3rd Career Education Day in Zagreb

3rd Career Education Day in Zagreb

3rd Career Education Day was held in Zagreb, on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at Sheraton Hotel.
Career Education Day is an annual event that gathers RIT Croatia students and company representatives from Croatia and the region. This event is an integral part of our educational system, being that RIT Croatia is focused on offering students real business opportunities from their first year onwards, as well as preparing them for challenges associated with the job market upon their graduation.
The companies that participated at this year's Career Education Day in Zagreb are: CARNet, Coca Cola HBC Croatia, Croz, Degordian, Double Tree by Hilton, Drap, Henkel, Hrvatski telekom, Infinum, KPMG, L'Oreal Adria, Metro Cash&Carry, Nestle Adriatic, Oradian, PLIVA Croatia, Procter&Gamble, Prolaz POS, Styria Hrvatska and Zagrebačka banka.
Career Education Day in Zagreb was opened by an interesting key note speaker, Mr. Bojan Poljičak, Director and Country Manager of Adecco d.o.o.
Mr. Poljičak gave his insights into the current job market and shared key elements for successful career development, with a special emphasis on generational differences when it comes to job seeking and career development.
"Recent research that we administered in more than 20 companies that RIT Croatia works with indicates that they are truly satisfied with our students. During their co-ops , students have demonstrated various skills, with the special emphasis on proactivity, accuracy, precision, and application of theoretical knowledge in practice" - says Marina Androš-Drmač, Career Services & Alumni Manager, who also added: "Generally speaking, employers have stated the following characteristics as being most desirable from an employee: clear motivation, desire to learn, ability to work in a team, innovativeness, presentation and communication skills, proactivity ".