Travel Policies & Procedures
- RIT/
- Office of the Controller/
- Buying & Paying/
- Travel Policies & Procedures
ATTENTION: Starting May 7, 2025, a REAL ID-compliant driver's license or state ID is required to board domestic flights. REAL IDs have a star or flag in top right corner. Learn more at the NYS DMV website.
This manual provides information about approved business travel from the RIT campus (i.e..., one’s normal place of employment), or one’s home, to a destination in Rochester, or outside of the Rochester area. The University will reimburse faculty, staff and students, or pay certain outside vendors, for necessary and reasonable transportation and travel related expenses incurred in connection with RIT business travel that has been approved by an authorized individual (see below for more information) under the following circumstances:
- The traveler has adhered to RIT policies and procedures;
- The travel expenses are reasonable and allowable;
- The traveler acts in a prudent manner when expending University, sponsor and donor funds*;
- The expenses have a legitimate business purpose and are supported by appropriate documentation;
- An authorized individual, who is at least one level of management above the traveler, has approved the Travel Expense Report**; and,
- All expenditures are accurately reflected on the appropriate RIT general ledger account (i.e..., 24-digit account number)
*There may be circumstances when it is reasonable for an employee to vary from the established policies provided in this manual. For example, it is allowable for a traveler to exceed the meal limit on a particular day when dining with colleagues attending the same conference, when there is a demonstrated cost savings in another expense category (i.e..., a traveler is able to secure an automobile rental at a very reasonable rate that results in a significant cost savings for the department/University).
When a situation such as the one described above occurs, prepare a brief explanation, obtain the approval of an authorized department approver, and submit the justification with your Travel Expense Report.
Please contact a member of the travel team (refer to page 2) if you would like to discuss a specific situation where an exception to the policy may be appropriate.
**Each program, college, department or division is responsible for designating an appropriate individual to approve RIT travel and hospitality expenditures. Generally, this individual is the dean, director, department head, or a department administrator.
Traveler’s Responsibilities – Employees should use discretion when expending RIT funds and for ensuring that expenditures are necessary and appropriate for meeting business needs. In addition, employees are expected to:
- Be familiar with, and follow, the policies and procedures specified in this manual and, if applicable, the policies of their particular division, college, department and/or program;
- Provide receipts for all expenses except if claiming the daily “per diem” for meals;
- Submit all travel expenses within the timeframes specified in the Accountable Plan section below.
Accountable Plan Information – According to the IRS, in order for reimbursements or amounts paid directly by the University on behalf of the employee, an accountable plan requires employees to meet all of the requirements listed below. The employee must:
- Have paid or incurred expenses while performing services as an RIT employee;
- Adequately account for these expenses within a reasonable period of time; and,
- Return any excess reimbursement or allowance within a reasonable period of time.
Based on IRS guidance, RIT has determined that reasonable with regards to accounting for travel related expenses to be 60 days from the last day of the trip. Therefore, in order to be reimbursed for travel related expenses on a non-taxable basis, employees must complete and submit their online Travel Expense Report no later than 60 days from the last day of the trip.
If the reimbursement request is completed and submitted online after 60 days from the last day of the trip, the reimbursement will be made to the employee on a taxable basis. This means that the total expenses will be reported as income and added to the employee’s Form W-2.
Travel Expense Reports submitted after 120 days from the last day of the trip, will not be processed.
Note: It is important that expenses be accounted for in the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) in which they were incurred. Accounts Payable will seek the approval of the Division Vice President before processing reimbursements that cross fiscal years.
Where to Submit Travel Expense Reports – Submit travel expenses that include an overnight stay, airline travel, or a travel advance electronically via Oracle for approval electronically and then forwarded to Accounts Payable for review and reimbursement. Use an Invoice Payment Form (IPF) to request travel advances.
Changes to Travel Policies & Procedures – The Controller’s Office will periodically review travel policies and procedures; revisions may be made as part of the review process. RIT faculty and staff will be advised of any changes via the RIT Message Center; all changes and/or revisions will be published on the Controller’s Office travel web page and will be effective when issued. If required, Controller’s Office staff will provide additional training.
Travel Policies
Documentation - Original receipts for all expenses must be submitted via an PDF attached file to the online TER; however, if the traveler has chosen a per diem meal reimbursement, receipts are not required (see Section D, 7)
Mileage Reimbursement Rate - Reimbursements for mileage are made at the RIT business mileage reimbursement rate in effect at the time of the trip (see Section D, 12). Refer to the RSC web page for the current rate as well as instructions about how to process a reimbursement request.
- Additional travel insurance, travel accident insurance or trip cancelation premiums (see Section G).
- Alcoholic beverages consumed as part of meal or otherwise while traveling on University business. Refer to Section A of RIT's Policies for Selected Discretionary Expenditures for more information.
- Insurance (both Collision Damage Waiver and Liability) from a car rental agency except when renting a vehicle outside of the United States (see Section G for more information about Insurance and Sections F for information about foreign travel).
- Additional expenses associated with the cost of first class airfare.
- Childcare and babysitting expenses.
- Corporate Travel Card delinquency assessments (see Section H, 6).
- Costs for commuting between your home and the RIT campus.
- Costs for personal medications.
- Costs incurred by your failure to cancel transportation or hotel reservations.
- Costs incurred by your spouse or other dependents traveling with you.
- Entertainment expenses, including movies in your hotel room.
- Gasoline expenses when the automobile mileage reimbursement rate is claimed.
- Host/hostess gifts, in lieu of meals and lodging, when the cost exceeds what meal and/or lodging expenses would have been.
- Hair styling and haircut expenses.
- Kennel/boarding expenses for pets.
- Laundry or dry cleaning expenses for trips less than one week.
- Magazines or newspaper expenses.
- NYS sales tax and sales tax paid in states that recognize RIT's tax exempt status (see Section D, 18).
- Other expenses not directly related to the business purpose of the travel assignment.
- Costs incurred for parking or speeding tickets.
Reimbursable Expenses - Travel expenses that are reimbursable to you include:
- Airline Baggage Fees - RIT will reimburse you for the cost associated with one checked bag.
- Automobile rentals (see Section D, 17).
- Expenses associated with baggage handling, storage, and tips.
- Fees to confirm your seat on a flight.
- Hospitality, if directly related to the educational or research purpose of the trip (see Section D, 9).
- Host/hostess gifts, in lieu of lodging, when the cost does not exceed what lodging expenses would have been.
- Laundry and/or dry cleaning expenses for trips of seven or more consecutive days.
- Lodging expenses (see Section D, 10).
- Meals and incidentals as outlined in policy.
- Telephone calls, including those calls necessary to obtain transportation and hotel reservations, communicate with the office, and one personal call per day to your family.
- Transportation costs (see Section D, 1, 2, 13 & 17).
Travel Procedures - General
The following travel procedures are standard within RIT. As a general rule, all RIT business travelers or travel arrangers will book air fare and reserve hotel, rail, and car rentals through one of RIT's designated travel agencies. Other arrangements may be made for student travel. All other exceptions must be approved in advance by the Controller's Office.
- When you make a reservation through one of the designated travel agencies, use the direct bill option. To confirm that you are an RIT employee, provide the travel agent with your RIT University ID (UID) number for billing purposes.
- Book flights on the normally traveled route to your destination.
- While some restrictions or penalties may apply, advance reservations secure the lowest fares.
- Air carrier selection and method of payment cannot be selected based upon your frequent flyer affiliation.
- Purchases made through another agency are not permitted. Exceptions to the RIT policy must be approved in advance by the Controller's Office.
- Since RIT's insurance program does not cover aircraft liability associated with non-commercial air travel, you may not operate an aircraft that you own, rent or borrow when traveling on RIT business. If your RIT business travel requires the use of a privately chartered aircraft, please consult with RIT's Global Risk Management Office (GRMS) before leaving for your trip. See Section G, Insurance for additional information about insurance coverage while traveling on RIT business.
- RIT will reimburse you for costs associated with automobile travel for business use based upon the current RIT business mileage reimbursement rate. Complete the mileage tab of the online TER for reimbursement of mileage expenses. If your travel does not include airline fare or an overnight stay, request reimbursement via the Oracle process: Reimbursement for Expenses. Refer to Section 12 below for more information.
- Visit the RSC web page to obtain the current auto mileage reimbursement rate. The rate per mile changes periodically; RIT faculty and staff are notified via the message center when a change is made.
- The mileage rate is intended to reimburse you for gasoline, oil, normal maintenance, insurance, etc. It is not intended to reimburse full costs; it is to cover the incremental costs incurred when using your private vehicle for University related travel.
- Expenses incurred due to automobile mechanical failure or accidents, including personal automobile insurance deductions, are not reimbursable, nor are fines for parking or traffic violations.
- See Section D 17 for information about rental vehicles
- When you make a reservation through one of the designated travel agencies, use the direct bill option. To confirm that you are an RIT employee, provide the travel agent with your RIT University ID (UID) number for billing purposes.
- Book flights on the normally traveled route to your destination.
- While some restrictions or penalties may apply, advance reservations secure the lowest fares.
- Air carrier selection and method of payment cannot be selected based upon your frequent flyer affiliation.
- Purchases made through another agency are not permitted. Exceptions to the RIT policy must be approved in advance by the Controller's Office.
- Since RIT's insurance program does not cover aircraft liability associated with non-commercial air travel, you may not operate an aircraft that you own, rent or borrow when traveling on RIT business. If your RIT business travel requires the use of a privately chartered aircraft, please consult with RIT's Global Risk Management Office (GRMS) before leaving for your trip. See Section G, Insurance for additional information about insurance coverage while traveling on RIT business.
You are responsible for obtaining a refund of an advance payment if there is a cancelation. All charges, cancelations, and refunds associated with RIT approved travel are the responsibility of the department or college.
Click here to learn more about each of the travel agencies listed below.
Make transportation arrangements for air or rail travel and reservations for hotel and car rentals through one of RIT's designated travel agencies listed below. Refer to the Controller's Office web page for detailed information regarding designated travel agencies.
TZELL Travel Service 585-663-8660
2820 Dewey Avenue Toll Free: 1-800-842-0941
Rochester, NY 14616-4628 After hours: 1-800-569-0282
Web Site: Fax: 1-585-663-5155
Town & Country Travel 585-381-2850
732 Pittsford-Victor Road After hours: 1-866-966-2850
Pittsford, NY 14534 Fax: 1-585-381-1987
Van Zile Travel Service 585-244-1100
2349 Monroe Ave Emergency Service: 1-877-443-5766
Rochester, NY 14618
Web site:
- Begin to schedule your itinerary as soon as your travel dates and destination are known. Book air, hotel reservations, and car rentals through the designated travel agency. Provide the travel agent with the time frame in which you need to leave and arrive at your destination.
- RIT has made arrangements with the designated travel agencies to provide one invoice per month for air and rail charges made to the CTA account. When making travel arrangements, tell the agency that you are from RIT and provide them with the travelers' 9-digit UID. RIT will pay the agency and charge a general ledger travel prepaid account for the payment amount. The charge will be reflected on your department statement when the TER is submitted and paid.
- NTID travelers should charge all air and rail charges to the GTA account set up with the designated travel agencies. When making arrangements, tell the travel agency that you are from NTID and provide them with the 24-digit account number that the air or rail expenses should be charged to. RIT will pay the agency and charge your general ledger account for the payment amount.
- If you have questions about a charge to your account from the designated agency, contact the travel agency directly; Accounting does not receive detail transaction information. If you are unable to resolve a billing issue directly with the travel agent, call Accounting at 475-4491.
- Do not charge your air and/or rail charges to your corporate PNC Travel Card or personal credit card. Often, travel arrangements are made well in advance of the date of departure, and using a credit card ties up dollars that should be available for other purchases, and necessitates an additional reimbursement request.
- If you pay for an item with an RIT Procurement (Purchasing) Card while traveling, RIT will pay PNC directly. You will not be reimbursed for these items. Include purchases paid with your Procurement Card in the Advances/Prepaid section of the TER and include a copy of the receipt. Save the original receipt to send to Accounting with your monthly JPMorgan Chase statement (see Section D, 21).
- Include a copy of the conference/workshop brochure with the file attached to your online TER
- The relationship of the expenditure to the educational or research mission of the trip must be clearly indicated in the Business Hospitality Record of the online TER (see Section D, 21). Enter all information in the 'Details' box of the online TER, indicating the specific business purpose, "who" (i.e... names of the people who attended the function), "what" (i.e... what was purchased, if not readily apparent from the receipt), and "why" (i.e.., why the expense was incurred and the business connection to RIT such as donor relations, faculty recruitment, etc.).
- Original receipts are required for reimbursement. If the original receipt is not available, prepare a memo providing an explanation, obtain the signature of your budget authority, include with the file you will attach to your online TER and submit for electronic routing to Accounts Payable.
- Hospitality expenses cannot be charged to a federal or state grant/contract.
- To ensure the lowest possible rates, make your lodging arrangements through one of RIT's designated travel agencies.
- Ask for educational or corporate discounts at all hotel and motels, many of which charge reduced rates to those who identify themselves as faculty or staff members.
- You will be reimbursed for the actual reasonable expense of lodging for each night that you are traveling away from home.
RIT faculty and staff traveling for business purposes when there is an overnight stay are reimbursed for meals and incidentals using one of two options, per diem no receipts required or up to a predetermined amount with receipts. The option selected by the traveler is used for the entire duration of the trip.
RIT faculty and staff using the per diem no receipts required option should deduct meals that have been provided by other sources (example: breakfast during a conference)
When employees are traveling with a business purpose for the day (i.e. no overnight stay required), they can receive reimbursement for expenses, including meals, with itemized receipts.
For students traveling with a business purpose, meal reimbursements are managed by University departments. They set the reimbursement rates for meals and/or provide dollars/meals for students traveling in groups.
University funds cannot be used to reimburse for alcohol as part of a meal.
Most US locations will be reimbursed based on GSA Per Diem Rates for Meals & Incidentals. Rates are evaluated annually by the US General Services Administration (GSA) and any new rates will be applied by RIT systematically each October.
Alaska, Hawaii, US Territories, and International locations will be reimbursed at a per diem rate of $110 per day, or up to $131 per day with itemized receipts.
For International travelers using the receipt method, the traveler should note the US Dollar amount on each receipt and provide an or credit card statement conversion for each receipt.
First and Last Days of Travel will be reimbursed at 75% of the applicable per diem rate, to align with GSA Practices. Travelers may request 100% reimbursement for First and Last Days of Travel, up to each location's applicable rate, by using the receipt method and providing itemized receipts for all days of the trip.
For trips to multiple locations, reimbursement rates are based on where the traveler is staying overnight.
Detailed instructions for per diem entries can be found at How to Enter Per Diems in Oracle.
- Complete a RIT Reimbursement for Expense, and enter the information on the mileage tab. Be specific and include the "address from" and "address to" information. The reimbursement will be deposited into your bank account, or mailed to your home if you are not set up with direct deposit, within 5 - 7 business days of receipt in Accounts Payable.
- If, in addition to your mileage reimbursement, there is also airfare and an overnight stay, complete the mileage tab of the TER to obtain reimbursement for your mileage expenses.
- Note: when you claim a mileage reimbursement, you cannot be reimbursed for gasoline.
- Taxis and Shuttle Services - RIT will reimburse you for expenses for taxis or shuttle services for travel between the airport or rail station to your hotel, between appointments, or between hotels and conference locations or business appointments. Obtain receipts for all such transportation.
- Rail Transportation - RIT will reimburse you for the cost of railroad fare not to exceed the cost of the lowest applicable airfare.
- A memo signed by your department budget authority must include the justification for use of another agency as well as a written comparison of fares and indicating approval for use of a non-designated travel agency must accompany the TER.
- Itineraries must be identical. Similar or matching fares will not be accepted for reimbursement.
- There must be a documented cost saving.
- Submit an IPF with the original registration form and one copy. IPFs are usually mailed 5-7 working days after they are received in Accounts Payable.
- List the advance on your TER in the Advance/Prepaid Information section on the first screen of the online form.
- Registration fees will be processed as an expense on your department budget at the time the check is issued.
Typically, your reimbursement check will be mailed to your home, or deposited into your bank account, within 5-7 business days after receipt in Accounts Payable.
If your travel reimbursement does not include airfare or an overnight stay (e.g.., meals, mileage, and tolls only), complete an online request for reimbursement.
Company | Web Site | Phone Number | Corporate Number |
Avis | | 1-800-331-1212 | AWD#B005900 |
Alamo | | 1-800-732-3232 | 126549 |
Budget | | 1-800-527-0700 | BCD#T224700 |
Enterprise | | 1-585-235-1655 | XZ29401** |
Hertz* | | 1-800654-3131 | CDP#1807216 |
National** | | 1-800-328-4567 | XZ29401** |
Thrifty | | 1-800-847-4389 | 001-0170245 |
* RIT travelers may enroll in the Hertz #1 Club Gold Service at no cost. Complete an enrollment form available at http:/ Enter the following information: Company name: Rochester Institute of Technology; CPD#1807216; Pin Code: bapgold; click "join now".
**RIT travelers may enroll in the Emerald Club at no cost by clicking here (Enterprise and National are owned by the same company and this loyalty program is accepted at both brands.)
- Pay car rental expenses with your PNC Corporate Travel Card. Refer to the Controller's Office web page for information about benefits available to cardholders.
- RIT will reimburse you for the cost of automobile rentals for economy, compact, subcompact, or standard vehicles only. In exceptional cases, reimbursement will be made for other types of vehicles (i.e.., when there are several travelers in one car, when equipment is being transported, etc.). Provide a detailed explanation in the 'Justification' box on the online TER.
- Do not purchase a Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) or Liability Insurance from the car rental agency except when renting a vehicle outside of the U.S.. (see Section G, 1 for more information). Contact GMRS at 475-6131 for evidence of insurance rentals in California or Texas.
- If you have an automobile accident while traveling on RIT business, notify your department head and GRMS at 475-6131 as soon as is practical.
To obtain a list of states (and the tax exempt form) that recognize RIT's tax exempt status, click HERE.
- If you pay sales tax, you will not be reimbursed unless the service provider does not accept the RIT Sales Tax Exempt Form. If that is the case, provide a detailed explanation in the 'Justification' box on the online TER.
- Send the appropriate sales tax-exempt form to the hotel you are staying at so that they have the information prior to your arrival. This may save time when you are checking out.
- Advances are limited to $50 per day for each day of the trip.
- The request for an advance requires approval by your departmental budget authority.
- Allow five business days prior to your departure for processing.
- Indicate your destination, the business purpose of the trip and the duration of the trip (i.e.. Orlando, Florida; Oracle User's Group Conference, September 26th through September 30th, 5 days x $50.00 = $250.00 advance)
- In the "Distribution" section of the IPF, indicate the travel expense number for your department for informational purposes. AP will charge this amount to a prepaid account line. The advance will be charged to your department's budget when you submit your TER.
- Accounts Payable will process the request and send the check, made payable to the traveler, to the traveler's home, or will deposit directly to your bank account if you have set it up previously.
- Advances must be accounted for on the TER within two weeks after returning from your trip.
- If the amount of the advance is more than your total travel expenses, return the excess funds to RIT.
- Complete a Deposit ID form and return the unspent cash to Student Financial Services prior to submitting the TER to Accounts Payable.
- Attach the pink copy of the Deposit ID to the TER.
- Do not send cash or personal checks to Accounts Payable.
- A second travel advance will not be processed until the prior advance has been accounted for. Failure to account for advances in a timely manner may result in the advance amount being added to your income and treated as taxable wages.
- Non-employees traveling on RIT business may not obtain travel advances.
- Occasionally it may be necessary to request an advance payment for a vendor. Complete an IPF and forward to Accounts Payable for processing. Include appropriate documentation such as a quote on hotel letterhead. Examples of advances that may be paid by check include:
- Hotel deposits (use your PNC Corporate Travel Card if possible).
- Car rentals (use your PNC Corporate Travel Card if possible)
- Conference Registrations - only if the organization does not accept the RIT Procurement Card.
- All original documentation must be included in the scanned file. Keep original receipts in your department until the Accounting office advises the University that originals may be destroyed. This typically occurs within sic (6) months of the end of RIT's fiscal year.
- If an original receipt is not available, prepare a memo giving the reasons why and obtain the signature of your budget authority, and include with the scanned file.
- Book spousal or other dependent travel through one of RIT designated travel agencies.
- You must pay the travel agency directly; the agent will provide a separate invoice for family members upon request.
Travel Procedures - Special
If you spend more than you can be reimbursed for due to department budgetary restrictions, please include the phrase "budget restrictions" on the first page of the online TER (in the business purpose section, along with the actual business purpose) before completing the online process. You will be reimbursed up to the maximum allowed by your department.
- If, at the end of the fiscal year, there are departmental funds available to reimburse you for the remaining expenses, complete an IPF and send it to Accounts Payable for processing. Write the original online expense number (EX-xxxxx) on the IPF and include a brief memo of explanation.
Newly hired professional staff and faculty members relocating to the Rochester area to work at RIT may be eligible to receive reimbursement for certain expenses incurred as a result of the move. The actual amount of the reimbursement may vary due to departmental budgetary restrictions.
- Complete an RIT Relocation Expense Report (see Section K, V) to account for relocation expenses. Forward the approved form, with original documentation, to Payroll for processing. Complete instructions for completing the Relocation Expense Report are located on the Controller's Office web page at
- Your reimbursement will be added to your paycheck during the next payroll process.
- Reimbursable moving expenses are all taxable and will be reflected on your paystub as "moving expense taxable". Taxes will be withheld from moving expense reimbursements and will be included in Box 1 on your W-2.
- RIT follows the IRS guidelines for computing federal income tax. See Exclusion from Income of Qualified Moving Expense Reimbursements located on the IRS web page:
- With the approval of the appropriate dean or department head, reimbursable expenses may include the following:
- Movement of household goods
- Meals while traveling
- Lodging during the move
- Lodging before or after the move
- Temporary living expenses
- Please refer to the entire list of reimbursable expenses found in IRS publication 521.
- If you incurred additional expenses that were not reimbursed by RIT, but qualify as deductible moving expenses, you may be able to deduct them when you file your tax return. Consult your tax advisor for further information.
- If you have any questions about reimbursements for relocation and moving expenses, call the Payroll Office at 475-5582.
Foreign Travel
Foreign travel by employees to attend conferences, meetings, perform research and other related activities (including internships and study abroad programs), is often necessary in fulfilling the university's mission. However, foreign travel may present risks for travelers and the university from unexpected situations such as medical emergencies, natural disasters, political instability, crime, and terrorism. Proper planning and due diligence prior to traveling can help to mitigate the adverse effects of these events.
When traveling outside of the United States on RIT business, employees are advised to obtain information about foreign car rentals, travel advisories and other insurance liability issues before departing for their trip. Contact Global Risk Management Services at 475-6135 for more information.
Faculty, staff, and students traveling to a foreign country on university business, at university expense, or study abroad must follow the procedures listed below.
- When the travel destination is a country with a US State Department travel warning or travel alert, or where there is other reliable information of significant health or safety risks, the traveler must obtain advance approval from their division vice president before making travel arrangements and/or incurring any expense. No university or sponsor funds may be used, or sponsorship provided, in support of travel to these locations without prior approval.
- It is the traveler's responsibility to check the current travel warning and alert lists, obtain the necessary authorization, and to read and abide by the information contained in the travel warning or travel alert. Travelers should also read the Department of State's "Tips for Traveling Abroad".
- Approval of foreign travel may be withdrawn by the university at any time if conditions warrant cancelation.
- Indicate the rates used to convert foreign currency to U.S.. dollars. The rates should be those used at the time of the transaction, not the rates in effect at the time you complete and submit your TER. Convert each line on the TER separately and write the U.S.. amount on each receipt.
- If your trip is for duration of one week or less, you may calculate an average currency rate.
- If you travel to more than one country, indicate the applicable rates on a separate sheet and attach to the file you will attach to your TER.
- You may obtain up to date currency conversion information on the following web site:
- When using your PNC Travel Card, the foreign conversion will be done for you and appear in both the foreign amount and the U.S.. dollars
- Below is an example of how to calculate foreign exchange:
- You have a receipt for $13.37 for a meal while traveling in Canada.
- At the time of your, the Canadian exchange rate was 35%.
- 35%
65% - Multiply the expenditure by the percent and you will arrive at the American dollar amount.
x .65
$ 8.69 - Record $8.69 on your TER.
- Contact Sponsored Research Services (475-7984) to obtain sponsor approval prior to making foreign travel arrangements.
- In addition, there may be other sponsored imposed restrictions you should be aware of prior to making travel arrangements. Contact Sponsored Programs Accounting at 475-2945 to obtain specific information regarding international travel restrictions.
- Refer to the Fly America Act information in 6 above.
RIT employees are covered under RIT's group of insurance policies for activities conducted in the scope of their job responsibilities while traveling off campus on University business. This applies to both domestic and international travel. RIT maintains a comprehensive insurance program including coverage for general liability and auto liability claims (bodily injury or property damage to third parties).
- If you are involved in an incident that results in a claim while traveling on University business, report it to your manager and RIT's Office of Risk Management and Safety as soon as practical.
- Direct questions regarding coverage for non-employees traveling on RIT business and coverage for individuals whose employee status is unclear, to the Office of Risk Management and Insurance prior to the trip.
- Your personal automobile insurance policy is primary when you use your vehicle for RIT business. You are responsible for any deductibles under your policy.
- Coordinate incidents that occur on campus or within the nearby community that require medical services through RIT Human Resources, whenever possible, and RIT's managed care program.
- Emergency situations and those incidents occurring out of the RIT community area, including those in foreign countries, should be directed to the appropriate medical facility immediately and reported to RIT Human Resources as soon as practical. The worker's compensation plan will cover necessary medical expenses for the work-related injury.
- If you have international travel plans, it is advisable for you to contact your primary medical insurance carrier to discuss how your medical insurance coverage will respond in the event a sickness or injury arises during travel that is not work related.
- If you opt to purchase CDW, you will not be reimbursed for the expense.
- If you rent a vehicle outside of the U.S.., accept any collision damage waiver that is offered.
- Report all accidents involving a rental car to your manager and the RIT Risk Management and Insurance Office as soon after the accident as practical.
- RIT does maintain an excess accident policy that would respond to claims resulting from an accident to a student while that student is on campus or while at a RIT-sponsored activity that takes place off-campus. A claim against the student's primary medical insurance plan would occur first before any benefit would be paid under RIT's excess accident plan. This student excess accident insurance policy has a maximum benefit of $10,000 per accident per student.
- Non-RIT employees traveling as part of an RIT contingency would rely on their own primary medical insurance for medical services arising during travel. There is no RIT medical insurance coverage available for non-RIT employees.
Corporate Travel Card Programs
RIT has contracted PNC Bank to offer PNC Corporate Travel Cards to employees of the University. All regular RIT employees who expect to incur $500 of RIT approved business travel or hospitality expenses per year may apply for a corporate travel card.
This corporate card is "individual pay" - the employee (cardholder) is responsible to remit payment directly to the bank for all expenses incurred on the card in connection with business-related travel and/or hospitality. The employee may request reimbursement from the University for authorized business expenses. While the card is issued in the name of the employee, it is intended to be used to pay for business travel expenses only including hotels, transportation services including car rentals, and meals as well as hospitality (note: the corporate travel card is not intended to be used to pay for personal expenses).
The card is designed to provide employees with a convenient method to pay for RIT business travel and hospitality expenses. There are numerous advantages to using a corporate card:
- Your credit line on your personal credit card is not tied up with business expenses.
- It makes it simple to keep track of business expenses for which you will be reimbursed. The charges on your card are imported directly into the RIT Reimbursement for Travel system making it very simple for you to complete your reimbursement request.
- Since the RIT tax exempt number is embossed on the card, hotels and other businesses are more likely to accept RIT's tax exempt form.
Please plan ahead to ensure that you have your card in-hand prior to leaving on your business trip.
Delinquent Accounts - You, the cardholder, are responsible to pay for all charges incurred on the Card.
- An account becomes delinquent when a payment has not been received by the bank and credited to your account within 30 days. If an account is not paid within 30 days, the bank will notify both you and RIT that the account is past due.
- If you do not make payment within 61 days of the billing date, your Card will be suspended. The cardholder and supervisor will receive an email stating the card will be suspended and balance due is expected to be paid in full by end of business day. The cardholder's procurement card, if applicable, will also be suspended.
- If you do not make payment within 91 days of the billing date, your Card will be cancelled. The cardholder and supervisor will receive an email stating the card will be cancelled and balance due is expected to be paid in full by end of business day. The cardholder's procurement card, if applicable, will also be cancelled. You will not be reissued another Card at any time in the future.
- The RIT travel card is a personal liability credit card; therefore, delinquent balances will affect your personal credit. In addition, delinquencies such as this jeopardize the viability of the travel card program and it has a potentially serious impact on RIT. If you need assistance or guidance regarding resolution of delinquent debt on your RIT travel card, you may contact your HR Services Manager who will provide you with information regarding RIT's Employee Assistance Program.
Leaves of Absence - If you are granted a leave of absence without benefits, you must surrender your Card before beginning the leave. If you are granted a leave of absence with pay, you may retain and continue to use your Card.
Lost or Stolen Cards - If your Card is lost or stolen, call: PNC: 1-800-685-4039
Reimbursement for Expenses - Complete the Oracle Online RIT Reimbursement for Travel to be reimbursed for business travel or hospitality expenses charged to your Card; RIT will not remit payment for your bill directly to your Card provider.
Responsibility for Payment - You, the cardholder, are responsible to pay for all charges incurred on your Card in a timely manner. Card statements are mailed directly to you and are also available online the first day after statement date. You are responsible for remitting payment directly to the bank. The amount owed for all charges is due by the payment date indicated on the statement. A late fee and finance charge will be assessed when payments are received after the due date. Cardholders are responsible to pay any late fees or finance charges. RIT will not reimburse cardholders for late fees and finance charge.
Termination of Participation - Your participation in the Card program will be terminated under any one of the following conditions:
- When you are no longer employed by RIT.
- If your account becomes delinquent (past 30 days) more than six times in any 12 month period.
- If your account is 91 or more days past due.
- You may not use the Card for personal use or delegate the use of your Card to another individual.
- Misuse of the Card may result in disciplinary action.
- The Card may not be used to purchase equipment or supplies. Follow RIT purchasing policies and procedures for such purchases.
- If you cancel your Card for any reason, cut it in half and return to Accounting, 2nd floor of Barnes & Noble @ Park Point.
- Since the Card is for business use only, it is imprinted with RIT's tax exempt number. All qualified purchases made with the Card are sales tax exempt.
- Inform the vendor of RIT's tax exempt status before the transaction is processed. You will be asked to present a New York State Tax Exempt form; forms may be obtained from the website listed below:
- Refer to the Controller's Office web page for a list of states that recognize RIT's tax exempt status; access the state tax exempt form using your DCE secure log in.
- Note: Travelers will not be reimbursed for sales taxes paid if they have not asked for the exemption.
Use of the Corporate Travel Card
- Use the Card for official RIT travel-related expenses including the following:
- Automobile Rental and other transportation services (excluding air and rail tickets - charge to the CTA or GTA account through one of RIT designated travel agencies.
- Food service establishments
- Fuel
- Lodging
RIT Procurement Card
The RIT Procurement Card is a VISA credit card issued through PNC. The Procurement Card program is designed to provide employees with an efficient mechanism to make approved small dollar purchases less than $1,500.00. While the card cannot be used for travel expenses such as airfare, hotel, or car rentals, it is an ideal way to pay for conference registration fees and small sundry expenses incurred while traveling such as copying charges and supplies. Refer to the Procurement Card Guide on the Controller's Office web page for more information regarding the use of the Procurement Card.
- Obtaining a Procurement Card - Departmental approval is required in order to obtain a PNC Procurement Card.
- Complete a PNC Bank Procurement Card Application (new department or new individual) form available on the RIT Service Center. Provide all required information including name, UID, business address, e-mail address, and business phone number.
- Procurement Cards are usually available for pick-up by applicants at the Controller's Office within two weeks after receipt of the completed application form by Accounting.
- At the time of receipt, you will be required to sign an Acknowledgment of Receipt form recognizing receipt of the card and agreeing to comply with all procurement card policies and procedures. RIT identification is required.
- Payments Made to PNC - RIT receives one monthly bill for all cardholder activity and processes one monthly payment to PNC. You will receive a monthly statement mailed to your RIT office. Use this statement to reconcile card activity only.
- Reimbursement - All purchases made with the RIT Procurement Card are paid by RIT. Cardholders will receive a monthly statement from PNC for information purposes only.
- To account for travel related purchases (i.e.. conference registration fees) made with the Procurement Card, complete a Oracle Online RIT Reimbursement for Travel and on page one, indicate the total dollars spent using the Procurement Card. This is for informational purposes only.
- Other - Refer to the Procurement Card Guide located on the Controller's Office web page at Procurement Card Guide for more information about the RIT Procurement Card or call Procurement Card Administrator at 475-4491.
Obtaining a Procurement Card - Departmental approval is required in order to obtain a PNC Procurement Card.
- Complete a PNC Bank Procurement Card Application (new department or new individual) form available on the RIT Service Center. Provide all required information including name, UID, business address, e-mail address, and business phone number.
- Procurement Cards are usually available for pick-up by applicants at the Controller's Office within two weeks after receipt of the completed application form by Accounting.
- At the time of receipt, you will be required to sign an Acknowledgment of Receipt form recognizing receipt of the card and agreeing to comply with all procurement card policies and procedures. RIT identification is required.
- To account for travel related purchases (i.e.. conference registration fees) made with the Procurement Card, complete a Oracle Online RIT Reimbursement for Travel and on page one, indicate the total dollars spent using the Procurement Card. This is for informational purposes only.
- NTID Citibank Government Travel Card Cash Advances
NTID employees may use their Citibank Government Travel Cards to obtain cash at ATMs.- Note: NTID travelers may not request cash advances from Accounts Payable. Cash advances may be obtained from ATM machines displaying the Cirrus logo or the PLUS logo using the Citibank Master Card Travel Card. Advances may also be obtained at Citibank branches.
- If you require a cash advance, the amount should not exceed $50.00 per each day of travel. You may obtain up to one week's cash advance at one withdrawal.
- RIT will pay the actual expenses associated with cash advances up to a maximum $23.25 per month ($50 per day X 31 days X 1.5%).
- You may incur an access surcharge if you use your card at non-Citibank ATM. RIT will pay the actual expenses incurred for surcharge fees up to a maximum of $7.50 per month (5 transactions X $1.50).
- Expenses associated with cash advances in excess of the guidelines in c and d above are the responsibility of the employee.