Community of Practice

Join the CTO Community of Practice!

A community of practice (CoP) is a support network for people who share a common role, concern, set of problems, or interest in a topic. CoPs create opportunities for learning, building capability, sharing knowledge, and reducing duplication of work. Members of a CoPs learn how to do things better as they interact regularly.

The CTO CoP series is intended to create situated learning in small doses on a variety of topics that can supplement other training offerings or stand alone. These workshops are great opportunities for RIT staff to sharpen their skills or learn something new through hands-on demos and live Q&A.

Please use this Qualitrics Survey to submit questions in advance for the session you plan to attend. This will allow the CoP presenters for that session combine like questions and make the most effective use of time for workshop attendees.

Use this Zoom link to join any of the workshops at 9 AM on the 3rd Thursday of each month; registration is not required. Sessions will be recorded and made available below after the session. Interpreting Services will be provided.

Subject Matter Expert (SME) Acronym Key:

  • AFR: Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • AP: Accounts Payable
  • AR: Accounts Receivable
  • PAPS: Payroll and Accounts Payable Services
  • PSO: Procurement Services Office
  • SPA: Sponsored Research Accounting

Upcoming Workshops

Date | Time Topic SMEs
3/20/25 | 9:00 AM Overview of Tax Department Tax
4/17/25 | 9:00 AM Travel Policy and Use of RIT Travel Agencies PSO
5/15/25 | 9:00 AM Year End Edition: Part 1 AFR
6/19/25 | 9:00 AM Year End Edition: Part 2 AFR

Past Workshop Recordings

Date Topic SMEs Recording
2/20/25 Accounts Receivable - Onboarding to RSC
 here for the AR-RSC Partnership PPT Presentation
AR Zoom Recording
1/16/25 SPA: Best Practices in Sponsored Programs
Click here for the SPA Best Practices PPT Presentation
11/21/24 Time Keeping 101
Click here for the Timekeeping 101 PPT Presentation
Payroll Recording
10/17/24 Using AP Inquiry AP  
9/19/24 Object Codes AFR  
8/15/24 Managing Annual Equipment Inventory Process AP  
7/18/24 Reconciling an Operating Budget (Best Practices) PTR/Budget Office Recording
6/20/24 Demo of New CTO App: Decision Guide for Purchases & Payments AP Recording
5/16/24 Object Codes - Which Ones to Use and Why AFR Zoom Recording
4/18/24 Requisitions - Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices
Click here for the Requisitions PPT Presentation
PSO Zoom Recording
3/21/24 Cost Transfers Best Practices - SPA/Grants and Contracts
Click here for the Cost Transfers PPT Presentation
SPA Zoom Recording
2/15/24 Accounts Receivable Topics and Creating Invoices AR Zoom Recording
1/18/24 Processing Journal Entries - Tips & Tricks AFR Zoom Recording
11/16/23 Online Invoice Payment Form (IPF) Process
AP Inquiry tip sheet
IPF Uses
PaymentWorks resources
Additional training videos on IPFs
PAPS Zoom Recording
10/19/23 Managed Print Services (Now in RSC!) PSO Zoom Recording
8/17/23 PaymentWorks
Click here for online resources
PAPS & PSO Zoom Recording
6/15/23 Procurement on Federal Awards PSO & SPA Zoom Recording
5/18/23 Using AP Inquiry
Click here for online tip sheet
AP Zoom Recording
4/20/23 TERs & Travel Cards PAPS Zoom Recording
3/16/23 Wire Transfers AP Zoom Recording
2/16/23 Pcards - What's on the RIT Service Center and Other Topics AFR Zoom Recording
1/19/23 Managing Annual Equipment Inventory Process AFR Zoom Recording