20th Anniversary of RIT Croatia gathered Alumni from across the region

20th Anniversary of RIT Croatia gathered Alumni from across the region

On Saturday, April 8, 2017, the weekend of 20th Anniversary celebration continued with a series of activities for our Alumni.

The morning started with the city tour of Dubrovnik, guided by our Alumna Vesna Čelebić, and those who were interested in a field trip had the opportunity to go on a Wine Tour of Pelješac peninsula. Alumni who were more into sports activities gladly got together for a basketball game in Sports Hall, whereas wine lovers who wanted to learn more about the Nectar of Gods have joined Ksenija Matić, our Alumna who is a Sommelier, at the wine tasting workshop in Restaurant Amfora.

The evening was reserved for a get together at the Sea Star boat, and more than 200 Alumni from the entire region, professors and other guests from RIT have embarked on this wonderful evening of going down the memory lane. The weather served us well, and after a short and wonderful boat ride, Sea Star anchored in Old Harbor in Dubrovnik Old Town, and the party continued.

Having to see so many Alumni from various generations all at one place really brought a sense of pride and belonging to RIT Croatia and it was a wonderful way to wrap up the weekend of celebrating 20th years of RIT Croatia's existence in Croatia. "As always, we will continue to nurture relationships with our Alumni in years to come; we are looking forward to hosting many more Alumni get together events in such a wonderful and positive atmosphere. For me personally, there couldn't have been a better way to celebrate such an important birthday of RIT Croatia; I am overwhelmed with a sense of pride and togetherness when I see all these young and successful people, who were, and still are an important part of RIT Croatia family", commented Mr. Don Hudspeth, President and Dean of RIT Croatia.