Career Education Day is a great opportunity for employers to meet with students and interact with them!

Career Education Day is a great opportunity for employers to meet with students and interact with them!

April 29, 2019

Career Education Day is among the most important happenings in RIT Croatia academic calendar. It is a "class outside class" networking and learning opportunity for many of our stakeholders - from students, to companies and employers, our faculty and staff, and - our alumni!

Each year the events in Dubrovnik and Zagreb are attended by hundreds of people. This year event in Zagreb we took the opportunity to learn about Career Education Day from an alumni perspective, and have talked to our alumna Marina Jurić who is currently working in the HR department of Addiko Bank.

1. What is your impression of RIT Croatia's Career Education Day?

Marina Jurić: "It was a very engaging event, organized in a highly professional manner. We appreciated the opportunity to meet with students and interact with them in a variety of ways (such as business networking, IT speed networking, company presentations, etc.). The feedback we got from students during interviews was equally positive, as they were interested to learn more about opportunities to start their careers in Addiko Bank. Overall, it was an insightful experience and one we can continue building on together."

2. Did you talk to our students? What were your impressions of them?

Marina Jurić: "I had the opportunity to meet students and our conversations revolved around possible co-ops, job opportunities and career management advice. I was left with a very positive impression on how professional, curious and proactive they all were! Also, it was great to hear about their impressive learning experiences they gathered during their studies. I believe that experiential learning has been and still is one of the greatest values RIT provides to students."

3. As an RIT Alumni, can you remember your CED days when you were a student? Has the event grown in quality since then?

Marina Jurić: "Sure, I remember. It was one of the major opportunities to meet potential employers, understand more about possible career paths and experience job interviews. I believe that the event has evolved over the years in order to meet changing expectations of students and employers. CED has from day one been organized in a highly professional manner, and it's great to see constant innovative ideas and the great effort behind the concept and the roll-out. "

4. Finally, if you could name the most important qualities employers will be seeking (today but specifically in the future), what would those be?

Marina Jurić: "For us in Addiko Bank, some of the most important qualities we are looking for are: collaboration, creativity, agility, openness for learning, positive attitude and work ethics."