Debate club at RIT Croatia

Debate club at RIT Croatia

It was a Thursday evening, Sept 28th, around 8PM. You would think the day was slowly coming to an end, but if you checked room 1 at our Zagreb campus, you would witness a lot of curious students anxiously waiting for a debate between the two professors - Scott Coleman, an expert on international business and public international law and Luka Boršić, a philosopher. The two decided to discuss which country is greater - Croatia or the U.S.? Both picked sides; Scott Coleman advocated for Croatia just like any good lawyer would do - by using solid facts. A true philosopher at heart, Luka Boršić took a different approach; he wanted to first define greatness while rooting for the land of the great and the home of the free. The duo decided to use this interesting event to teach their students one very important thing - how to voice your own opinion with a proper argument. Needless to say, this skill is important in all aspects of one's life. The interest in the debate exceeded everyone's expectations - the room was fully packed!! In case you were among those who missed it, don't worry, the professors plan to hold debate sessions on a weekly basis. More to come J