgett, Georganopoulos, D.M. Worrall, J.H. Kastner, Franz, Birkinshaw, Dulwich, C.P. O’Dea, S.A. Baum, W.B. Sparks, J.A. Biretta, L. Lara, Jester, Martel. “A Multi-wavelength Spectral and Polarimetric Study of the Jet of 3C264.” Astrophysical Journal, 708 (2010): 171. Print. "  £

Kastner, J.H., C.L. Buchanan, R. Sahai, W.J. Forrest, B.A. Sargent. “The Dusty Circumstellar Disks of B[e] Supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds.” Astronomical Journal,139 (2010): 1993-2002. Print. "  £

Hamaguchi, K., N. Grosso, J.H. Kastner, D.A. Weintraub, M. Richmond, Suzaku. “Observation of Strong Fluorescent Iron Line Emission from the Young Stellar Object V1647 ORI During its New X-ray Outburst.” Astrophysical Journal Letter, 714 (2010): L16-L20. Print. £

Antonini, F., R. Montez, J.H. Kastner, H.E. Bond, N. Soker, R. Tylenda, S. Starrfield, E, Behar. “XMM-Newton Detection of a Transient X-ray Source in the Vicinity of V838 Monocerotis.” Astrophysical Journal, 717 (2010): 795-802. Print. "  £

J.H., R. Montez, D. Rodriguez, N. Grosso, Zuckerman, M.D. Perrin, T. Forveille, J.R. Graham. “Chandra X-ray Detection of the Enigmatic Field Star BP Psc.” Astrophysical Journal Letters, 719 (2010): L65-L68. Print. "  £

Rodriguez, D., J.H. Kastner, D.J. Wilner, Qi. “Imaging the Molecular Disk Orbiting the Twin Young Suns of V4046 Sgr.” Astrophysical Journal, 720 (2010): 1684-1690. Print. £

Montez, R., O. De Marco, J.H. Kastner, Y. Chu. “X-ray Emission from the Binary Central Stars of the Planetary Nebulae HFG 1, DS 1, and LoTr 5.” Astrophysical Journal, 721 (2010): 1820-1828. Print. "  £

Grosso, N., K. Hamaguchi, J.H. Kastner, M. Richmond, D.A. Weintraub. “A few days before the end of the 2008 extreme outburst of EX Lupi: accretion shocks and a smothered stellar corona unveiled by XMM-Newton.” Astronomy & Astrophysics, 522 (2010): n.p. Print. £

Kastner, J.H., Hily-Blant, G.G. Sacco, T. Forveille, Zuckerman. “Detection of a Molecular Disk Orbiting the Nearby, ‘old,’ Classical T Tauri Star MP Muscae.” Astrophysical Journal Letters, 723 (2010): L248-L251. Print. " £

View All Submissions

John Kerekes

Associate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Matteoli, S., E.J. Ientilucci, J.P. Kerekes. “Operational and performance considerations of radiative transfer modeling in hyperspectral target detection.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, (2010): 1-13. Print. £

Stefanou, M.S., J.P. Kerekes. “Image-Derived Prediction of Spectral Image Utility for Target Detection Applications.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48.5 (2010): 1827-1833. Print. "  £

King, K.C., J.P. Kerekes. “Development of a Web-based Blind Test to Score and Rank Hyperspectral Classification Algorithms.” Proceedings of the 2010 Western NY Image Processing Workshop, IEEE, Nov. 2010. n.p. Print. "  £

Lu, Z., A.C. Rice, J.R. Vasquez, J.P. Kerekes. “Target Discrimination Via Optimal Wavelength Band Selection With Synthetic Hyperspectral Imagery.” Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, IEEE, June 2010. n.p. Print. £

Presnar, M.D., J.P. Kerekes, D.R. Pogorzala. “Dynamic Image Simulations for Adaptive Sensor Performance Predictions.” Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, IEEE, June 2010. n.p. Print. "  £

McGlinchy, J., J.A. van Aardt, H.E. Rhody, J.P. Kerekes, E.J. Ientilucci, G.P. Asner, D. Knapp, R. Mathieu, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, B.F. Erasmus, K. Wessels, I.P. Smit, J. Wu, D. Sarrazin. “Extracting Structural Land Cover Components using Small--footprint Waveform Lidar Data.” Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, IGARSS, July 2010. n.p. Print. " 

Simmons, D., D.P. Kerekes, D. Rahn, A.K. Shaw, J.I. Medford. “Hyperspectral Imaging Phenomenology of Genetically Engineered Plant Sentinels.” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, IGARSS, July 2010. 3386-3389. Print. " 

Presnar, M.D., J.P. Kerekes, “Modeling and Measurement of Optical Polarimetric Image Phenomenology in a Complex Urban Environment.” Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, IGARSS, July 2010. 4389-4392. Print. " 

Kerekes, J.P. “Application-driven Spectral Image Quality Assessment and Prediction.” OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, Digital Image Processing and Analysis, (2010): n.p. Print.

Fourspring, K.D., Z. Ninkov, J.P. Kerekes, J.P. “Scattered light in a DMD based multi-object spectrometer.” Proceedings of Modern Technologies in Space-and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE, SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation, 7739 (June 2010): 1-9. Print. " 

Kerekes, J.P., D.K. Snyder. “Unresolved Target Detection Blind Test Project Overview.” Proceedings of Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI, SPIE Defense and Security, 7695 (April 2010): n.p. Print. " 

Kerekes, J.P., C. Hart, M.G. Gartley, B.D. Bartlett, C. Nance. “Characterization of material reflectance variation through measurement and simulation.” Proceedings of Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI, Defense and Security Symposium, 7695, April 2010. n.p. Print.

Matteoli, S., E.J. Ientilucci, J.P. Kerekes. “Characterization of Physics-based Radiative Transfer Modeling Parameters for a Blind Test Airborne Hyperspectral Data Set.” Proceedings of Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI, Defense and Security Symposium, 7695 (April 2010): n.p. Print.

Presnar, M.D., A.D. Raisanen, D.R. Pogorzala, J.P. Kerekes, A.C. Rice. “Dynamic Scene Generation, Multimodal Sensor Design, and Target Tracking Demonstration for Hyperspectral/ Polarimetric Performance-Driven Sensing.” Proceedings of Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing IX, SPIE, Defense, Security, and Sensing, 7672 76720T (April 2010): 1-12. Print. " 

Fourspring, K.D., Z. Ninkov, J.P. Kerekes. “Subpixel Scatter in Digital Micromirror Devices.” Proceedings Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications II, Photonics West, 7596 (January 2010): n.p. Print. " 

View All Submissions

Akhtar Khan

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Khan, Akhtar. “Inverse Problems for Variational Equations and Quasi-variational Inequalities.” International Congress of Mathematicians 2010. Hyderabad, India. August 2010. Presentation.

Khan, Akhtar. ”Ill-posed Quasi-Variational Inequalities.” International Conference on Mathematics and Applications. New Delhi, India. 15-17 Aug. 2010. Presentation.

Khan, Akhtar. “Stability Analysis of the Modified Output Least Squares for the Elliptic Inverse Problems.” Satellite Conference on Inverse Problems. New Delhi, India. 14 Aug. 2010. Presentation.

Khan, Akhtar. “Numerical Methods for Elliptic Inverse Problems.” International Conference on Optimization, Simulation and Control. Ulannbaatar, Mongolia. 25-28 July 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Khan, Akhtar, B. Jadamba, M.S. Gockenbach. “A Comparative Numerical Study of Optimization Approaches for elliptic Inverse Problems.” JMI International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1 (2010): 1-20. Print. *

Khan, Akhtar, B. Jadamba, B.D. Rouhani, F. Raciti. “Generalized solutions of multi-valued monotone quasi variational inequalities.” Optimization and Optimal Control: Theory and Applications, 2010. 227-240. Print. *

View All Submissions

Thomas Kim

Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Kim, Thomas and Paul Craig. “Introducing Proteomics in the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Simple 2D Gel Electrophoresis Exercise with Serum Proteins.” Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 38.1 (2010): 29-34. Print. *

Formal Presentation

Kim, Thomas. “Proteomic analysis of a nitric oxide synthase knockout mutant of Bacillus subtilis.” American Chemical Society National Meeting. Boston, MA. August 2010. Presentation. " 

View All Submissions

Chulmin Kim

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Kim, Chulmin. “A brief statistical analysis of speed change in long-distance race.” Spring Seaway Sectional Meeting, Mathematical Association of America. Oswego, NY. 24 Apr. 2010. Presentation.

Kim, Chulmin. “A salary model on baseball batters’ performance using K, a modification of OPS.” Fall 2010 Seaway Sectional Meeting, Mathematical Association of America. Plattsburgh, NY. 16 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Kim, Chulmin. “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Unconstrained Parameterization for the Covariance Structure of Multivariate Longitudinal Data.” Proceedings of JSM Biometrics Section: American Statistical Association, 2010. 2994-3008. Print.

Published Book

Kim, Chulmin. Semiotics: Theory and Applications. NY: Nova Publishers, 2010. Print.

View All Submissions

Karl KorfmacherEnvironmental Science Program Director

Associate Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Hawker, J. S., B. Comer, J.J. Corbett, A. Ghosh, K. Korfmacher, E. E. Lee, et al. “An Integrated Model to Study Environmental, Economic, and Energy Trade-Offs in Intermodal Freight Transportation.” International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) International Congress. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 5-8 July 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Comer, B., J.J. Corbett, J.S. Hawker, K. Korfmacher, E.E. Lee, C. Prokop, et al. “Marine Vessels as Substitutes for Heavy-Duty Trucks in Great Lakes Freight Transportation.” Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 60.7 (2010): 7. Print. "  É  ^

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Michael KotlarchykDepartment Head

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Kotlarchyk, Michael. “Characterization of Biomimetically -Templated Metallic Nanoparticles.” International Workshop on Dynamic Crossover Phenomena in Water and Other Glass-Forming Liquids. Florence, Italy. 11-13 Nov. 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

Robert Kremens

Associate Research Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Kremens, R.L., C.C. Hardy, M.B. Dickinson. “Modern developments for ground based monitoring of fire behavior and effects.” IAWF, 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference. Spokane, WA. November 2010. Presentation.

van Aardt, J.A., M. Arthur, G. Carmean, R.L. Kremens, J.W. Faulring, D. McKeown. “A Sampling Approach to Forest Fuel Load Assessment Across Different Fire Regimes in Eastern Deciduous Forests using Small-footprint Discrete Return Lidar.” American Society for Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. April 2010. Presentation.

Kremens, R.L., C.C. Hardy, M.B. Dickinson, “Time evolution of landscape patterns for different prescribed fire ignition methods.” Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting of the ESA. Pittsburgh, PA. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Kremens, R.L., A.M. Smith, M.B. Dickinson. “Fire Metrology: Current and future directions in physics-based measurements.” Fire Ecology, 6 (2010): 13-35. Print. £

Dickinson, M.B., Norris, R.L. Kremens, M.J. Lacki. “Effects of wildland fire smoke on a tree roosting bat: application of a plume model, field measurements, and mammalian dose-response relationships.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, (2010): n.p. Print. £

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Andreas Langner

Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Hollenbeck, Dawn, Michael K Martini, Andreas Langner, Anthony Harkin, David Ross, and George Thurston. “Model for evaluating patterned charge-regulation contributions to electrostatic interactions between low-dielectric spheres.” Physical Review E, 82. 3 (2010): n.p. Web. * Ëœ

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Carlos Lousto

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Lousto, Carlos. “Extreme-Mass-Ratio-Black-Hole-Binary Evolutions with Numerical Relativity.” 20th Annual Midwest Relativity Meeting. Guelph, Canada. 5-6 Nov. 2010. Presentation.

Lousto, Carlos. “Statistical Studies of Spinning Black-Hole Binaries.” American Physical Society Meeting. Washington, DC. 13-16 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Zlochower, Yosef, M. Campanelli, C.O. Lousto. “Modeling Gravitational Recoil Using Numerical Relativity.” Physical Review D, 82 (2010): 104057. Web. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., M. Campanelli, Y. Zlochower. “Remnant Masses, Spins and Recoils from the Merger of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Physical Review D, 81 (2010): 084023. Web. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., M. Campanelli, Y. Zlochower. “Remnant Masses, Spins and Recoils from the Merger of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 114006. Print. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Numerical Relativity meets Perturbation Theory.” Physical Review Letters, 104 (2010): 211101. Web. É  «

Campanelli, Manuela, C.O. Lousto, B.C Mundim, H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, Hans-Peter Bischof. “Advances in Simulations of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 084034. Print. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Intermediate mass-ratio black hole binaries: Intertwining numerical and perturbative techniques.” Physical Review D, 82 (2010): 104057. Web. É  «

Nakano, Hiroyuki, Manuela Campanelli, Carlos Lousto, and Yosef Zlochower. “Perturbative effects of spinning black holes with applications to recoil velocities.” Proceedings of the Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios Conference, 20-26 June 2010. n.p. Web. É  «

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Manasse Mbonye

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Mbonye, Manasse. “A Black Hole on a Noncommutative geometry Conference.” 19th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation. Host Organization: International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. Mexico City, Mexico. 4-9 July 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

David Merritt

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Merritt, David. “Dynamical Models of the Galactic Center.” In The Galactic Center: A Window on the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies. Ed. Mark Morris, Daniel Q. Wang and Feng Yuan. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2010. n.p. Print. "  É 

Merritt, David. “Dark Matter at the Centers of Galaxies.” Chapter 5 from Particle Dark Matter: Observations, Models and Searches, 2010. n.p. Print. É 

Gualandris, A., S. Gillessen, D. Merritt. “The Galactic Centre star S2 as a dynamical probe for intermediate-mass black holes.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409.3 (2010): 1146-1154. Print. É  *

Hammer, Derek et al. “The HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey. II. Data Description and Source Catalogs.” The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 191.1 (2010): 143-159. Print. É  *

Angelil, Raymond, Prasenjit Saha, David Merritt. “Toward Relativistic Orbit Fitting of Galactic Center Stars and Pulsars.” The Astrophysical Journal, 720.2 (2010): 1303-1310. Print. É *

Merritt, D. “The Distribution of Stars and Stellar Remnants at the Galactic Center.” The Astrophysical Journal, 718.2 (2010): 739-761. Print. É  *

Batcheldor, D., A. Robinson, D.J. Axon, E.S. Perlman, D. Merritt. “A Displaced Supermassive Black Hole in M87.” The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 717.1 (2010): L6-L10. Print. É  *

Antonini, Fabio, Joshua Faber, Alessia Gualandris, David Merritt. “Tidal Breakup of Binary Stars at the Galactic Center and Its Consequences.” The Astrophysical Journal, 713.1 (2010): 90-104. Print. "  É  *

Valtonen, M. J., S. Mikkola, H.J. Lehto, T. Hyvnen, K. Nilsson, D. Merritt, A. GopakuMar, H. Rampadarath, R. HuDec, M. Basta and R. Saunders. “Measuring black hole spin in OJ287.” Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 106.3 (2010): 235-243. Print. É  *

Valtonen, M. J., S. Mikkola, D. Merritt, A. GopakuMar, H.J. Lehto, T. Hyvnen, H.Rampadarath, R. Saunders, M. Basta, R. HuDec. “Measuring the Spin of the Primary Black Hole in OJ287.” The Astrophysical Journal, 709.2 (2010). 725-732. Print. É  *

Merritt, David, Eugene Vasiliev. “Orbits Around Black Holes in Triaxial Nuclei.” The Astrophysical Journal, 726.2 (2010): 61-73. Print.

Formal Presentation

Merritt, David. “Puzzles at the Galactic Center.” Puzzles of Galactic Nuclei. Garching, Germany. 28-30 June 2010. Presentation. " 

Merritt, David. “Relativistic Stellar Dynamics.” Chandrasekhar Centenary Conference. Bangalore, India. 7-11 Dec. 2010. Presentation.

Merritt, David. “Stellar Dynamics of EMRIs.” Gravitational Waves 2010. University of Minnesota. 16 October 2010. Presentation.

Merritt, David. “Probing strong-field gravity at the galactic center using stellar motions.” APS April Meeting 2010. American Physical Society. Washington, DC. 13-16 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Merritt, David. “Old and New Puzzles at the Galactic Center.” 2010 Meeting of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy. Boston, MA. 26-27 Apr. 2010. Presentation.

Merritt, David. “Stellar dynamics of massive black hole binaries.” LISA Massive Black Hole Binaries in the Cosmic Landscape, University of Zurich. 10-12 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Merritt, David. “Testing Theories of Gravity at the Galactic Center Using Stellar Motions.” 2010 Meeting of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy. Boston, MA. 27 Apr. 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

David Messinger

Associate Research Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Bartlett, B.D., M.G. Gartley, D.W. Messinger, C. Salvaggio, J.R. Schott. “Spectro-polarimetric bidirectional reflectance distribution function determination of in-scene materials and its use in target detection applications.” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 4.043552 (2010): 1-21. Print. £

Canham, K., A. Schlamm, A. Ziemann, B. Basener, D.W. Messinger, “Spatially adaptive hyperspectral endmember selection and spectral unmixing.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2010. n.p. Print. "  £

Messinger, D.W., A. Ziemann, B. Basener, A. Schlamm. “A complexity metric for spectral imagery based on spatially local convex hull volume estimation.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, November 2010. n.p. Print. "  £

Schlamm, A., D.W. Messinger, A. Ziemann, B. Basener. “Change detection in multi- and hyperspectral image tiles based on quantitative measures of point density.” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. (2010): n.p. Print. "  £

Schlamm, A., D.W. Messinger. “A Euclidean Distance Transformation for Improved Anomaly Detection in Spectral Imagery.” Proceedings of the 2010 Western NY Image Processing Workshop, IEEE, Nov. 2010. n.p. Print. "  £

Mercovich, R., A. Harkin, D.W. Messinger. “Utilizing the graph modularity to blind cluster multispectral satellite imagery.” Proceedings of the 2010 Western NY Image Processing Workshop, IEEE, Nov. 2010. n.p. Print. "  £

Messinger, D.W., A. Ziemann, B. Basener, A. Schlamm. “Spectral Image Complexity Estimated Through Local Convex Hull Volume.” WHISPERS 2010, (2010): n.p. Print. "  £

Schlamm, A., D.W. Messinger, B. Basener. “Interest segmentation of hyperspectral imagery.” WHISPERS 2010, (2010): n.p. Print. "  £

Messinger, D.W., J.A. van Aardt, D. McKeown, M.V. Casterline, J.W. Faulring, N.G. Raqueno, B. Basener, M. Velez-Reyes. “High Resolution and LIDAR Imaging Support to the Haiti Earthquake Relief Effort.” Imaging Spectrometry XV, Optics & Photonics, 7812 (August 2010): n.p. Print. " 

Weiner, A., D.W. Messinger. “An End-to-End Airborne FTS Simulation for Evaluating the Performance Trade Space in Fugitive Gas Identification.” Imaging Spectrometry XV,Optics & Photonics, 7812 (August 2010): n.p. Print. " 

Schlamm, A., R. Resmini, D.W. Messinger, B. Basener. “A comparison study of dimension estimation algorithms.” SPIE, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI, 7695 (2010): n.p. Print. " 

Schlamm, A., D.W. Messinger, B. Basener. “A novel method for change detection in spectral imagery.” SPIE, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI, 7695 (2010): n.p. Print. " 

Ziemann, A., D.W. Messinger, B. Basener, A. Schlamm. “Iterative convex hull volume estimation in hyperspectral imagery for change detection.” SPIE, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI, 7695 (2010): n.p. Print. " 

Sarrazin, D., J.A. van Aardt, D.W. Messinger, G.P. Asner. “Fusing waveform LIDAR and hyperspectral data for species-level structural assessment in savanna ecosystems.” SPIE, Laser Radar Technology and Applications XV, 7684 (2010): n.p. Print. " 

Hagstrom, S., D.W. Messinger, S.D. Brown. “Feature extraction using voxel aggregation of focused discrete LIDAR data.” SPIE, Laser Radar Technology and Applications XV, 7684 (2010): n.p. Print. " 

View All Submissions

Lea Michel

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

eterson J.E., D. Zurakowski, J.E. Italiano, L.V. Michel, L. Fox, G.L. Klement, J. Folkman. “Normal ranges of angiogenesis regulatory proteins in human platelets.” American Journal of Hematology, 85 (2010): 487-493. Print. *

View All Submissions

Darren NarayanDirector of Undergraduate Research of College of Science

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Narayan, Darren. “Mathematical Quips, Quotes, Rumors, and Humorous Tales” Spring 2010 Meeting of the Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America. Oswego, NY. April 2010. Presentation.

Narayan, Darren A. “Intermediate Ordered Colorings of Graphs.” AMS Session on Discrete Mathematics, VI, Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Francisco, CA. January 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Narayan, D. A. et al. “Representation numbers for complete graphs minus a disjoint union of graphs.” Journal of Combinatorical Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 72 (2010), 173-180. Print. *

Narayan, Darren A. et al. “Minimal k-rankings of prism graphs”, Involve, 3:2 (2010): 183-190. Print. "  É  *

Narayan, Darren A. et al. “Greedy algorithms for generalized rankings of graphs.” Information Processing Letters, 110 (2010): 979-985. Print. "  É  *

Narayan, Darren A. “Maximum Flow in Fiber-Optic Networks.” Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 60 (September 2010): 91-96. Print. É  *

Adams, Sarah, R. Gillman, D. Narayan.”Balancing the R with the E in REU Programs.” Resources for Undergraduate Research, 6 (2010): n.p. Web. É 

View All Submissions

Dina Newman

Assistant Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Newman, Dina L., R. Parody, J. Ohmen, L. Fisher, D.R. Frisina, R.A. Friedman. “Variation in GRM7 is associated with multiple features of presbycusis.” American Society of Human Genetics 60th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC., 2-6 Nov. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Newman, Dina L., L.K. Wright, H.C. Sweet. “A structured undergraduate research program that trains and prepares students for post-graduate education and scientific careers.” Proceedings of ICERI2010 Conference, 2010. 5010-5019. Print. *

View All Submissions

Zoran Ninkov

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Fourspring, K.D., Z. Ninkov, J.P. Kerekes. “Scattered light in a DMD based multi-object spectrometer.” Proceedings of Modern Technologies in Space-and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE, SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation, 7739 (June 2010): 1-9. Print. " 

Fourspring, K.D., Z. Ninkov, J.P. Kerekes. “Subpixel Scatter in Digital Micromirror Devices.” Proceedings Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications II, Photonics West, 7596 (January 2010): n.p. Print. " 

Rhodes, D.B.; Z. Ninkov, J.L. Pipher, C.W. McMurtry, J.D. Newman, P.K. Lee, G.J Gosian, M.D. Presnar. “Synthetic scene building for testing thermal signature tracking algorithms.” Remote Sensing System Engineering III, SPIE, System Performance Modeling, 7813 781309 (2010): n.p. Print.

View All Submissions

Jake Noel-Storr

Assistant Research Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Christiansen, K.P., C.P. O’Dea, J. Noel-Storr, S.A. Baum. “Chandra Observations Of Cooling Flows And Brightest Cluster Galaxies.” American Astronomical Society, 216th Meeting. Miami, FL. May 2010. Presentation. " 

Smith, J. Noel-Storr, S.A. Baum, C.P. O’Dea. “Methodology for Source Extraction in Radio Astronomical Data Cubes.” American Astronomical Society, 216th Meeting. Miami, FL. May 2010. Presentation. " 

Noel-Storr, J., Mitchell, Drobnes. “NASA Science Served Family Style.” American Astronomical Society, 215th Meeting. Washington, DC. January 2010. Presentation.

Privon, G., S.A. Baum, C.P. O’Dea, D.J Axon, Robinson, J.F. Gallimore, J. Noel-Storr. “Modeling the Infrared Emission from Cygnus A.” American Astronomical Society, 215th Meeting. Washington, DC. January 2010. Presentation. " 

McCoy, Melia, J. Noel-Storr, S.A. Baum, C.P. O’Dea. “The Life Cycles of Radio Galaxies.” American Astronomical Society, 216th Meeting. Miami, FL. 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

O’Dea, K.P., A.C. Quillen, C.P. O’Dea, G.R. Tremblay, Snios, Christiansen, S.A. Baum, J. Noel-Storr, Edge, M. Donahue, Voit. “Hubble Space Telescope Far-ultraviolet Observations of Brightest Cluster Galaxies: The Role of Star Formation in Cooling Flows and BCG Evolution.” Astrophysical Journal, 719 (2010): 1619-1632. Print. " 

Baum, S.A., J.F. Gallimore, C.P. O’Dea, C.L. Buchanan, J. Noel-Storr, D.J. Axon, Robinson, Elitzur, Dorn, Staudaher, Elvis. “Infrared Diagnostics for the Extended 12 micron Sample of Seyferts.” Astrophysical Journal, 170 (2010): 298-308. Print. "  £

View All Submissions

Christopher O'DeaChairman of the Board, NY Astronomical Society

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Baum, Stefi A., J.F. Gallimore, C.P. O’Dea, C.L. Buchanan, J. Noel-Storr, D.J. Axon, A. Robinson, M. Elitzur, M. Dorn, S.Staudaher. “Infrared Diagnostics for the Extended 12 _m Sample of Seyferts.” The Astrophysical Journal, 710 (2010): 289-308. Print. "  É  *

Daly, Ruth A., P. Kharb, C.P. O’Dea, S.A, Baum, M.P. Mory, J. McKane, C. Altenderfer, M. Beury. “A Detailed Study of the Lobes of Eleven Powerful Radio Galaxies” The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 187.1 (2010): 1-63. Print. É  *

Gallimore, J. F., A. Yzaguirre, J. Jakoboski, M.J. Stevenosky, D.J. Axon, S.A. Baum, C.L. Buchanan, M. Elitzur, M. Elvis, C.P. O’Dea, A. Robinson. “Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Seyfert Galaxies: Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of the 12 _m Sample of Active Galaxies.” The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 187 (2010): 172-211. Print. É  *

Floyd, David J. E., D. Axon, S.A. Baum, A. Capetti, M. Chiaberge, J. Madrid, C.P. O’Dea, E. Perlman, W. Sparks. “Hubble Space Telescope Near-infrared Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts. III. Radio Galaxies and Quasars in Context.” The Astrophysical Journal, 713 (2010): 66-81. Print. *

Tremblay, Grant R., C.P. O’Dea, S.A. Baum, A.M. Koekemoer, W.B. Sparks, G. de Bruyn, A.P. Schoenmakers. “Episodic Star Formation Coupled to Reignition of Radio Activity in 3C 236.” The Astrophysical Journal, 715 (2010): 172-185. Print. "  É  *

Edge, A. C., J.B.R Oonk, R. Mittal, S.W. Allen, S.A. Baum, H. Bohringer, J.N. Bregman, M.N. Bremer, F. Combes, C.S. Crawford, M. Donahue, E. Egami, A.C. Fabian, G.J. Ferland, S.L. Hamer, N.A. Hatch, W. Jaffe, R.M. Johnstone, B.R. McNamara, C.P. O’Dea, P. Popesso, A.C. Quillen, P. Salomíª, C.L. Sarazin, G.M. Voit, R.J. Wilman, M.W. Wise. “Herschel observations of FIR emission lines in brightest cluster galaxies.” Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 (2010): L46-50. Print. É  *

Edge, A.C., J.B.R. Oonk, R. Mittal, S.W. Allen, S.A. Baum, H. Bhringer, J.N. Bregman, M.N. Bremer, F. Combes, C.S. Crawford, M. Donahue, E. Egami, A.C. Fabian, G.J. Ferland, S.L. Hamer, N.A. Hatch, W. Jaffe, R.M. Johnstone, B.R. McNamara, C.P. O’Dea, P. Popesso, A.C. Quillen, P. Salom, C.L. Sarazin, G.M. Voit, R.J. Wilman, M.W. Wise. “Herschel photometry of brightest cluster galaxies in cooling flow clusters.” Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 (2010): L47. Print. É  *

O’Dea, Kieran P., A.C. Quillen, C.P. O’Dea, G.R. Tremblay, B.T. Snios, S.A. Baum, K. Christiansen, J. Noel-Storr, A.C. Edge, M. Donahue, G.M. Voit. “Hubble Space Telescope Far-ultraviolet Observations of Brightest Cluster Galaxies: The Role of Star Formation in Cooling Flows and BCG Evolution.” The Astrophysical Journal, 719 (2010): 1619-1632. Print. "  É  *

Russell, H. R., J.S. Sanders, A.C. Fabian, S.A. Baum, M. Donahue, A.C. Edge, B.R. McNamara, C.P. O’Dea. “Chandra observation of two shock fronts in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2146.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406 (2010): 1721-1733. Print. É  *

Kharb, P.; Hota, Ananda; Croston, J. H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; O'Dea, C. P.; Kraft, R. P.; Axon, D. J.; Robinson, A. "Parsec-scale Imaging of the Radio-bubble Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6764." The Astrophysical Journal, 723 (2010): 580-586. Print.

View All Submissions

Michael OsierDirector, Bioinformatics Program

Associate Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Taylor S.L., S. Ganti, N.O. Bukanov, A. Chapman, O. Fiehn, M. Osier, K. Kim, and R.H. Weiss. “A metabolomics approach using juvenile cystic mice to identify urinary biomarkers and altered pathways in polycystic kidney disease.” American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology, 298 (2010): F909-F922. Print.

View All Submissions

Jeff Pelz

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Li, F., J.B. Pelz, S.J. Daly. “Effects of stimulus size and velocity on steady-state smooth pursuit induced by realistic images.” Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XV, Electronic Imaging, 7527 (2010): 1-10. Print. " 

Pontillo, D.F., T.B. Kinsman, J.B. Pelz. “SemantiCode: Using Content Similarity and Database-driven Matching to Code Wearable Eyetracker Gaze Data.” Proceedings of the 2010 Eye Tracking Research and Applications Symposium, Association for Computing Machinery, Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 2010. 267-270. Print. " 

Kinsman, T.B., P. Bajorski, J.B Pelz. “Hierarchical Image Clustering for Analyzing Eye Tracking Videos.” Western NY Image Processing Workshop, IEEE, 2010. n.p. Print. " 

View All Submissions

Michael Radin

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Radin, Michael. “Boundedness and Periodic Character of Solutions of a System of Rational Difference Equations.” ICDE 16th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. Riga, Latvia. 19-23 July 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

Navalgund Rao

Associate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Valluru, Chinni, N.A. Rao, Bhatt, Akata, Dogra. “Probe Design for Photoacoustic Imaging of Prostate.” IST 2010, IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, July 2010. 121-124. Print. "  £

View All Submissions

Harvey Rhody

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Rhody, H.E., R. Krzaczek. “RIT Airborne Imagery and Lidar Collection over Haiti Earthquake Region.” Haiti RAPIDS and Research Needs Workshop, Principal Investigator Workshop. Washington, DC. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Fan, X., H.E. Rhody, E. Saber. “A spatial feature-enhanced MMI algorithm for multimodal airborne image registration.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48.6 (2010): 2580-2589. Print. "  £

Gurram, P., E. Saber, H.E. Rhody. “A Segment-Based Mesh Design for Building Parallel-Perspective Stereo Mosaics.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48.3 (2010):1256-1269. Print. "  £

McGlinchy, J., J.A. van Aardt, H.E. Rhody, J.P. Kerekes, E.J. Ientilucci, G.P. Asner, D. Knapp, R. Mathieu, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, B.F. Erasmus, K. Wessels, I.P. Smit, J. Wu, D. Sarrazin. “Extracting Structural Land Cover Components using Small--footprint Waveform Lidar Data.” Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, IGARSS, July 2010. n.p. Print. " 

View All Submissions

Michael Richmond

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Grosso, Nicholas, et al. “A few days before the end of the 2008 extreme outburst of EX Lupi: accretion shocks and a smothered stellar corona unveiled by XMM-Newton.” Astronomy and Astrophysics, 522 (2010): 56-65. Print. É  Ëœ

Richmond, Michael, et al. “Proper Motions with Subaru II. A Sample in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field.” Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Japan, 62.1 (2010): 91-99. Print. Ëœ

Bhatti, Waqas, et al. “Variable Point Sources in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82. I. Project Description and Initial Catalog.” Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 186.2 (2010): 233-258. Print. É  Ëœ

View All Submissions

Andrew RobinsonDirector, Astrophysical Sciences and Technology

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Robinson, A., D.J. Axon, S. Young, J.E. Smith, J.H. Hough. “Probing gas flows around supermassive black holes with spectropolarimetry. What drives the growth of black holes?”. Durham University. Durham, UK. 26-29 July 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Gnerucci, A., A. Marconi, A. Capetti, D.J. Axon, A. Robinson. “Spectroastrometry of rotating gas disks for the detection of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei I. Method and simulations.” Astronomy and Astrophysics, 511.A19 (2010): 20. Print. *

Baum, Stefi A., J. Gallimore, C. O’Dea, C. Buchanan, J. Noel-Storr, D. Axon, A. Robinson, M. Elitzur, M. Dorn and S. Staudaher. “Infrared Diagnostics for the Extended 12 _m Sample of Seyferts”. The Astrophysical Journal, 710.1 (2010): 289-308. Print. É  *

Gallimore, J. F., A. Yzaguirre, J. Jakoboski, M. J. Stevenosky, D. J. Axon, S. A. Baum, C. L. Buchanan, M. Elitzur, M. Elvis, C. P. O’Dea and A. Robinson. “Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Seyfert Galaxies: Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of the 12 _m Sample of Active Galaxies”. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 187.1 (2010) 172-211. Print. É  *

Batcheldor, D., A. Robinson, D.J. Axon, E.S. Perlman, D. Merritt. “A Displaced Supermassive Black Hole in M87.” The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 717.1 (2010): L6-L10. Print. É  *

Robinson, Andrew, S. Young, D.J. Axon, P. Kharb, J.E. Smith. “Spectropolarimetric Evidence for a Kicked Supermassive Black Hole in the Quasar E1821+643.” The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 717.2 (2010): L122-L126. Print. É  *

Kharb, P., A. Hota, J.H. Croston, M.J. Hardcastle, C.P. O’Dea, R.P. Kraft, D.J. Axon, A. Robinson. “Parsec-scale Imaging of the Radio-bubble Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6764.” The Astrophysical Journal, 723.1 (2010): 580-586. Print. É *

View All Submissions

David Ross

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Agyingi, Ephraim, S. Maggelakis, and D.S. Ross. “The Effect of Bacteria on Epidermal Wound Healing.” Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, 5.3 (2010): 28-39. Print. *

Hollenbeck, Dawn., K. Martini, A. Langner, A. Harkin, D. Ross, G. Thurston. “Model for Evaluating the Patterned Charge Regulation Contribution to Electrostatic Interactions between Low Dielectric Spheres”. Physical Review E, 82 (2010): 0314021-03140213. Print. É  *

Ross, David. “The Inverse Trochoid Problem.” Journal of the Franklin Institute, 347 (2010): 1281-1308. Print. «

Lutzer, Carl., and D. Ross. “The Dynamics of Embedded-Charge Microenergy Harvesting.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 5.2 (2010): 0210041-0210049. Print. É  «

View All Submissions

Carl SalvaggioUndergraduate Program Coordinator

Associate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Salvaggio, C., R.V. Raqueno, A.R. Scott, P.Y. Youkhana. “Accurate radiometric temperature measurements using thermal infrared imagery of small targets, physics-based modeling, and companion high-resolution optical image data sets.” University and Industry Technical Interchange Review Meeting, UITI 2010, Plenary Session. Knoxville, TN. December 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Bartlett, B.D., M.G. Gartley, D.W. Messinger, C. Salvaggio, J.R. Schott. “Spectro-polarimetric bidirectional reflectance distribution function determination of in-scene materials and its use in target detection applications”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 4.043552 (2010): 1-21. Print. £

Nilosek, D.R., C. Salvaggio. “Applying computer vision techniques to perform semi-automated analytical photogrammetry.” Image Processing Workshop, April 2010. n.p. Print. " 

Garrett, A.J., C. Salvaggio, M.V. Casterline. “Thermodynamics of partially frozen cooling lakes.” Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE Defense and Security, Thermosense XXXII, Utilities and Fluid Dynamics, 7661 (2 April 2010): n.p. Print. " 

Casterline, M.V., C. Salvaggio, A.J. Garrett, J.W. Faulring, B.D. Bartlett, P.S. Salvaggio. “Improved temperature retrieval methods for the validation of a hydrodynamic simulation of a partially frozen power plant cooling lake.” Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE Defense and Security, Thermosense XXXII, Utilities and Fluid Dynamics, 7661 (April 2010): n.p. Print. " 

Paul, S.E., A.A. Goodenough, S.D. Brown, C. Salvaggio. “Sub-pixel radiometry: A three-part study in generating synthetic imagery that incorporates sub-pixel variation.” Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE Defense and Security, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI, Modeling and Simulation, 7695 (April 2010): n.p. Print. " 

View All Submissions

Kalathur SanthanamDirector, Center For Materials Science and Engineering

Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Santhanam, Kalathur. “Greenhouse gas sensor using a conduing comoposite with single walled carbon nanotubes in a parallel configuration.” 37th Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester, NY. 6 Nov. 2010. Presentation. " 

Santhanam, Kalathur. “Solar Electrolyzer Fueled Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell.” 37th Rochester Academy of Science, Rochester, NY. 6 Nov. 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Santhanam, Kalathur. “A Laboratory Experiment with PEMFC Oriented towards Evaluation of the Fuel Cell for Failure Analysis in Automobiles.” Electrochemical Society Transactions, 28.22 (2010): 15-20. Print. "  É  «

Santhanam, Kalathur. “A New Material with Atomized Cobalt-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: A Possible Substitute for Human Implants.” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (2010): 3799-3804. Print. "  É  «

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John SchottWiedman Chair

Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Bartlett, B.D., M.G. Gartley, D.W. Messinger, C. Salvaggio, J.R. Schott. “Spectro-polarimetric bidirectional reflectance distribution function determination of in-scene materials and its use in target detection applications.” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 4.043552 (2010): 1-21. Print. £

Padula, F.P., J.R. Schott. “Historic Calibration of the Thermal Infrared Band of Landsat-5 TM.” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 76.11 (2010): 1225-1238. Print. £

Flusche, B., M.G. Gartley, J.R. Schott. “Defining a process to fuse polarimetric and spectral data for target detection and explore the trade space via simulation.” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 4.043550 (2010). Print. "  £

Flusche, B., M.G. Gartley, J.R. Schott. “Assessing the impact of spectral and polarimetric data fusion via simulation to support multimodal sensor system design requirements.” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, (2010): n.p. Print. £

Flusche, B., M.G. Gartley, J.R. Schott. “Assessing the impact of spectral and polarimetric data fusion via simulation to support multimodal sensor system design requirements.” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, (2010): n.p. Print. £

Schott, J.R. “Exploiting spectral and polarimetric data fusion to enhance target detection performance.” Proceedings of the SPIE, SPIE, Imaging Spectrometry XV, 7812 78120C (August 2010): n.p. Print.

Barsi, J.A., B.L. Markham, J.R. Schott, S.J. Hook, N.G. Raqueno. “Twenty-five years of Landsat thermal band calibration.” IEEE, 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 2010. 2287-2290. Print.

Speir, J., J.R. Schott, A.A. Goodenough, S.D. Brown. “Validation of In-Water 3D Radiative Transfer using DIRSIG.” IEEE, WHISPERS 2010, June 2010. n.p. Print.

View All Submissions

Paul Shipman

Associate Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Shipman, Paul. “Coexistence of Western and Native Science.” Seminar for the Environmental Science Program. Colgate University, NY. 19 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Shipman, Paul. “A Native Science Wiki.” 33rd Annual National Conference, American Indian Science and Engineering Society. Albuquerque, NM. 12 Nov. 2010. Presentation. " 

Shipman, Paul. “Science and Culture: How weaving traditional knowledge and culture into science can broaden participation and transform understandings.” Geoscience Alliance 2010 Conference. Carlton, MN. 17 Sept. 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

Joel Shore

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Kondakova, M. E., J.C. Deaton, T.D. Pawlik, D.J. Giesen, D. Y. Kondakov, R. H. Young, T.L. Royster, D.L. Comfort, and J.D. Shore. “Highly efficient fluorescent-phosphorescent triplet-harvesting hybrid organic light-emitting diodes.” Journal of Applied Physics, 107 (2010): 014515. Print. É *

Halpern, J.B., C. M. Colose, C. Ho-Stuart, J. D. Shore, A. P. Smith,and J. Zimmermann. “Comment on ‘Falsification of the atmospheric CO2 greenhouse effects within the frame of physics.’” International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24 (2010): 1309-1332. Print. *

Cok,R. S. and J. D. Shore. “White-emitting OLED devices in an RGBW format with microelement white subpixels.” Journal of the Society for Information Display, 18 (2010): 621-628. Print. É  *

View All Submissions

Likin Simon Romero

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Romero,Simon. “Characterization of Terminal Subcontinua.” Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference. Miss State, MS. March 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

Thomas SmithInterim Academic Director of Golisano Institute for Sustainability

Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Ince-Gunduz, Seyhan B., J. Pan, R. Nawrocki Jr., C. Sloan, A. Speranza, J. Wilson, T.W. Smith, P. Cebe. “Characterization of polymer blends for proton exchange membranes.” PMSE Preprints, (2010): n.p. Print. "  É 

Yin, Ran, B. Baylav, M. Zhao, P. Xie, B. Smith, T.W. Smith, “Synthesis of non-chemically amplified 193 nm photoresists based on copolymers containing formyloxybenzene functional groups.” Polymer Preprints, 51.1 (2010): 506. Print. "  É 

Baylav, Burak, M. Zhao, R. Yin, P. Xie, C. Scholz, B. Smith, T. Smith, P. Zimmerman. “Alternatives to Chemical Amplification for 193 nm Lithography.” Proceedings of SPIE Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology XXVII, 7639. Pt. 1 (2010): 15. Print. "  É  «

View All Submissions

Susan Smith

Assistant Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Smith, Susan B. and S.R. McWilliams. “Patterns of fuel use and storage in migrating passerines in relation to fruit resources at autumn stopover sites.” Kosovo, 127.1 (2010): 108-118. Print. *

View All Submissions

Grover Swartzlander

Associate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Swartzlander, G.A., T.J. Peterson, A.B. Alexandra, R.D. Alan. “Stable Optical Lift.” Nature Photonics, (2010): n.p. Print. "  £

View All Submissions

Hyla Sweet

Associate Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Sharma, D. and H. Sweet. “Analysis of the spatial expression pattern of Etgcm and Etbra in the cidaroid sea urchin Eucidaris tribuloides.” Rochester Academy of Sciences, 6 November 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Lambert, JD, X.Y. Chan, B. Spiecker, and H. Sweet. “Characterizing the embryonic transcriptome of the snail Ilyanassa”. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50.5 (2010): 768-777. Print. " É *

Newman, D. L., L. K Wright and H. C. Sweet. “A structured undergraduate research program that trains and prepares students for post-graduate education and scientific careers.” Proceedings of the International Conference of Educational Research and Innovation, 15-17 November 2010. 5010-5019. Print.

View All Submissions

Gerald Takacs

Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Oliveira, L., T. Debies, and G.A. Takacs. “Surface Modification of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes with Oxygen and Chlorine Atoms.” Special Symposium on Recent Advances in Adhesion Science and Technology in Honor of Dr. Kash Mittal, 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting. Boston, MA. 20-22 Aug. 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Razdan, M., A. Entenberg, T. Debies, B. Parekh, P. Rai, and G.A. Takacs. “Surface Modification of Poly(biphenyl dianhydride-para-phenylene diamine) (BPDA-PDA) and Poly (pyromellitic dianhydride-oxydianiline) (PMDA-ODA) Polyimides with UV Photo-oxidation.” Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24 (2010): 1153-1166. Print. "  É  «

View All Submissions

Loraine Tan

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Tan, L., W. Holthoff, J. Steves, F. Bright. “Probe-Dependent Microenvironments Within Biodegradable Films Formed from Poly(L-Lactic Acid) and Pluronic 104.” Applied Spectroscopy, 64.4 (2010): 359-364. Print. É 

View All Submissions

Robert Teese

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Teese, Robert B., Priscilla Laws, Patrick Cooney, and Maxine Willis. “LivePhoto Video Analysis Workshop.” University of Central FL, Orlando. 8-11 Jan. 2010. Presentation.

Laws, Priscilla, Robert B. Teese, Patrick Cooney, and Maxine Willis. “Active Learning with Video Analysis -- Workshops and Assessment.” AAPT Winter Meeting. Washington, DC. 17 Feb. 2010. Presentation

Cooney, Patrick J., Robert Teese, Priscilla Laws, and Maxine Willis. “LivePhoto Physics: The Impact of Video-Analysis Activities on Learning.” AAPT Summer Meeting. Portland, OR. 19 July 2010. Presentation.

Teese, Robert B., Priscilla Laws, Patrick Cooney, and Maxine Willis. “LivePhoto Projectile Motion ILD.” AAPT Summer Meeting. Portland, OR. 20 July 2010. Presentation.

Teese, Robert B., Priscilla Laws, Patrick Cooney, and Maxine Willis. “LivePhoto Video Analysis Workshop.” AAPT Summer Meeting. Portland, OR. 12-16 July 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

Wondimu Tekalign

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Tekalign, Wondimu. “Stability of strongly anisotropic thin epitaxial film in a wetting interaction with elastic substrate.” Seaway Section Mathematical Assocation of America 2010 Fall Meeting. Plattsburgh, NY. 15-16 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

View All Submissions

Bolaji Thomas

Assistant Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Chu N, BN Thomas, SR Patel , LU Buxbaum. “IgG1 is pathogenic in Leishmania mexicana infection.” Journal of Immunology, 185.11 (Dec 1 2010): 6939-46. Print. *

View All Submissions

George Thurston

Department of Physics
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Hollenbeck, Dawn, M. K. Martini, A. Langner, A. Harkin, D. Ross, and G. Thurston. “Model for evaluating patterned charge-regulation contributions to electrostatic interactions between low-dielectric spheres.” Physical Review E, 82.3 (2010): n.p. Web. "  É  *

Banerjee, Priya R, A. Pande, J. Patrosz, G. M. Thurston and J. Pande. “Cataract-associated mutant E107A of human _D-crystallin shows increased attraction to _-crystallin and enhanced light scattering”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010. n.p. Web. É  *

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Anna Christina Tyler

Assistant Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Christian, R.R., C.M. Voss, C. Bondavalli, P. Viaroli, M. Naldi, A.C. Tyler, I.C. Anderson, K.J. McGlathery, R.E. Ulanowicz and V. Camacho-Ibar. “Ecosystem Health Indexed through Networks of Nitrogen Cycling.” Coastal Lagoons: Critical Habitats of Environmental Change, 2010. n.p. Print. É *

Formal Presentation

Bourdon, B.M., A.C. Tyler. “Does Mercenaria mercenaria Influence Benthic Denitrification? Effects of bivalves in different estuarine sediments.” Rochester Academy of Sciences. Rochester, NY. Nov. 2010. Presentation. " 

Burke, S.B., G. Neuderfer, A.C. Tyler. “Role of common benthic macroinvertebrates on nutrient cycling in eutrophic lake sediments.” Rochester Academy of Sciences. Rochester, NY. Nov. 2010. Presentation. " 

Abdul Rahman, S.A., A.C. Tyler, T. Pagano. “Effects of enhanced phenolic dissolved organic carbon on the growth of aquatic plants.” Rochester Academy of Sciences. Rochester, NY. Nov. 2010. Presentation. " 

Scheiner, C., K. Korfmacher, C. Tyler. “Spatial analysis of macroinvertebrates and their effects on eutrophication in a shallow estuary: applying small-scale results to a large scale study.” Great Lakes Research Consortium. Syracuse, NY. Mar. 2010. Presentation. " 

Tyler, A.C., A.H. Altieri, J.T. Barnette, E.D. Grosholz, N.A. McLenaghan. “Direct and indirect effects of the mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta on nutrient availability and algal production.” Benthic Ecology Meeting. Wilmington, NC. Mar. 2010. Presentation. " 

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Jan VanAardt

Associate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Van Aardt, J.A., J. Wu, J. Fisher, B.F. Erasmus, K. Wessels, R. Mathieu, G.P Asner, T. Kennedy- Bowdoin, and D. Knapp. “Comparing discrete return-to waveform lidar data for vegetation structural assessment: A contemporaneous, small-footprint study in a savanna ecosystem.” American Society for Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. April 2010. Presentation. " 

Van Aardt, J.A., D. McKeown, A. Vodacek, S. Duvvuri, A. Pillai, C. Renschler, J.W. Faulring, H. Bischoff, H. Collins, and D. Boyd. “Information Products Laboratory for Emergency Response: Rapid Turnaround Geospatial Disaster Management Products with Fire and Earthquake Response as Case Studies.” American Society for Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. April 2010. Presentation. " 

Van Aardt, J.A., M. Arthur, G. Carmean, R.L. Kremens, J.W. Faulring, and D. McKeown. “A Sampling Approach to Forest Fuel Load Assessment Across Different Fire Regimes in Eastern Deciduous Forests using Small-footprint Discrete Return Lidar.” American Society for Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. April 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Cho, M.A., P. Debba, R. Mathieu, L. Naidoo, J.A. van Aardt, and G.P. Asner. “Improving discrimination of savanna tree species through a multiple endmember spectral angle mapper approach: Canopy-level analysis.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48.11 (2010): 4133-4142. Print. £

Somers, B., S. Delalieux, W. Verstraeten, J.A. van Aardt, G. Albrigo, and P. Coppin. “An automated waveband selection technique for optimized hyperspectral mixture analysis.” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31.20 (2010): 5549-5568. Print. £

Cho, M.A., J.A. van Aardt, R. Main, and B. Majeke. “Evaluating variations of physiology-based hyperspectral features along a soil water gradient in a Eucalyptus grandis plantation.” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31.12 (2010): 3143-3159. Print. £

Tesfamichael, S.G., and J.A. van Aardt. “Ahmed Estimating plot-level tree height and volume of Eucalyptus grandis plantations using small-footprint, discrete return lidar data.” Progress in Physical Geography, 34.4 (2010): 515-540. Print. £

Gebreslasie, M.T., Ahmed, J.A. van Aardt. “Predicting forest structural attributes using ancillary data and ASTER satellite data.” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 12S (2010): S23-S26. Print. £

Messinger, D.W., J.A. van Aardt, D., McKeown, M.V. Casterline, J.W. Faulring, N.G. Raqueno, B. Basener, and M. Velez-Reyes. “High Resolution and LIDAR Imaging Support to the Haiti Earthquake Relief Effort.” Imaging Spectrometry XV, Optics & Photonics, 7812 (August 2010): n.p. Print. " 

McGlinchy, J., J.A. van Aardt, H.E. Rhody, J.Kerekes, E.J. Ientilucci, G.P. Asner, D. Knapp, R. Mathieu, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, B.F. Erasmus, K. Wessels, I.P. Smit, J. Wu, and D. Sarrazin.” Extracting Structural Land Cover Components using Small--footprint Waveform Lidar Data.” Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, IGARSS, July 2010. n.p. Print. " 

Sarrazin, D., J.A. van Aardt, D.W. Messinger and G.P. Asner. “Fusing waveform LIDAR and hyperspectral data for species-level structural assessment in savanna ecosystems.” SPIE, Laser Radar Technology and Applications XV, 7684 (2010): n.p. Print. " 

Van Aardt, J.A., M. Vogel, W. Luck, J.D. Althausen. “Remote sensing systems for operational and research use.” Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology. 2010. n.p. Print.

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Anthony VodacekImaging Science Masters and PhD Program Coordinator

Associate Professor
Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Vodacek, A., C. Ebinger, R. Hecky. “White Paper from the Workshop on Tropical Rift Lake Systems: Integrated Volcanologic, Tectonic, and Biogeochemical, and Geohazard Assessment of Lake Kivu.” Gisenyi, Rwanda. 13-15 January 2010. Print.

van Aardt, J.A., D. McKeown, A. Vodacek, S. Duvvuri, A. Pillai, C. Renschler, J.W. Faulring, H. Bischoff, H. Collins, D. Boyd. “Information Products Laboratory for Emergency Response: Rapid Turnaround Geospatial Disaster Management Products with Fire and Earthquake Response as Case Studies.” American Society for Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. April 2010. Presentation. " 

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Kristen Waterstram-RichDirector, Premedical Studies Biomedical Sciences Program Director

School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Hogg,Peter, K. Waterstram-Rich, S. Dennan. “Technologist and Radiographer Advanced Practice in Nuclear Medicine - an International Perspective.” World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Cape Town, South Africa. 19 Sept. 2010. Presentation.

Waterstram-Rich, Kristen; K. Hunt, C. Nielson. “Molecular Imaging.” World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Cape Town, South Africa. 21 Sept. 2010. Presentation.

Waterstram-Rich, Kristen; P. Hogg.” Report from International NM Working Party.” Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine. Vienna, Austria. 11 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

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John M. Waud

School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Keller, Kevin, J. Waud, G. Neuderfer. “2009-2010: A Sixteen year Follow-up: Biological Monitoring Assessment of Oatka and Spring Creeks in Upstate NY.” 20th Annual Great Lakes Research Consortium Student Faculty Conference. 20 Mar. 2010. Presentation. " 

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John WhelanMember of the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Abadie, J., J.T. Whelan, et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration). “All-sky search for gravitational-wave bursts in the first joint LIGO-GEO-Virgo run.” Physical Review D, 81.10 (2010): 102001. Print. É *

Whelan, John T, Reinhard Prix and Deepak Khurana. “Searching for galactic white-dwarf binaries in mock LISA data using an F-statistic template bank.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27.5 (2010): 055010. Print. É *

Abbott, B. P. et al. “Searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars with Science Run 5 LIGO data.” The Astrophysical Journal, 713.1 (2010): 671-685. Print. É *

Babak, Stanislav et al. “The Mock LISA Data Challenges: from Challenge 3 to Challenge 4.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27.8 (2010): 084009. Print. É *

Abbott, B. P. et al. “Search for gravitational-wave bursts associated with gamma-ray bursts using data from LIGO Science Run 5 and Virgo Science Run 1.” The Astrophysical Journal, 715.2 (2010): 1438-1452. Print. É *

Abadie, J. et al. “Search for gravitational-wave inspiral signals associated with short Gamma-Ray Bursts during LIGO’s fifth and Virgo’s first science run.” The Astrophysical Journal, 715.2 (2010): 1453-1461. Print. É *

Abadie, J et al. “Predictions for the rates of compact binary coalescences observable by ground- based gravitational wave detectors.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27.17 (2010): 173001. Print. É *

Abadie, J. et al. “Calibration of the LIGO Gravitational Wave Detectors in the Fifth Science Run.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 624.1 (2010): 223-240. Print. É *

Abadie, J. et al. “First search for gravitational waves from the youngest known neutron star.” The Astrophysical Journal, 722.2 (2010): 1504-1513. Print. É  *

Abadie, J. et al. “Search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1.” Physical Review D, 82.5 (2010): 102001. Print

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Tamas Wiandt

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Wiandt, Tamas. “Bifurcations in the Lang-Kobayashi system.” MAA Seaway Meeting. Oswego, NY. 24 April 2010. Presentation.

Wiandt, Tamas. “Attraction Intensities for Closed Relations on Hausdorff Spaces” AMS Sectional Meeting. Syracuse, NY. 10 March 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Mochan, Ericka, C.D. Buenger, and T. Wiandt. “Coexistence of stable ECM solutions in the Lang—Kobayashi system.” Involve, 3.3 (2010): 259-271. Print. É  *

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Scott Williams

Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Henry, A. and S. Williams. “Fabrication of a Printed Battery Using a New Method for Manganese Cathode Ink Preparation.” IARIGAI, Montreal, Canada. 12 September 2010. Presentation. " 

Williams, S., L. Cade, and D. Clark. “Paper-supported Assay for the Quantification of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity.” IARIGAI. Montreal, Canada. 12 September 2010. Presentation. " 

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Leslie Kate Wright

Assistant Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Newman, D. L., L.K. Wright, and H.C. Sweet. “A structured undergraduate research program that trains and prepares students for post-graduate education and scientific careers.” Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2010. 5010-5019. Print. *

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Yosef Zlochower

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Zlochower, Yosef. “Black-Hole Dynamics and their Astrophysical Consequences.” Physics Colloquium. Geneseo, NY. 8 Apr. 2010. Presentation.

Zlochower, Yosef. “Recent advances in modeling gravitational recoil from highly-spinning black-hole binaries.” SIAM conference on nonlinear waves. Philiadelphia, PA. 16-19 Aug 2010. Presentation.

Zlochower, Yosef. “Extreme Black-Hole Binaries.” APS April Meeting. Washington DC. 15 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Zlochower, Yosef. “Extreme Black-Hole Binaries.” Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios. Ontario, Canada. 24 June 2010. Presentation.

Zlochower, Yosef. “Gravitational Recoil and its Astrophysical Consequences.” 19th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation. Mexico City, Mexico. 6 July 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Lousto, C.O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Intermediate- mass-ratio black hole binaries: Intertwining numerical and perturbative techniques.” Physical Review D, 82 (2010): 104057. Print. É *

Campanelli, M., C.O. Lousto, B. Mundim, H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, H.P. Bischof. “Advances in Simulations of Generic Black-Hole Binaries,” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27:(2010): 084034. Print. É *

Lousto, C.O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Numerical Relativity meets Perturbation Theory.”, Physical Review Letters, 104 (2010): 211101. Print. É *

Kelly, B., W. Tichy, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Post- Newtonian Initial Data with Waves: Progress in Evolution.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 114005. Print. É *

Lousto, C.O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Statistical studies of Spinning Black-Hole Binaries.” Physical Review D, 81 (2010): 084023. Print. É *

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