IB seniors pitch their IMC ideas in front of Franck professionals

IB seniors pitch their IMC ideas in front of Franck professionals

An important part of Advertising and Promotion Management course for IB seniors is learning about the whole process of developing a comprehensive promotion and advertising campaign as well as pitching for it! The students had the opportunity to experience what it would be like to work in an advertising agency; they were assigned into teams/agencies with the task to develop an IMC campaign for a real client. The whole process took 14 weeks and the professor, Dr. Nikola Drašković, was acting as a consultant to the students. The students work on real business cases but this year they were also given an opportunity to pitch their ideas in front of a real client. Six teams - six agencies, worked on their assignments for Franck Jubilarna coffee for the whole semester. Franck is one of the most popular Croatian brands in general; it is the market leader in the coffee and tea categories, with Jubilarna coffee as one of their most successful products.

On December 8th our students had the opportunity to present their work to Franck's professionals: Ana-Marija Brodarić; Senior Brand Manager for Espresso & R&G Coffee Brands, Teo Račić; Business Intelligence Assistant and Ivan Jurković; Business Intelligence Manager.

"We saw six teams and their presentations. They all put a lot of work into it and were very creative in their proposals. We were happy to see they used the research and the analysis findings to detect the challenges; they correctly defined the target groups for Jubilarna coffee and finally they presented how they plan to reach them and what they propose the communication approach should be. We were happy with what we have seen.", said Ana-Marija Brodarić.

All teams were very thorough in their research and used their findings well in devising both creative part of the campaign but also the media part of the campaign. And though it was a really tough decision, prof. Drašković and professionals from Franck decided that the best ideas came from the following teams:

- Team Kilimandjaro (Damir Anić, Iva Anić, Franko Baković, Antonia Brguljan and Ivan Sekulić) for the best overall quality of presentation, creative proposals, media plan and submitted plans book, and

- Team Charisma (Marko Andrijašević, Lukas Ettinger, Domagoj Hruškar, Dorotea Plečko) for their creativity

All of the teams performed really well. And though the winning teams will be awarded with Franck's products, the most important award for students was the experience itself. "Through an advertising agency simulation, students get an opportunity for hands-on experience with developing, planning, producing, executing and controlling a marketing communications campaign. Nevertheless, they also got an opportunity to pitch in front of a real client, giving them a valuable experience.", said Dr. Drašković.