Announcement of “How to make a smart irrigation system” tech workshop in DURA

Announcement of "How to make a smart irrigation system" tech workshop in DURA

RIT Croatia in cooperation with DURA and CITYOS is announcing the tech workshop on the topic of "How to make a smart irrigation system", taking place in DURA premises (Branitelja Dubrovnika 15) in two time slots: March 25 and March 26, 2017, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

This workshop will teach participants on how to grow plants in automated hydroponic environment without using classic gardening methods. This workshop will demonstrate all phases of development, from the seed, to successful plant growth, to harvesting, all done with programming microcontrollers and using sensors.

Lecturers at this workshop are Mr. Emir Memisevic, founder of Royal Jelly Memisevic and Mr. Dubravko Jakovljević, from Universal industries d.o.o. You can read more about the lecturers HERE.

Details about the workshop can be found HERE.

Applications are open until March 23, 2017 and you can apply at the following email: or via phone: 020/640-271 najkasnije do 23. ožujka 2017.g

Hurry up, the seating is limited!