Dr. Schmidt Receives RIT Grant to Further Explore Innovative Teaching Techniques

Dr. Schmidt Receives RIT Grant to Further Explore Innovative Teaching Techniques

Professor Peter Schmidt has become well known for his flipped classroom teaching of Financial Accounting. As opposed to classic ex cathedra teaching, where the professor lectures and the students do their homework afterwards, the flipped classroom reverses sides: Students prepare theory at home by watching their professor lecture on video. Then they come to class familiar with the basic concepts and are ready to work in small groups on specific problems. The professor guides their work and resolves questions and problems that arise in applying the newly learned concepts. Dr. Schmidt's successful work was recognized by our parent organization, the Rochester Institute of Technology, which has awarded a Provost's Learning Innovation Grant to Professor Schmidt to share his innovating teaching expertise with other European RIT campuses, offering practical workshops in Dubrovnik and Prishtina and mentoring faculty interested in flipping one of their courses - making RIT campuses the leading institutions in the region to develop and implement innovative teaching methods. Congratulations to Dr. Schmidt on his achievement!