Memo PNC International Transactions
To: RIT Procurement Cardholders and Card Administrators
From: Jennifer Genter, Manager Accounting Operations & Internal Controls
Date: November 13, 2015
Subject: International Transactions - PNC Procurement
Our continuous monitoring of the procurement card program has identified that many unauthorized transactions on cards are originated from international sources. Currently the default setting in the procurement card program is to allow international transactions. This will be changing.
What does this mean to me?
As of November 30, 2015, the procurement card program will not allow international transactions unless specifically requested by the card holder for their business needs. Please email, using subject line “International transaction request”, to request international transactions to post to your department’s procurement card.
If you only have occasional international transactions, you can email just prior to your need for international charges and this option can be turned on temporarily and turned off after the event. Otherwise your card will not allow international transactions.
We strongly recommend that your procurement card is flagged to disallow international transactions unless there is a true need by your department.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.