Development of the Zagreb Airport; Past, Present, and Future

Development of the Zagreb Airport; Past, Present, and Future

November 28, 2019

We recently had the pleasure of inviting Assistant Professor Igor Štimac, Ph.D., IAP, AvMP to hold a presentation about the "Development of the Zagreb Airport… past - present - future" for RIT Croatia students in Zagreb. With over 15 years of experience in the field of airport operations and airport middle and top management, Mr.Štimac explained to our students about the development stage of the infrastructure and the specifics of the management systems at the Franjo Tuđman Airport. His work mainly focuses on technical and technological systems in air transport, airport strategic development, airport infrastructure, and capacity planning, airline business models, and the environmental impact of air transport. Yet, apart from working ag the airport, he is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb, Department of Air Transport and an aviation instructor at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the USA.

Our students had the great opportunity to see what it takes to master the fields of operations and management first-hand from Mr.Štimac himself. Through the second part of his presentation, he explained the transition that was made from the old to the new terminal that was constructed in Zagreb. Yet, the third part of his presentation consisted of an explanation of the current airport management and the implementation monitoring of the Concession Contraction. He continued by explaining the aspect of the quality level of service and the strategy of aeronautical and non-aeronautical profit-making. Finally, he closed his guest lecture by talking about the Airport City and Cargo City projects as well as the infrastructure development of the Franjo Tuđman Airport.