Faculty Scholarship 2020

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Scot Atkins

Associate Professor
Business Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Book Chapter

Mukta, Kulkarni,, W. Scot Atkins, and David Baldridge. "Breaking Barriers by Patterning Employment Success." Palgrave Handbook of Disability at Work. Ed. Sandra Fieden, Mark Moore, and Gemma Bend. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 219-236. Print. *

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Joseph Bochner

Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Nordhaus, Jason, et al. "AstroDance: Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Astrophysics via Multimedia Perfornamces." Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities. (2020): 1-14. Web. *

Uninvited Presentations

Bochner, Joseph and Vincent Samar. "Categorical Perception In Cochlear Implant Users With Early-onset Deafness." International Conference on Education of the Deaf --- Conference Cancelled. ICED --- Conference Cancelled. Brisbane, Australia. 6 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Full Patent

Bochner, Joseph H and Wayne M Garrison. "Method for Determining Hearing Thresholds in the Absence of Pure-Tone Testing." U.S. Patent US 10,786,184 B2. 29 Sep. 2020.

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Rain Bosworth

Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Bosworth, Rain G., Adam Stone, and So-One Hwang. "Effects of Video Reversal on Gaze Patterns during Signed Narrative Comprehension." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 25. 3 (2020): enaa007. Web. «

Bosworth, Rain G., Charles E. Wright, and Karen R. Dobkins. "Analysis of the visual spatiotemporal properties of American Sign Language." Vision Research 164. (2019): 34-43. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Bosworth, Rain G., et al. "Automaticity of Visual Word & Sign Processing in Deaf Bilinguals: Evidence from the Stroop Task." Proceedings of the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. Ed. Annika Herrmann, et al. Hamburg, Germany: TISLR, 2019. Web. «

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Christopher Brucker

Engineering Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions


Brucker, Christopher William. "DeafSpace™: Existing Buildings Adapted to Provide a More Optimal and Sustainable Environment." Diss. Architecture (M.Arch) at Rochester Institute of Technology, 2020. Print.

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Linda Bryant

Associate Professor
Communication Studies and Services, Learning Consortium
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Elliot, Lisa, et al. "Supporting Autonomous Learning Skills in Developmental Mathematics Courses." American Behavioral Scientist 64. 7 (2020): 1012-1030. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Bryant, Linda M. "Teaching online during a pandemic: Important considerations and effective practices." NYSETA Conference 2020. NTID. Rochester, NY. 16 Oct. 2020. Keynote Speech.

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Janine Butler

Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Butler, Janine. "The Visual Experience of Accessing Captioned Television and Digital Videos." Television and New Media 21. 7 (2020): 679–696. Print. «

Gonzales, Laura and Janine Butler. "Working Toward Social Justice through Multilingualism, Multimodality, and Accessibility in Writing Classrooms." Composition Forum 44. (2020): 0. Web. «

Fink, Margaret, et al. "Honoring Access Needs at Academic Conferences through Computer Assisted Real-Time Captioning (CART) and Sign Language Interpreting." College Composition and Communication 72. 1 (2020): 103–106. Print.

Uninvited Presentations

Butler, Janine, Brian Trager, and Byron Behm. "Exploration of Automatic Speech Recognition for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Higher Education Classes." ASSETS. ASSETS. Pittsburgh, PA. 28 Oct. 2019. Conference Presentation. «

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Keith Cagle

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Book Chapter

Nicodemus, Brenda, et al. "Address practices of Deaf undergraduate students and faculty: A study of language, identity, and community." Journal of Pragmatics. TBA, TBA: TBA, 2021. TBA. Print. «

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Shannon Connell

Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Connell, Shannon. "The victimization of the Deaf in the name of idealized technology." The victimization of the Deaf in the name of idealized technology. (2018). Web. ∆

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Jessica Cuculick

Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Lynn, Matthew, et al. "Diversifying Science: Mentoring and Supporting Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Scholars." Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 28. 2 (2020): 211-228. Web. *

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Robyn Dean

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Invited Paper

DEAN, ROBYN. "Healthcare Interpreting Ethics: A critical review." outledge Handbook of Translation and Health. London & New York: Routledge. (2021). Print.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DEAN, ROBYN. "Risky Business: Cortisol Dysregulation in Signed Language Interpreters." ROBYN DEAN. Partners in Deaf Education (NY). Rochester, NY. 9 Nov. 2019. Conference Presentation. ∆

DEAN, ROBYN. "The value of demand control schema." ROBYN DEAN. Utrecht University. Rochester, NY. 14 Nov. 2019. Lecture.

DEAN, ROBYN. "Push me-Pull you: The value of group deliberation on ethical reasoning among signed language interpreting students." ROBYN DEAN. NTID/ASLIE. Rochester, NY. 19 Nov. 2019. Lecture.

DEAN, ROBYN. "Reflective practice and case conferencing for interpreters." ROBYN DEAN. Ad Astra. Rochester, NY. 14 Dec. 2019. Lecture.

DEAN, ROBYN. "Risky Business: Cortisol Dysregulation in Signed Language Interpreters." ROBYN DEAN. Association of Sign Language Interpreters (UK). Rochester, NY. 18 Jan. 2020. Lecture.

DEAN, ROBYN. "Risky Business: Cortisol Dysregulation in Signed Language Interpreters." ROBYN DEAN. Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. Rochester, NY. 31 Jan. 2020. Lecture.

DEAN, ROBYN. "A Reflective Practitioner." ROBYN DEAN. University of Edinburgh (UK). Rochester, NY. 21 Apr. 2020. Lecture.

DEAN, ROBYN. "Public Service Interpreting: What it would mean to be a Practice Profession." ROBYN DEAN. 7TH PSIT CONFERENCE AT ALCALA. Online, NY. 21 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation. £

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Matthew Dye

Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Laasonen, M, et al. "Project DyAdd: Nonlinguistic Theories of Dyslexia Predict Intelligence." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14. (2020): 316. Web. «

Book Chapter

Dye, Matthew and Brennan Terhune-Cotter. "Sustained Visual Attention in Deaf Children: A Deafcentric Perspective." "Discussing Bilingualism in Deaf Children: Essays in Honor of Robert Hoffmeister." Ed. Charlotte Enns, Jon Henner, and Lynn McQuarrie. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. 0. Print. ∆

Uninvited Presentations

Kartheiser, Geo, et al. "Print Exposure, Not ASL Comprehension, Predicts Silent Contextualized Reading Fluency in Deaf College Students." Society for the Neurobiology of Language 2020. Society for the Neurobiology of Language. Philadelphia, PA. 16 Oct. 2020. Poster Session. *

Group of Poems

Dye, Matthew. The Future of Work. Consilience Journal, 2020. ˜

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Lisa Elliot

Research Associate Professor
Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Alonzo, Oliver, et al. "Reading Experiences and Interest in Reading-Assistance Tools Among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Computing Professionals." Proceedings of the ASSETS'20; October 26-28, virtual event, Greece. Ed. Stephanie Ludi and Tiago Guerreiro. New York City, NY: ACM, Web. «

Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles

Stinson, Michael and Lisa Elliot. "Study of Effects of Caption Latency on Comprehension and Perceptions of Video Simulations of an IP-CTS Prototype by Hearing and Hard-of-Hearing Adults" [Federal Communications Commission]. Rochester NY: Rochester Institute of Technology, 6 Jan. 2020. Print. ˜ ≠

Uninvited Presentations

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Enriched Communication and Messaging in Teams with Deaf, Hard of Hearing Postsecondary Students." American Educational Research Annual Meeting. AERA. San Francisco, CA. 17 Apr. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Invited Article/Publication

Elliot, Lisa, et al. "Supporting Autonomous Learning Skills in Developmental Mathematics Courses with Asynchronous Online Resources." American Behavioral Scientist. (2020). Web. *

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

STINSON, MICHAEL, et al. "Sharing of Knowledge and Problem Solving When Teammates Have Diverse Hearing Status." Aug. 2020. TS - typescript (typed). *

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Austin Gehret

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Elliot, Lisa, et al. "Supporting Autonomous Learning Skills in Developmental Mathematics Courses With Asynchronous Online Resources." American Behavioral Scientist 64. 7 (2020): 1012-1030. Print. «

Lynn, Matthew A., et al. "Successes and Challenges in Teaching Chemistry to Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in the Time of COVID-19." Journal of Chemical Education 97. 9 (2020): 3322-3326. Print. *

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Linda Gottermeier

Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Noah, Blankenship,, et al. "The RIT/NTID Student and the Technologies They Use to Access Spoken English." Workshop for Business Careers Students. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Rochester, New York. 22 Apr. 2020. Lecture.

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Patrick Graham

Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Neild, Raschelle, Patrick Graham, and Katie Taylor. "An In-depth Analysis of Topics in Deaf Education and Early Childhood Education." Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education. 5. 2 (2020): 5-14. Print. «

Shield, Aaron, Patrick Graham, and Raschelle Neild. "Educational Strategies for deaf children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)." Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education. 5. 2 (2020): 157-177. Print. «

Journal Editor

Neild, Raschelle and Patrick Graham, ed. "Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education." New York, NY: Pace University Press, 2020. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Graham, Patrick. "Empathy in Deaf Education: Advocating for ALL students." American College Educators for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. ACEDHH. Atlanta, GA. 14 Feb. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Graham, Patrick J. and Christopher Kurz. "Señas y Sonrisas Smartphone App: Promoting Early Sign Language Exposure among Deaf Children by Engaging Hearing Parents." Comparative and International Education Society. Comparative and International Education Society. Virtual, Virtual. 20 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Invited Article/Publication

Graham, Patrick J, Raschelle Neild, and Aaron Shield. "Increasing Social Awareness for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children on the Autism Spectrum: Innovative Strategies." Odyssey. (2020). Print. * ˆ

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Luane Haggerty

Principal Lecturer
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions


Ph.D., Luane Davis Haggerty,. Principle Lecturer. 27 Feb. 2020. 1510 Theater Lab LBJ, Rochester, NY. Performance.

Ph.D., Luane Davis Haggerty,. Principle Lecturer. 12 Mar. 2020. Multin Use Cultural Community Center (MuCCC), Rochester, NY. Performance.

Ph.D., Luane Davis Haggerty,. Principle Lecturer. 20 Sep. 2020. https://www.rochestercitynewspaper.com/rochester/rochester-fringe-festival-day-11-txtshow-the-wonderland-series-and-covid-zone/Content?oid=12291596, Rochester, NY. Performance.

Ph.D., Luane Davis Haggerty,. Principle Lecturer. 22 Nov. 2020. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Panara Theater and Youtube, Rochester, NY. Performance.

Ph.D., Director Luane Davis Haggerty, and playwright Jackie Sibblies Drury. Reilly. May 2020. Multi-Use Cultural Community Center, Rochester. Performance.

Ph.D., Director Luane Davis Haggerty, and playwright Jackie Sibblies Drury. Reilly. May 2020. Multi-Use Cultural Community Center, Rochester. Performance.

Ph.D., Director Luane Davis Haggerty, and playwright Jackie Sibblies Drury. Reilly. May 2020. Multi-Use Cultural Community Center, Rochester. Performance.


Haggerty, Luane Davis. Principle Lecturer. Alleyway Theater Buffalo NY, 2020.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Theatrical Interpreting for Stage." Interpreter Services focused on Theatrical Interpreting. Department of Interpreting Service at RIT. Rochester, New York. 31 Mar. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "TMI Hollywood." Impact of COVID on Deaf theater. TMI. Los Angeles, CA. 20 May 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Directing a culturally mixed cast in a theatrical production." Another Opening. Massachusetts Theater Podcast “Another Opening” host Jim Sulenowski. Boston, Mass. 1 Jun. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Covid-19 and recovery for the Arts”." Recovery for the Arts Industry. The New York State Community Foundation. New York, NY. 2 Jun. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Sign Mime used in performance as an acting technique and directorial approach." Mid-Atlantic Teaching Artists Retreat. State Arts Agencies in the tri-state region. New York, NY. 1 Jul. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Theater opportunities." 360 Program. RIT. Rochester, NY. 15 Aug. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Principle Lecturer." The Justin Reilly Show. WAYO radio WXXI. Rochester, NY. 23 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Principle Lecturer." IRT panel on the production of YOVO. IRT Theater. New York, NY. 27 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Principle Lecturer." Webinar on YOVO. IRT Theater. New York, BY. 27 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Principle Lecturer." ASL Intermediate Program. Universty of Rochester. ROchester, NY. 24 Nov. 2020. Guest Lecture.

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Peter Hauser

Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Postl, Daphine, et al. "Deaf Community's Experience of COVID-19." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University. Boston, MA. 15 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Double Disparity in Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students' Health Literacy." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University. Boston, MA. 15 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Sahetapy, Surya, et al. "Deaf Community's Access to Internet and eHealth Literacy." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University. Boston, MA. 15 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Allen, Alesia and Peter C. Hauser. "Hard of Hearing Individuals' Satisfaction with Life." Association of Psychological Science. Association of Psychological Science. Chicago, IL. 15 May 2020. Conference Presentation. *

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Andy Head

Assistant Professor
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Head, Andy and Omen Sade. "Into the Unknown!: Digital Theatre and Boldly Going Forward with "SOMNIUM"." Frameless Labs Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 20 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Head, Andy and Omen Sade. "SOMNIUM" VR Demo." Frameless Labs Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 19 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation.

National/International Competition Award Winner

Head, Andy. Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival National Committee. Outstanding Production Ensemble for "I and You". Washington, DC, 2020.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Head, Andy, Victoria Covell, and Kendell Charles. "Deaf Actors, Hearing Director: Tackling Challenges in Adaptation." Region 2 - Festival 52. Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. College Park, MD. 18 Jan. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Head, Andy. "From the Director’s Notebook: Conceptualizing Theatrical Worlds for Deaf and Hearing Characters." 41st Annual Mid-America Theater Conference. MATC. Chicago, IL. 8 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Head, Andy, et al. "Blurring Boundaries and Dissolving Silos: Developing an XR Museum Project in Collaboration." Educators in VR Series. Educators in VR. AltpaceVR, VR. 20 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Head, Andy, et al. "SOMNIUM" VR Demo." Frameless Labs Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 19 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Head, Andy and Omen Sade. "Into the Unknown!: Digital Theatre and Boldly Going Forward with "SOMNIUM"." Frameless Labs Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 20 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Gunderson, Lauren. "Invited Production: I and You." Proceedings of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival - Region 2 Festival 52; University of Maryland: January 14-18, 2020. Ed. Andy Head. College Park, Maryland: n.p..

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Joseph Hill

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Book Chapter

Bayley, Robert, et al. "The Sociolinguistic Ramifications of Social Injustice: The Case of Black ASL." The Routledge Companion to the Work of John R. Rickford. Ed. Renee Blake and Isabelle Buchstaller. Milton Park, Oxfordshire: Taylor and Francis, 2019. 133-141. Print. ∆

Published Review

Hill, Joseph. "Do deaf communities actually want sign language gloves?" Rev. of Sign-to-speech translation using machine-learning-assisted stretchable sensor arrays, eds. Stuart Thomas, et al. Nature Electronics 15 Jul. 2020: 512-513. Web. ∆

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Lucas, Ceil, Joseph Hill, and Danica Cullinan. "Signing Black in America: The Story of Black American Sign Language (Film)." Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of New Ways of Analyzing Variation. Ed. Tyler Kendall. Eugene, Oregon: n.p.. £

Hill, Joseph C. and Kelsey Beers. "Language Attitudes and Policies at Mainstream and Deaf Schools in Italy." Proceedings of the High Desert Linguistics Society. Ed. OSF. Albuquerque, New Mexico: OSF. *

Lee, Youmee, Andrew Smith, and Joseph Hill. "The Challenge of Preserving Captured Sign Language Data in Human Avatar Models." Proceedings of the Frameless Labs Symposium. Ed. Juilee Decker and David Halbstein. Rochester, New York: n.p.. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Hill, Joseph C. "The Past, Present, and Future of Black ASL." Building Connections with ASL Corpora. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 5 Mar. 2020. Lecture.

Hill, Joseph and Corrine Occhino. "Documenting Individual Variation in ASL (DIVA)." Building Connections with ASL Corpora. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 6 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Hill, Joseph. "Black, Deaf, and Disabled: Navigating the Institutional, Ideological, and Linguistic Barriers with Intersectional Identities in the United States." Linguistics Martin Luther King Junior Colloquium. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 17 Jan. 2020. Lecture.

Creative Non-fiction

Cullinan, Danica, et al. Signing Black in America: A Documentary by the Language & Life Project. Language & Life Project, 2020.

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Bonnie Jacob

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Glasser, Abraham, et al. "Failed power domination on graphs." Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 76. 2 (2020): 232-247. Web. £

Published Game, Application or Software

McGraw, Victoria, Alexandra Eguiluz, and Bonnie Jacob. Modeling Daycare HFMD Spread. Software. Northwestern University Center for Connected Learning and Computer Based Modeling. 2020.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Jacob, Bonnie. "For which graphs does swapping vertices at distance two with distance one produce a well-defined graph?" Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing. Florida Atlantic University. Boca Raton, FL. 18 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Pamela Kincheloe

Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Published Review

Kincheloe, Pamela J. "Book." Rev. of Hearing Happiness, ed. Michael Skyer. American Annals of the Deaf 2020: 589-593. Print. *

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Kincheloe, Pamela J. "Are You Death? Deafening the Horror Film." Feb. 2020. TS - typescript (typed). *

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Eric Kunsman

Assistant Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Full Length Book

Kunsman, Eric T. "Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, Volume 1." 1st- ISBN 9787-1-939026-24-8 ed. Rochester, United States: Booksmart Studio, 2020. Print. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, Volume 2. 1st- ISBN 9787-1-939026-25-5 ed. Rochester, United States: Booksmart Studio, 2020. Print. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, Volume 3. 1st- ISBN 9787-1-939026-03-3 ed. Rochester, United States: Booksmart Studio, 2020. Print. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, Volume 4. 1st- ISBN 9787-1-939026-04-0 ed. Rochester, United States: Booksmart Studio, 2020. Print. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, Volume 5. 1st- ISBN 9787-1-939026-05-7 ed. Rochester, United States: Booksmart Studio, 2020. Print. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, Volume 6. 1st- ISBN 9787-1-939026-06-4 ed. Rochester, United States: Booksmart Studio, 2020. Print. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, Volume 7. 1st- ISBN 9787-1-939026-08-8 ed. Rochester, United States: Booksmart Studio, 2020. Print. ˜

Leege, Roger. Dek Unu Magazine - Eric T. Kunsman. 1st Edition ed. Venice, FL: Dek Unu, 2020. Print. *

Published Review

Spevak, Jeff. "1400 Days of "Fake News' and Counting." Rev. of Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, by Eric Kunsman. City: News Arts Life 1 Oct. 2020: 28-30. Print. ˜

Kirchoff, Michael. "Interview: Eric Kunsman." Rev. of Eric Kunsman, ed. Michael Kirchoff. Catalyst: Interviews 2 Feb. 2020: https://www.catalystinterviews.com/interviews/2020/2/12/eric-kunsman. Web. *

Kallianiotis, Niko J. "“FELICIFIC CALCULUS” BY ERIC T. KUNSMAN." Rev. of Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY, by Niko J. Kallianiotis. From America With Love 22 Apr. 2020: https://www.fromamericawithlove.com/spotlight#/kunsman/. Web. *

Garcia, Donna. "Portfolio 2020 Artist Spotlight: Eric Kunsman." Rev. of Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY, dir. Judith Pishnery. Atlanta Photography Group 10 Jul. 2020: https://www.atlantaphotographygroup.org/blog/2020/07/06/portfolio-2020-artist-spotlight-eric-kunsman. Web. *

Kay, Joelcy. "Technological Improvement & Human Interactions." Rev. of PRIVATE | Now Back Go : Go Back | PRIVATE, ed. Joelcy Kay. Edge of Humanity 13 May 2020: https://edgeofhumanity.com/2020/05/13/technological-improvements-human-interactions/. Web. *

Gagne, Alex. "Eric T. Kunsman." Rev. of Discussion spanning my career, dir. Alex Gagne. Photo Banter with Alex Gagne 4 Aug. 2020: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/eric-t-kunsman/id1315846850. Web. ˜

Jones, Gregory Edi. "Fake News Archive." Rev. of Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY, ed. Gregory Edi Jones. In the In-Between 2 Nov. 2020: https://www.inthein-between.com/eric-kunsman/. Web. ˜

Chovan-Dalton, Michael. "Fake News- Episode 122." Rev. of Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, dir. Michael Chovan-Dalton. Real Photo Show 11 Oct. 2020: https://www.realphotoshow.com/2020/10/11/eric-kunsman-fake-news-ep-122/. Web. ˜

Parker, Sandra. "Time to examine fake news and truth in the media." Rev. of Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency, by Sandra Parker. Democrat and Chronicle 10 Oct. 2020: 1D, 5D, 6D. Print. ˜


Kunsman, Eric T. Trust, but Verify featuring the Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency. 4 Sep. 2020. Rochester Contemporary Arts Center, Rochester. Exhibit. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: UnGlued (Re)Broadcast News. 15 Oct. 2020. Rhode Island Center for Photography, Providence. Exhibit. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: UnGlued (Re)Broadcast News. 5 Mar. 2020. Cultivate7Twelve, Waco, TX. Exhibit. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. Fake News: UnGlued (Re)Broadcast News. 7 Mar. 2020. A. Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX. Installation. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Lifelines: Throughout the United States. 3 Sep. 2020. Gallery19, Chicago, IL. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art... Will Give... 20 Nov. 2020. Foundry Art Centre, Saint Charles, MO. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art... Will Give... 16 Oct. 2020. Colacino Gallery at Nazareth College, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art... Will Give... 3 May 2020. Gallery 120, Clover, SC. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art... Will Give... 6 Mar. 2020. Pool Art Center, Drury University, Springfield, MO. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art... Will Give... 14 Feb. 2020. Gallery Route One, Point Reyes Station, CA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art... Will Give... 27 Jul. 2020. North Central College, Naperville, IL. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Exhibition: APG > ATL Airport. 17 Sep. 2020. Atlanta AIrport, Atlanta, GA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Members Juried Exhibition 2020. 17 Sep. 2020. The Center for Contemporary Arts, Abilene, TX. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Malamegi Lab 14. 16 Jan. 2020. Imagoars, Campo del Ghetto Vecchio 1145, Cannaregio, Venice, Italy. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Light. 7 Aug. 2020. SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Portfolio 2020. 22 May 2020. Atlanta Photography Group, Atlanta, GA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. PhotoSPIVA. 21 Mar. 2020. George A SPIVA Art Center, Joplin, MO. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Camera USA 2020. 12 Dec. 2020. The Naples Art Association, Naples, FL. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. All Terain. 20 Feb. 2020. Spartanburg Art Museum, Greenville, SC. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. New Now III. 18 Dec. 2019. InLiquid, Philadelphia, PA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Monochroe. 6 Mar. 2020. Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Director's Cut. 7 Dec. 2019. Atlanta Photography Group, Atlanta, GA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Black, White, & More. 6 Mar. 2020. SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Members Juried Exhibition 2020. 18 Jul. 2020. Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. The Road. 24 Feb. 2020. JKC Gallery, Trenton, NJ. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. 12th Anniversary Group Exhibition- Issue 134. 15 May 2020. Fraction Magazine, Albuquerque. Installation. *

National/International Competition Award Winner

Kunsman, Eric T. The Photo Review. 1st place Award, Juried by Kathy Ryan, Photo Editor, and Jessica Dimson, Deputy Director, of The New York Times Magazine. Philadelphia, PA, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. The Photo Review. Honorable Mention, Juried by Kathy Ryan, Photo Editor, and Jessica Dimson, Deputy Director, of The New York Times Magazine. Philadelphia, PA, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Photolucida. Critical Mass 2020 Finalist, Top 200. Portland, OR, 2020. «

Kunsman, Eric T. Spider Awards. Honorable Mention, Category: Sport "Court of Dreamsn- Buffalo, NY. Beverly Hills, CA, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Spider Awards. Honorable Mention, Category: Fine Art- 585.232.9384-State Street- Rochester, NY. Beverly Hills, CA, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Spider Awards. Honorable Mention, Fine Art- 585.235.9340- 490 Motel Mt. Read Blvd- Rochester, NY. Beverly Hills, CA, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Spider Awards. Honorable Mention, Still Life- Barber's Chair. Beverly Hills, CA, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Malamegi Lab, Lab 14. New Collection Prize. San Daniele del Friuli (Udine), Italy, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. COCA Project- Center of Contemporary Arts. Finalist. Rome, Italy, 2020. «

Kunsman, Eric T. Philadelphia Photo Arts Center. Honorable Mention, 2020 Contemporary Photography Exhibition IX. Philadelphia, PA, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. All About Photo. Top 25 B&W Photographers. Seattle, WA, 2020. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Friend of the Artist. Top 40 artist, Volume 12. Dallas, TX, 2020. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kunsman, Eric T. "Alternative Book Structures." Photography & Design Students. Baylor University. Waco, TX. 10 Mar. 2020. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "Thou Art.. Will Give..." Solo Exhibition of Thou Art... Will Give... Foundry Art Centre. Saint Charles, MO. 20 Nov. 2020. Lecture. *

Kunsman, Eric T. "Thou Art... Will Give..." Solo Exhibition of Thou Art... Will Give... Nazareth College. Rochester, New York. 20 Oct. 2020. Lecture. *

Kunsman, Eric T. "Thou Art... Will Give..." Photo Chat Chat. Griffin Museum of Photography. Winchester, MA. 11 Jun. 2020. Lecture. *

Kunsman, Eric T. "Thou Art... Will Give..." Solo Exhibition of Thou Art... Will Give... Gallery Route One. Point Reyes Station, CA. 14 Feb. 2020. Lecture. *

Kunsman, Eric T. "Thou Art... Will Give... Navigating Professional Practices." Weekly Photography Forum. Six Feet Photography Project. Durham, NC. 3 Sep. 2020. Lecture. *

Kunsman, Eric T. "Critique: Eric Kunsman." Online Critique. Atlanta Photography Group. Atlanta, GA. 9 Sep. 2020. Guest Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "Fake News: UnGlued (Re)Broadcast News." Photography & Design Classes. Baylor University. Waco, TX. 5 Mar. 2020. Guest Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "Fake News Archive." Fake News: UnGlued (Re)Broadcast News. Cultivate 7 Twelve. Waco, TX. 5 Mar. 2020. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "Fake News Archive." Fake News: UnGlued (Re)Broadcast News. A. Smith Gallery. Johnson City, TX. 7 Mar. 2020. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency." Photo Book Talk. SE Center for Photography. Greenville, SC. 19 Sep. 2020. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "Fake News: A Historical Archive of the Donald J. Trump Presidency." Trust, but Verify- Artist Talk. Rochester Contemporary Arts Center. Rochester, New York. 17 Sep. 2020. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "Online Critique." Critique: Eric Kunsman. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 2 Dec. 2020. Guest Lecture. ˜

Museum Collection Acquisition

Kunsman, Eric T. Ashes, 20"x20" Archival Pigment Print. Photography. Hoyt Institute of Art. (2020). *

Kunsman, Eric T. 585.288.9518- East Main Street, Rochester, NY. Photograph, Archival Pigment Print. Malamegi Lab, San Daniele del Friuli (Udine) Italy. (2020). *

Invited Article/Publication

Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus & Life-Lines Throughout the US." All About Photo Magazine, Volume #12. (2020). Print. «

Kunsman, Eric T. "Eric Kunsman." Friend of the Artist, Volume 12. (2020). Print. *

Slade, George. "Eric T. Kunsman." Black & White Magazine. (2020). Print. *

Kunsman, Eric T. "Excellence Award, Eric Kunsman." Black & White Magazine. (2020). Print. *

Kunsman, Eric T. "Single Image Award Winners." Black & White Magazine. (2020). Print. *

Group, Atlanta Photography. "Eric T. Kunsman." Portfolio 2020. (2020). Print. *

View All Submissions

Christopher Kurz

Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Full Length Book

Banes, David, et al. Using Information Communication Technologies (ICT) to Implement Universal Design for Learning: Working Paper from the Global Reading Network for Enhancing Skills Acquisition for Learners with Disabilities. Washington DC, DC: Global Reading Network, 2020. Print. ˆ

Book Chapter

Kurz, Christopher Adam Noel, Jeanne Reis, and Barbara Spiecker. "Ideologies and attitudes toward American Sign Language: Academic language and academic vocabulary coinage process." Sign Language Ideologies in Practice. Ed. A. Kusters, et al. Boston, MA: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG., 2020. 287-308. Print. £

Kurz, Christopher Adam Noel and Claudia Pagliaro. "Sign language pedagogy in mathematics classroom." Handbook on Sign Language Pedagogy. Ed. Russel Rosen. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. 85-99. Print. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kurz, Christopher Adam Noel. "What? Does Mathematics Even Have Literacy?" Southeastern Regional Institute on Deafness conference. Southeastern Regional Institute on Deafness. Huntsville, AL. 8 Oct. 2019. Conference Presentation.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Kurz, Christopher Adam Noel and Patrick Graham. "Parent Engagements (Online)." Proceedings of the Comparative International Education Symposium, Miami, April 17, 2020. Ed. CIES. Miami, FL: n.p.. «

Kurz, Christopher Adam Noel and Claudia Pagliaro. "Academic ASL in STEM: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, & Research." Proceedings of the 46th Annual Association of College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing International Conference, Atlanta, GA, February 13-15, 2020. Ed. ACEDHH. Athlanta, GA: n.p.. «

Kurz, Christopher Adam Noel and Kim Kurz. "WAY Community Engagement." Proceedings of the National Deaf Education Conference. Ed. NDEC. Chicago, IL: n.p.. «


Kurz, Christopher Adam Noel, et al (2020-2022). World Around You: International Collaborative Multilingual Sign Language Books ($206,956). Grant received/funded by All Children Reading: Grand Challenge Development, WorldVision and USAID. «

View All Submissions

Kim Kurz

American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Listman, Jason and Kim Kurz. "Lived Experience: Deaf Professionals’ Stories of Resilience and Risks." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 25. 2 (2020): 239-249. Web. *

Book Chapter

Kurz, Kim B. and Melanie Metzger. "Educational interpreters’ perspectives of deaf child’s placement." "Educational interpreting: How it can succeed – second volume." Ed. Elizabeth Winston and Stephen Fitzmaurice. Washington, DC, USA: Gallaudet University Press, 2021. TBA. Print. *

Kurz, Kim B. "No two interpretations are alike: A study of constructed meaning in English to ASL interpretations in education." "Educational interpreting: How it can succeed – second volume." Ed. Elizabeth Winston and Stephen Fitzmaurice. Washington, DC, USA: Gallaudet University Press, 2021. TBA. Print. *

Kurz, Christopher and Kim B. Kurz. "Infusing American Sign Language in academic context." "Educational interpreting: How it can succeed – second volume." Ed. Elizabeth Winston and Stephen Fitzmaurice. Washington, DC, USA: Gallaudet University Press, 2021. TBA. Print. *

Published Review

Kurz, Christopher Kurz & Kim B. "Academic American Sign Language." Rev. of Raising and Educating Deaf Children: Foundations for Policy, Practice ad Outcomes, ed. Trussel, Jessica. Academic American Sign Language 17 Jan. 2020: n/a. Web. ∆

Published Game, Application or Software

Kurz, Christopher, Stephen Jacobs, and Tommie Sarchet. All Children Reading: A Begin with Books. Software. WAY. 2020. «

Uninvited Presentations

Kurz, Christopher and Kim B. Kurz. "DeafEd equity: Open-Source platform for books and games." National Deaf Education Signs. National Deaf Education. Chicago, IL. 5 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Kurz, Kim B. and Kellie Mullaney. "An Analysis of Constructed Action in American Sign Language Narratives: Comparing Native Signers and Second Language Learners in a Second Modality." Linguistic Society of America. Linguistic Society of America. New Orleans, LA. 5 Jan. 2020. Poster Session. *

View All Submissions

Dino Laury (Lauria)

Associate Professor
Engineering Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Laury, Dean J. "A Perspective of a Deaf Academic Leader’s Framework for Decision Making in Higher Education for the Deaf." Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice 8. 1 (2020): 1-12. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Laury, Dean J. "Designing the Precision Manufacturing Technology’s Sub-Baccalaureate Program for Future Deaf Students at NTID: A SWOT Analysis [Extended Abstract]." Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference Proceedings, 198-200. https://stl.asee.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2020/05/2020-ASEE-STLConferencePapers.pdf (Conference canceled due COVID19). Ed. Dean J. Laury. Rochester, NY: ASEE, Web. *

Laury, Dean J. "Catapult Design Experiences for Deaf Engineering Technology Students at NTID." Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference Proceedings, 198-200. https://stl.asee.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2020/05/2020-ASEE-STLConferencePapers.pdf (Conference canceled due COVID19). Ed. Dean J. Laury. Rochester, NY: n.p., Web. *

View All Submissions

Eugene Lylak

Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Published Game, Application or Software

Lylak, Eugene and NTID/TIS Software Development. English Vocabulary Practice for Written Communication. Software. NTID TIS. 2020.

Lylak, Eugene. English Vocabulary Practice - Word Roots. Software. NTID TIS. 2020.

View All Submissions

Matthew Lynn

Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Lynn, Matthew A., et al. "A Review of Mentoring Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Scholars." Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 28. 2 (2020): 211-228. Print. «

Lynn, Matthew A., et al. "Successes and Challenges in Teaching Chemistry to Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in the Time of COVID-19." Journal of Chemical Education 97. (2020): 3322-3326. Print. *

View All Submissions

Rachel Mazique

Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Mazique, Rachel. "Science Fiction's Imagined Futures and Powerful Protests: The Ethics of "Curing" Deafness in Ted Evans's "The End" and Donna William's "When the Dead are Cured"." Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 14. 4 (2020): 469-485. Web. «

Book Chapter

Mazique, Rachel. "Language Deprivation and Teacher Positionality when Teaching Academic English to Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." Routledge International Handbook of Research on Writing, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2021. 1-15. Print. ∆

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Mazique, Rachel. "Deaf Rights as Human Rights: Delimiting the Human with Literatures of “The Hearing Line”." 4 Oct. 2020. TS - typescript (typed). *

Uninvited Presentations

Mazique, Rachel. "Uncovering A Deaf Bioethics in Nick Sturley’s Milan." Disability Bioethics Panel. Modern Language Association. Seattle, Washington. 9 Jan. 2020. Conference Presentation. £ ˜

View All Submissions

Keith Mousley

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Book Chapter

Mousley, Keith. "Student-centered approaches to teaching mathematical concepts related with fractions." American Annuals. Washington, DC, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 1847. 0. Print. *

Published Review

Sue, McClive, Jacqueline; Mousley, Keith; Marchetti, Carol E.; Simkins, David; Blatto-Vallee, Gary; Jackson, Jane; and Foster,. "\\\"Supplemental Online Learning Tools (SOLTs) to Support Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Introductory Statistics Courses,\\\"." Rev. of Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities, ed. Todd Pagano. Journal of Science Education for Students with Disablities 23 Jul. 2020: Article 11. Web. *

View All Submissions

Jason Nordhaus

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Nordhaus, J., et al. "AstroDance: Engaging Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Astrophysics via Multimedia Performances." Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities 23. 1 (2020): 1-14. Web. « £

Wilson, E. and J. Nordhaus. "Convection and spin-up during common envelope evolution: the formation of short-period double white dwarfs." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497. 2 (2020): 1895-1903. Web. * £

Zou, Y., et al. "Bipolar planetary nebulae from outflow collimation by common envelope evolution." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497. 3 (2020): 2855-2869. Web. * £

Wilson, Emily and Jason Nordhaus. "Convection and spin-up during common envelope evolution: the formation of short-period double white dwarfs." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497. 2 (2020): 1895-1903. Web. £ ˜

Zou, Amy, et al. "Bipolar planetary nebulae from outflow collimation by common envelope evolution." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497. 3 (2020): 2855-2869. Web. £ ˜

Published Conference Proceedings

Wilson, E. and J. Nordhaus. "Convection in common envelopes and the formation of double white dwarfs." Proceedings of the White Dwarfs as Probes of Fundamental Physics: Tracers of Planetary, Stellar and Galactic Evolution. Ed. M. Barstow. London, UK: International Astronomical Union, Print. ∆ £

Wilson, Emily and Jason Nordhaus. "Convection in common envelopes and the formation of double white dwarfs." Proceedings of the White Dwarfs as Probes of Fundamental Physics: Tracers of Planetary, Stellar and Galactic Evolution. Ed. Martin A. Barstow. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, Web. £


Nordhaus, J., P. Muirhead, and M. Drout (2020-2024). "Brief But Spectacular: New Windows into the Physics of Common Envelope Evolution." Grant proposal submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics Grant, National Science Foundation. « ≠

Nordhaus, J., P. Muirhead, and M. Drout (2020-2021). A Novel Observational Constraint on a Critical Phase of Stellar Evolution. Grant proposal submitted to SPDI, NTID. *

Nordhaus, J. (2020-2021). 3D Simulations of Planetary Disruption in Red Giant Interiors. Grant proposal submitted to Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, National Science Foundation. * £

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Chamandy, L., et al. "Multiple common envelope events from successive planetary companions." 22 Nov. 2020. TS - typescript (typed). * £

Trussell, J. and J. Nordhaus. "Effects of Metacognitive Reading Strategy on Retell Ability: A Replication Study." 1 Jun. 2020. TS - typescript (typed). « £

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Frank, A, et al. "Accretion, Jets and Drag in Common Envelope Evolution." Proceedings of the American Astronomical Society meeting #235. Ed. Bulletin of the American. Washington, DC: n.p.. £

View All Submissions

Corrine Occhino

Research Assistant Professor
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Occhino, Corrine, Benjamin D. Anible, and Jill P. Morford. "The role of iconicity, construal, and proficiency in the online processing of handshape." Language and Cognition 12. 1 (2020): 114-137. Print. «

View All Submissions

Todd Pagano

Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Lynn, Matthew A., et al. "Successes and Challenges in Teaching Chemistry to Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in the Time of COVID-19." Journal of Chemical Education 97. 9 (2020): 3322-3326. Print. *

Journal Editor

Pagano, Todd and Sami Kahn, ed. Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities. Rochester: Science Education for Students with Disabilities (SESD), 2020. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Ross, Annemarie D. and Todd Pagano. "Culturally-Responsive Teaching: Scientific Argumentation Strategies Among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." 259th American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Philadelphia, PA. 24 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation. ∆ £

Pagano, Todd. "Addressing the Global Challenge of Access to Clean Water using Spectroscopy and Chemometrics." Science Today. SUNY Oswego. Oswego, NY. 19 Feb. 2020. Guest Lecture. ∆

Pagano, Todd, Annemarie D. Ross, and Susan Smith Pagano. "An Accessible CURE: Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students." IsLAND 2020. Princeton University. Princeton, NJ. 12 Sep. 2020. Conference Presentation. ∆ £

View All Submissions

Tiffany Panko

Research Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Panko, Tiffany L., et al. "Deaf Community’s Challenges with COVID-19: Health Information Access Issues." Health Literacy Research and Practice. (2020): TBD. Print. «

Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Non-medical COVID-19-related personal impact in medical ecological perspective: A global multileveled, mixed method study." PLOS One. (2020): TBD. Print. «

Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Risk of COVID-19-related bullying, harassment and stigma among healthcare workers: an analytical cross-sectional global study." BMJ open 10. 12 (2020): 0. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Double Disparity in Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students’ Health Literacy." Proceedings of the Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Virtual Meeting. 20 October 2020. Ed. Michael K. Paasche-Orlow. Thorofare, NJ: n.p., Print.

Postl, Daphine, et al. "Deaf Community’s Experience of COVID-19." Proceedings of the Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Virtual Meeting. 20 October 2020. Ed. Michael K. Paasche-Orlow. Thorofare, NJ: n.p., Print.

Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Adherence to COVID-19 Prevention Strategies among Pregnant People and their Partners." Proceedings of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, January 2021, Las Vegas, NV. Ed. Catherine Bradley and Roberto Romero. New York, NY: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021. Print.

Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Worldwide COVID-19-related Knowledge, Impact, and Worry in Pregnant People and their Partners." Proceedings of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, January 2021, Las Vegas, NV. Ed. Catherine Bradley and Roberto Romero. New York, NY: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021. Print.


Panko, Tiffany. Contemporary Women in STEM. 2020. International Museum of Surgical Science, Chicago, IL. Exhibit.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Panko, Tiffany L. "Reflecting on the Scalpel as a Deaf Physician Scientist." Guest presentation. International Museum of Surgical Science. Chicago, IL. 12 Nov. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Uninvited Presentations

Panko, Tiffany L. "Reproductive Injustice in the Deaf Community." JusticeNOW2020. SPARK. Atlanta, GA. 21 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Hidden Disparity in Health Literacy Among Deaf College Students." Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. American Society for Microbiology. Washington, DC. 9 Nov. 2020. Poster Session.

Sahetapy, Surya, et al. "Deaf Community’s Access to Internet and eHealth Literacy." Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. American Society for Microbiology. Washington, DC. 9 Nov. 2020. Poster Session.

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Double Disparity in Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students' Health Literacy." Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University. Boston, MA. 20 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Postl, Daphine, et al. "Deaf Community's Experience of COVID-19." Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University. Boston, MA. 19 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation.

View All Submissions

Robert Pollard

Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Lynn, Matthew, et al. "A Review of Mentoring Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." Mentoring and tutoring: Partnership in Learning 28. 2 (2000): 211-228. Print. «

Mastrocinque, Jeanna, et al. "Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Involving the Deaf Population." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (2000): 1-23. Web. «

Dean, Robyn, et al. "Raciocinio Etico Baseado No Context da Interpretacao: Uma Perspectiva do Esquema de Controle de Demanda." Belas Infieis 9. 5 (2020): 155-182. Print. ˜

Lynn, Matthew, et al. "A review of mentoring deaf and hard-of-hearing scholars." Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 28. 2 (2020): 211-228. Print. «

Mastrocinque, Jeanna, et al. "Understanding intimate partner violence perpetration involving the deaf population." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (2020): 1-23. Web. «

Book Chapter

Fox, Meghan and Robert Pollard. "Interpreting and the Mental Status Exam." Handbook of Research on Medical Interpreting. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019. 260-275. Print. *

Fox, Meghan and Robert Pollard. "Interpreting and the Mental Status Exam." Handbook of Research on Medical Interpreting. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019. 260-275. Print. *

Fox, Meghan and Robert Pollard. "Interpreting and the mental status exam." Research Anthology on Mental Health Stigma, Education, and Treatment. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. 533-548. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Dean, Robyn and Robert Pollard. "Mental Health Interpreting: Clinical Information and Work Strategies for a Practice Profession." Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health, Office of Deaf Services. Montgomery, AL. 4 Aug. 2020. Conference Presentation. ˜

Pollard, Robert. "Forensics and the Deaf Population: Challenges and Strategies for Intepreters and Clinicians." Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health, Office of Deaf Services. Montgomery, AL. 10 Aug. 2020. Conference Presentation. ˜

Pollard, Robert. "Fund of Information and Dysfluency: A DC-S Perspective and Implications for Legal Interpreting." University of Southern Maine Symposia. University of Southern Maine. Portland, ME. 10 Feb. 2020. Guest Lecture. ˜

Pollard, Robert. "Getting It and Avoiding Conflicts." University of Rochester ASL Department. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 17 Sep. 2020. Guest Lecture. ˜

Pollard, Robert. "Psychologists in Administrative Roles: Some Personal History and Considerations." University of Rochester Department of Psychiatry, Psychology Continuing Education. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 3 Mar. 2020. Guest Lecture. ˜

Pollard, Robert. "Student-Clinician-Researcher-Administrator: A Psychologist's Journey." University of Rochester ASL Department. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 29 Oct. 2019. Guest Lecture. ˜

Pollard, Robert. "An Introduction to Deaf People, Interpreting, and Psychiatry." Department of Psychiatry Continuing Residency Education. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 8 Oct. 2019. Guest Lecture. ˜

Pollard, Robert, Stephanie Logan, and Carl Burgess. "Beyond cultural competency: Supporting crisis contacts who are deaf or hard-of-hearing." Inservice training. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Disaster Distress Helpline. Rockville, MD. 29 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.

View All Submissions

Lisa Prinzi

Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Invited Paper

Prinzi, Lisa M. "From Our Vantage Point: Deaf Students and K-12 Interpreters Perceptions of the Mainstream." AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA. (2020). Web.

View All Submissions

Mark Rosica

Associate Professor
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Book Chapter

Marschark, Marc and Mark Rosica. "Reading abilities of deaf college students: Has Elvis already left the building?" "The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Literacy." Ed. S. Easterbrooks and H. Dostal. New York, NY: The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Literacy, 2020. 000-000. Print. £

View All Submissions

Annemarie Ross

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Lynn, Matthew A., et al. "Successes and Challenges in Teaching Chemistry to Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in the Time of COVID-19." Journal of Chemical Education 97. 9 (2020): 3322-3326. Print. «

Pagano, Todd, et al. "Accessibility in Undergraduate Research Experiences: a Novel CURE." SPUR: Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 4. 3 (2020): 61-62. Web. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Ross, Annemarie D. and Todd Pagano. "Culturally-Responsive Teaching: Scientific Argumentation Strategies Among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." ACS Spring 2020 National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Philadelphia, PA. 24 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation. ˜

Pagano, Todd, Annemarie D. Ross, and Susan Smith Pagano. "An Accessible CURE: Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students." IsLAND 2020. Princeton University. Princeton, NY. 12 Sep. 2020. Conference Presentation. ∆ £

View All Submissions

Deirdre Schlehofer

Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Schlehofer, Deirdre. "Vibrant History of Deaf Women in the USA." ASL Program. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 20 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.

View All Submissions

Sara Schley

Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Schley, Sara, Beth M. Duckles, and Borhane Blili-Hamelin. "Working Open: F2F/Online and Synchronous/Asynchronous Flexibility." Journal of Faculty Development 34. 3 (2020): 94-95. Print. *

Jassal, Yasmine R., Stephanie W. Cawthon, and Sara Schley. "Student Observations of Postsecondary Classroom Instruction: Accessibility Challenges and Collaborative Feedback." Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal 13. 1 (2020): 79-99. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Schley, Sara and Carol Marchetti. "Engaging Faculty in Designing Inclusive and Collaborative Classroom Strategies with Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Faculty Developers." Proceedings of the ICED 2020: International Consortium for Educational Development. Ed. Benno Volk, Pia Scherrer. Zurich, Switzerland: Educational Development and Technology (LET) unit at ETH Zurich, Web. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Blaser, Brianna, Meg Ray, and Sara Schley. "Universal Design for Learning Expert Panel." Carnegie Mellon University Human Computer Interaction Institute Accessibility Seminar. CMU. Pittsburgh, PA. 4 Sep. 2020. Keynote Speech. ˜

Helmke, Brian P., et al. "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Biomedical Engineering: Best Practices and Future Directions." American Society for Engineering Education. ASEE. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 25 Jun. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Schley, Sara and Donna Lang. "Universal Design for Learning: Strategies for Inclusion." ICED 2020 – International Congress on the Education of the Deaf. ICED. Brisbane, Australia. 5 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Schley, Sara, et al. "Access, Inclusion, Interaction, and Engagement between DHH and hearing participants in formal and informal learning environments." ICED 2020 – International Congress on the Education of the Deaf. ICED. Brisbane, Australia. 5 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

Schley, Sara and Carol Marchetti. "Engaging Faculty in Designing Inclusive and Collaborative Classroom Strategies with Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Faculty Developers." ICED 2020: International Consortium for Educational Development. International Consortium for Educational Development. Zurich, Switzerland. 16 Jun. 2020. Conference Presentation. *

View All Submissions

Kathryn Schmitz

Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Editor

Schmitz, Kathryn L., ed. The Volta Review. Washington, DC: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, 2020. Web. «

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Michael Skyer

Senior Lecturer
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Skyer, Michael E. and Laura Cochell. "Aesthetics, Culture, Power Critical Deaf Pedagogy and ASL Video-publications as Resistance-to-Audism in Deaf Education and Research." Critical Education 11. 15 (2020): 1-27. Web. «

Invited Paper

Skyer, Michael E. "The Bright Triad and Five Propositions: Toward a Vygotskian Framework for Deaf Pedagogy and Research." American Annals of the Deaf, 164(5), 577–591. (2020). Print. ∆

Skyer, Michael E. and Peter Smagorinsky. "Vygotsky and Deaf Research: A Call for Papers." American Annals of the Deaf. (2020). Print.

Skyer, Michael E. "The Bright Triad and Five Propositions: Toward a Vygotskian Framework for Deaf Pedagogy and Research." American Annals of the Deaf. (2020). Print. ∆

Journal Editor

Skyer, Michael E. and Peter V. Paul, ed. American Annals of the Deaf. Washington: Gallaudet University, 2020. Print. ˜

Skyer, Michael E. and Peter H. Smagorinsky, ed. American Annals of the Deaf. Washington: Gallaudet University Press, 2020. Print. £

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Skyer, Michael E. "Being and Deafness: The Ontology of Disablement and the Dialectics of Hearing Loss and Deaf Gain." In Press. TS - typescript (typed). *

Skyer, Michael E. "Interactions with Embodiment and Abstraction: Aesthetics and Deaf Critical Pedagogy in ‘Transgressing the Object.’." 5 Oct. 2020. TS - typescript (typed). «


Dye, Matthew, et al (2020-2022). The Intersection of Online Distance Education, Technical Education, and Deaf Education: Perspectives from Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, their Parents, and Educators. Grant proposal submitted to National Science Foundation: Advanced Technical Education, NSF. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Skyer, Michael E. "Experiences with Remote Learning in Mainstream Deaf Education – A Virtual Panel Discussion." Best Practice in Mainstream Education of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Conference. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Rochester, New York. 31 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation. ˜

Skyer, Michael E. and Rebecca Johnson. "Online Teaching Faculty Panel." “Online Teaching Faculty Panel.”. RIT's Innovative Learning Institute. Rochester, New York. 5 Jun. 2020. Guest Lecture. ˜

Skyer, Michael E. "Deaf Research Dissensus: Conflicts of Theory and Practice." Conference: National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY (Via Zoom) Monday, May 11th , 2020. SPaCE Center & deaf x Lab. Rochester, New York. 11 May 2020. Conference Presentation. ˜

Skyer, Michael E. "Conflict: The ‘Engine’ of Development in Science Research." Science Communication. University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry. Rochester, New York. 7 Apr. 2020. Lecture. ˜

Uninvited Presentations

Skyer, Michael E. and Laura Cochell. "Ableism in the Academy: Disability Oppression and Resistance in Higher Education." AESA 2020 Annual Conference: Healing the Mind/Body/Soul: Revolutionary Education for Liberation. of the American Educational Studies Association (AESA). San Antonio, Texas. 28 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation. £

Skyer, Michael E., Kaitltn Stack Whitney, and Pamela Kinchloe. "Communicating and Collaborating with Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students and Colleagues." RIT Fall 2020 New Faculty Orientation. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 12 Aug. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Skyer, Michael E. "Oh No! Oh Know! Early-career Deaf Educators negotiating Knowledge & Experience in Student-Teaching Mentorships." .” 3rd Biennial: Best Practice in Mainstream Education of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Conference. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Rochester, New York. 31 Jul. 2020. Lecture. £

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Joseph Stanislow

Associate Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Stanislow, Joseph S. and Gary W. Behm. "What Level of Learning Do Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Have in a Classroom through Access Support Services at the Post-Secondary Education?" Proceedings of the 23nd International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (2020 ICED) Conference, 2020 July, Brisbane, Australia. Ed. Joseph S. Stanislow and Gary W. Behm. Brisbane, Australia: n.p., Print. *

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Michael Stinson

Research Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Sharing of Knowledge and Problem Solving when Teammates have Diverse Hearing Status." Small Group Research. (2020): 00-01. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Enriched Communication and Messaging in Teams with Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing Postsecondary Students." Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association annual meeting. Ed. S. Croft and M. Purdy. Washington, D.C., District of Columbia: American Educational Research Association, 2020. Web. *

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Jessica Trussell

Associate Professor
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Trussell, Jessica W. "Learning social studies vocabulary via morphological instruction in the itinerant model." American Annals of the Deaf 165. 1 (2020): 52-71. Print. «

Trussell, Jessica W., Thomastine Sarchet, and Dawn Walton. "Reading and Writing Instruction for Academically At-Risk Deaf and Hard of Hearing First-year College Students." Community College Review. (2020): in press. Print. «

Beal, Jennifer S., Jessica W. Trussell, and Dawn Walton. "Incoming Deaf College Students' Sign Language Skills: Self-awareness and Intervention." Journal of Language, Identity & Education. (2020): in press. Print. «

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Trussell, Jessica W. and Jason Nordhaus. "Effects of Metacognitive Reading Strategy on Retell Ability: A Replication Study." 10 Nov. 2020. TS - typescript (typed). «

Alonzo, Oliver, et al. "Comparision for Methods for Evaluating Complexity of Simplified Texts among Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals at Different Literacy Levels." 2 Sep. 2020. TS - typescript (typed). «

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Steven Wright

Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, S.J. "Deafnormativity: who belongs in deaf culture?" Disability and Society. (2020): 20. Web. «

Book Chapter

Wright, S. J., Gloshanda Lawyer, and Edward Bart. "Decision Making in the Era of Post-Modern Audism: Examining the colonizing normate." "Who Decides? Power, Disability, and Educational Administration." Ed. Catherine O'Brien, William Black, and Arnold Danzig. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, 2022. 0. Print. ∆ ˜

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