Dubrovnik and Zagreb campuses opening on June 29

Dubrovnik and Zagreb campuses opening on June 29

Our Dubrovnik and Zagreb campuses will re-open on Monday, June 29th. Social distancing and other safety measures will remain in effect, and staff members representing our various departments will be available on the campuses, in line with the according RIT Croatia working guidelines issued in June 2020.

Due to current epidemiological conditions, RIT Croatia has issued the following procedures and safety measures for visiting the campuses:

  • In an effort to reduce the number of people on our campuses to a minimum, visitors are strongly encouraged to book a meeting time before coming to campus for advisor meetings, diploma pickup, accounting services, or similar. By doing this, you are helping us to create a safer environment for students and all our employees. All our departments are reachable via email and phone (https://www.croatia.rit.edu/staff)
  • Safety measures also require visitors to ensure that they are free of any COVID-19 symptoms before coming to campus, and to maintain a safe physical distance (1.5 m) from other people when on campus.

We continue with increased cleaning sanitation and disinfection practices as recommended by the Croatian Institute for Public Health. Hand sanitizers are available on campuses and everyone is strongly encouraged to use them. Regardless of our campus opening, our faculty and staff members continue to be available you via email, Zoom, and phone.