IB graduates turned their dreams into reality

IB graduates turned their dreams into reality


Filip Macukić and Maksimilijan Žagar, graduates from International Business program, class of 2016, can proudly say that daydreaming is a good starting point for making smart business moves. These young, ambitious men wasted no time upon graduating and they turned their vision into reality by founding DayDreamers, yacht cruising company that provides extraordinary experience of exploring the Adriatic.

When asked about how they came up with this appealing name, Filip and Maksimilijan answered: "The name DayDreamers came accidently. We were brainstorming about the name for the business, and we were asking ourselves questions. What are we? What do we like, what do we value? We concluded that we are dreamers, because we tend to think about exciting ideas a lot. But the thing is…we executed many of them so far, which does not make us dreamers but doers, since dreamers are asleep and when the day comes, the dream goes away…. So we are DayDreamers. Bingo! And that is how we got the name - Daydreamers. We were additionally inspired by a quote by T.S.Lawrence "All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible."

Filip and Maksimilijan are satisfied with how things are progressing so far in terms of their new business. The first trip was made and some yachts are already booked for the peak season. Their web site www.ddreamers.com is up as well, and the social networks are performing very well in terms of spreading the word out. They are currently focusing on growing their summer voyage team by inviting friends and acquaintances to come and join them for one of the best vacations of their lives. And where do they see this business in the future? "We hope to grow and offer 4-8 sailing weeks next summer. We expect to spread our presence abroad, and get the attention of people sharing the same passion from all around the world. For a U.S. citizen, coming to Croatia for the summer and sailing for a week isn't a small commitment. We have a partnership agent program that will help us create trust and overcome such obstacles. We plan to focus on that and expand", explain Filip and Maksimilijan.

The knowledge and experience gained at the IB program most certainly contributed to developing of their business skills. "At RIT Croatia, we've learned a lot during our internships, group projects, etc. We were also exposed to stories about inspiring people, which motivated us to make carefully planned, bold and risky moves. We've met a lot of interesting people who helped us along the way, most of which remained our friends even after college", said Filip and Maksimilijan and added "we love our RIT network! We will most definitely continue to attend RIT alumni events, and who knows, maybe we will organize some of them on our own. We think a Yacht tour would be a good idea J J.

See more about DayDreamers at:


