Executive Director for Europe and Euroasia of International Trade Administration of U.S. Department of Commerce as Guest Speaker at Dubrovnik Campus

Executive Director for Europe and Euroasia of International Trade Administration of U.S. Department of Commerce as Guest Speaker at Dubrovnik Campus

RIT Croatia Dubrovnik campus had the unique opportunity to host a prominent guest speaker, Mr. Seward L. Jones, Executive Director for Europe and Eurasia of International Trade Administration of U.S. Department of Commerce. On Monday, April 4, 2016, Mr. Jones held a lecture for students on the topic of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Students could hear and learn about T-TIP, ambitious, comprehensive, and high-standard trade and investment agreement being negotiated between the United States and the European Union. Moreover, students learned about the challenges both sides face as well as different phases of this negotiation process.

As Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership topic was very interesting to students, they've had a lot of questions for Mr. Jones after his presentation. RIT Croatia is honored to be able to host such a prominent guest speaker, and we are looking forward to hosting Mr. Jones again in the future.
