A case study by Sanja Čović & Dr. Rick Lagiewski got an honorary mention at the 2020 ICHRIE Johnson & Wales Case Study Competition

A case study by Sanja Čović & Dr. Rick Lagiewski got an honorary mention at the 2020 ICHRIE Johnson & Wales Case Study Competition

August 20, 2020

Sanja Čović, who graduated from HTM program in 2020, has spent the last semester of her studies at the Rochester campus. Among taking other courses, she also took her senior capstone project, which is considered to be the crown of education at the HTM program. Sanjas's successful senior capstone project resulted in her collaboration with RIT's Dr. Rick Lagiewski during the spring Covid-19 lock down to develop a case study on the topic "Readiness and Response: The case of hotel emergency management during Hurricanes". It was submitted to the ICHRIE Johnson & Wales Case Study Competition and it received an honorary mention. As planned, the case study will also be published in their Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases.

When asked about her experience while doing this case study, Sanja did not hesitate to share her insight:

"Prior to coming to the US, I knew I wanted to conduct a senior project research that would have a focus on hotel corporate social responsibility, since I was really interested in and recognized the importance of giving back to communities while I was doing my co-ops. When the opportunity arose for me to do the research on how hotels are helping others during hurricanes, I immediately wanted to embrace the opportunity. Now looking back, I am extremely grateful for having been able to benefit from Dr. Lagiewski's knowledge, expertise, and the significant amount of support received throughout the project. I was truly enthusiastic about taking part in developing a case study and submitting it to the ICHRIE Competition and I am incredibly happy we were able to continue with our mission even when the world went into a lockdown. We wrote a case study with a teaching component. I believe it is a privilege that we are able to contribute to hospitality education, as we put the emphasis on crisis management and disaster resilience, since our industry is so vulnerable and fragmented, and especially right now, when we are all experiencing a crisis of a high magnitude.

This case study is probably the most valuable souvenir I could have brought from my study abroad. Studying here at the main campus was unlike any other experience I've had, since I've encountered so many different cultures and abundance of opportunities in one place. Even though the experience was cut short due to this unprecedented situation, the connections and friendships I've made are lifelong, and I will always be thankful that everyone was welcoming and supportive at the RIT.

Right now I am back home in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and I am searching for my next career move abroad. It is much harder given the current situation, but I have no minor doubt our industry will recover and remain resilient".

You can check out the honorary mention and the list of all winners HERE.