Dean's List Reception and Outstanding Scholar Awards

Dean's List Reception and Outstanding Scholar Awards


The Dean's List Reception was held in Zagreb on March 12, 201 and in Dubrovnik on March 19, 2015, for those students who attained Dean's List status during Fall semester of the 2014/2015 academic year. In addition, the following seniors were recognized at the receptions for being honored by RIT as Outstanding Undergraduate Scholars: Mihaela Čališ, Nicole Seymour, Tomislav Cvetko, and Goran Pekica.
This award recognizes long-standing academic excellence by students throughout their undergraduate careers. The award is open to all seniors with a minimum 3.4 GPA. Eligible seniors are nominated by the faculty and ultimately selected by a college committee at RIT. Ninety students were selected at RIT this year to receive this honor. Mihaela, Nicole, Tomislav and Goran will receive medallions at graduation to recognize their achievements.
Congratulations to all of our students who achieved Dean's List status, as well as to the Outstanding Scholar Award recipients. It is an admirable achievement and we hope to see more and more of our students following this path.