Co-op in DUNEA office in Brussels

Co-op in DUNEA office in Brussels

By Adela Bijađija Čustović, IHSM student

When I first applied for DUNEA training in Brussels, I was quite sure that I would no be the one chosen for the opportunity. Several weeks later I received a call saying that I was going to Brussels. I was in shock!!!
The first few days after I arrived in Brussels were quite confusing for me, but as soon as I got used to this new city, everything was a lot easier. My mentor at the office was Mr. Hrvoje Butigan, who showed me around Brussels and told me what my job at the office would be. During my first week, I visited the European Parliament where I attended "TTIP and Beyond: Trade in global and local politics" conference. I also visited a few conference centers, where I attended different presentations.
Attending conferences helped me understand future plans for the European Union and development of countries. I have learned a lot about what you need to go through if you want to plan a project or even use European founds. Working for DUNEA helped me develop my communication skills and taught me to think about the core of the issue, not only about consequences. I can easily say, that this co-op thought me important things in life and I would definitely do it all over again.