4th Students Sports Day – RIT Croatia Fun Run

4th Students Sports Day - RIT Croatia Fun Run

On Saturday, April 18, 2015 RIT Croatia and the University of Dubrovnik organized the 4th Students Sports Day that took place on Stradun.


It was yet another great event with the purpose of emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness among the academic community and beyond. The event started off with RIT Croatia's traditional Fun Run races organized for all interested students of primary and secondary schools in the Dubrovnik area. Over 150 children participated in four races according to age and gender categories, followed by an open race for all those interested who wanted to experience running on Stradun. Afterwards, medals were awarded to the best results in all categories, and the winner's cup for the total score was handed out to Primary school Lapad. We congratulate all the winners and participants who supported this event.

"Considering the fact that we take much pride in being a part of the academic community in Dubrovnik, it is truly our pleasure to organize events that contribute to the wellbeing of younger generations. They are an integral part of every community, and as an educational institution, we feel the need to continuously invest in their development" - says Don Hudspeth, President and Dean of RIT Croatia.

The entire event would definitely not have been such a success without the participation of RIT Croatia student volunteers. More than a 100 of them, coordinated by Student Government members, made sure that Stradun is a safe running ground for all participants. With their organizational skills and team spirit, they once again demonstrated the values RIT Croatia continuously teaches. Ritchie, our mascot, also made sure to entertain the youngest population and to root for the participants of the races.

Following the Fun Run races, there were various demonstrations of sports, including tennis, street basketball, Karate, Judo, Kapuera, dance acts by dance studios Step 'n' Jazz and 3V, and many other sports activities.

A special thank you goes to all the sponsors who recognized the importance of this event, which include: Grad Dubrovnik, Hrvatski Sveučilišni sportski savez Dubrovnik, Studentski centar Dubrovnik, Studentski zbor Sveučilišta u dubrovniku, Dubrovačke ljetne igre, Catering Flamingo, Hotel Ivka, Judo club Urga nage, Pekarnica Klas, VIVA d.o.o., Xmedia, Pekarnica Babić and Velpro.