Oracle Capital Equipment Physical Inventory Process

Before you Start

Verify Your Microsoft Excel settings

  • Step 1:
    • Open Excel > Open Blank Workbook
    • Select File > Options
    • Select Trust Center > Trust Center Settings ‐> Select Macro Settings; Make sure the box for Trust access to the VBA project object model is checked
  • Step 2:
    • Open Excel > Open Blank Workbook
    • Select File > Options > Trust Centre > Trust Centre Settings > Protected View
    • Uncheck all options


Inventory Download Process:

  1. Log into Oracle , c lick the responsibility ‘RIT FA Physical Inventory User’ on the navigator screen, after ensuring all excel files are closed.
  2. Choose your version of Excel from the drop down menu, leave ‘Reporting’ box unchecked.
  3. Click ‘Next’ to content parameters page.
  4. Content ParametersMapping ‐ select ‘RIT FA Physical Inventory Mapping’ from dropdown.
  5. Content ParametersParent Department:
    1. Leave blank to obtain all parent departments assigned to DIR or DIR2 or enter one parent department.
    2. If you have more than one parent department, and field is left blank, all inventory items will be combined on one Excel worksheet.
    3. Tip: If you are assigned more than one parent department and you prefer to give individual department groups their own Excel file to work from, enter each parent department separately.
    4. Click ‘continue’ button once complete.
  6. Document Creation Review ‐ verify information is correct, click ‘create document’.
  7. Choose ‘open’, enable editing and content macros in Excel file.
  8. Click ‘close’ button after processing message in Oracle download complete appears.

Options for Managing Worksheets:

  1. Complete inventory in single session of Oracle log‐in after downloading:
    1. Do not close out Excel inventory template file.
  2. Complete inventory at later time after downloading:
  3. Save ADI template to network drive where department inventory files are saved.
    1. Make changes in worksheet as inventory is taken
    2. Prepare to upload to Oracle when complete
  4. Print out original Excel file and make notes off‐line on paper:
    1. Use original Excel template make changes resulting from physical inventory
    2. Prepare to upload changes in Oracle
  5. Saving Excel ADI worksheet for use; name file and change ‘save as type’ to ‘Excel Macro‐Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)’ from drop down.
  6. Perform physical inventory:
    1. Inventoried field (far right of template) – User must take action on this field. When individual asset has been addressed user types ‘Y’ in this field. If the field is not set to ‘Y’ upon upload, Oracle will not recognize the asset as being inventoried and will trigger past due inventory alerts.

Upload Excel ADI inventory worksheet:

Ensure all the rows you want uploaded are flagged and only those rows.

Inventory completed during Oracle sign‐on session:

  1. Click Oracle responsibility ‘RIT – FA Physical Inventory User’
  2. In the Excel inventory file, use Excel Add‐Ins, select Oracle dropdown and click ‘Upload’
  3. Upload parameter window – keep default: ‘Flagged Rows’, click ‘Upload’

Inventory completed after Oracle sign‐on session.

(Make sure all excel files are closed.)

  1. Log into Oracle using the ‘WebADI’ log in button
  2. Select version of Excel, leave ‘reporting’ box checked, click ‘next’
  3. Leave ‘None’ in ‘Content’ field, click ‘Next’, click ‘Create Document’ button
  4. Click ‘Open’ on information screen, open Excel file (enable editing and content)
  5. Click ‘Close’, blue Excel template will open. Leave this file open/minimized
  6. Open original Excel ADI inventory worksheet file
  7. Select Oracle responsibility in Excel, click ‘Add‐Ins’ ‐> Oracle dropdown ‐>‘Switch Responsibility’‐>‘RIT – FA Physical Inventory User’
  8. Click ‘Add‐Ins’ ‐> Oracle dropdown ‐>‘Upload’, keep default of ‘flagged rows’ selected, click ‘Upload’ button.

Certification of Inventory:

  1. Approved certification is required for the physical inventory to be considered complete.
  2. After uploading a complete inventory, the Oracle Inventory Certification will be routed for approval through Oracle workflow to the employee listed as Supervisor in the fixed asset department parent.
    1. The supervisor would click on “approve” if they are in agreement with the inventory performed.

Archiving Excel files:

  1. Users should retain an original copy of downloaded Excel ADI inventory worksheet as well as the updated worksheet uploaded to system indicating successful upload and certification form. These Excel files do not need to be emailed to Property Accounting.
  2. Typed notes on the far right side of the template i.e. ‘Message’ column, will disappear upon upload so it is advised to copy the file/tab before uploading for archiving your notes. The copy is also useful for sending to Property Accounting to request manual changes (see ‘Requested Changes for Read‐Only Fields’ section below).

Requested Changes for Read‐Only Fields

As noted in the Using Excel ADI Worksheet section in detailed inventory instructions, certain fields are read‐only. Changes are not allowed via the worksheet due to the complexity in Oracle functionality. Departments can contact Property Accounting using the RIT Service Center form below for the following fields:

Capital Equipment Additions/Changes/Removal

  • Department – If an asset has been transferred to new department
  • Tag Number – If change in original tag number or providing missing tag number
  • Splitting Single Asset into Multiple – If an individual asset is actually two or more combined and department wants asset separated
  • Merge Several Assets into One – If many assets should be combined into one asset
  • Addition of Asset Not on Inventory Worksheet – Capital asset not on department listing, these cannot be added to worksheet by department.

New Building Locations

If a building/room combination is not in the Oracle database, you will receive an error message upon upload. Request Property Accounting to add the location so you can successfully upload using the following RIT Service Center form:

Ask a Property Control general question