Induction of new members into RIT Croatia's Eta Sigma Delta Croatia honor society

Induction of new members into RIT Croatia's Eta Sigma Delta Croatia honor society

Written by Tena Vuković, ESD Croatia Marketing Director 2019

December 10, 2019

The most important aspect of the Eta Sigma Delta honor society (ESD) are the members, who are all representatives of the five pillars that are the fundations of the society (excellence, leadership, creativity, service, ethics). This semester ESD Croatia Chapter had the privilege to accept ten new student members from the Hospitality and Tourism Management program, and one honorary member from the service industry, Mr. Dario Ševelj, Co-owner/CEO, Dubrovnik Beer Company. The induction ceremony took place on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 in Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel.

The new HTM inductees are: Dora Batoš, Jelena Benić, Elena Bürgin, Matea Butijer, Sanja Čović, Kaitlin Noelle D'Costa, Paula Horvat, Angel Kirilov Hristov, Noemi Markić and Sara Siništaj.
The elected students will most definitely continue to strive for the outstanding academic and professional achievements, thus will be valuable assets to the community during their studies, but also during their later professional lives. Moreover, from this year on we want to redefine our hospitality background and move it in the direction of a broader and more interconnected service industry, starting by recognizing Mr. Dario Ševelj, Co-owner/CEO, Dubrovnik Beer Company as our distinguished member.

We asked some of the new inductees to share their thoughts about ESD and here is what they've shared with us.

Q: Why did you decide to join ESD Croatia Honor Society?

Sanja Čović: I decided to join ESD Croatia Honor Society, given that this is a wonderful opportunity for hospitality students to be recognized for their academic achievements, as well as commitment to this industry. Thanks to RIT Croatia's effort, the ESD has been brought to Croatia and is the first one to have been established in this region. As an RIT Croatia student, this makes me extremely proud.

Kaitlin Noelle D'Costa:I decided to join the society because I was interested in being a part of the esteemed society that was set up for us hospitality students to benefit from. I also believe that every opportunity given to us should be taken advantage of so I was looking forward to join and be a part of the team and contribute my time and support.

Paula Horvat: I decided to join ESD society because I believe that this society is one of the best things that we have on Dubrovnik campus. They care about students and they are organizing FF events, which are connecting many students and everyone is having fun.

Q. What do you expect from being a member of ESD Croatia?

Matea Butijer: I expect various team work assignments where we will spread awareness to the students and to the people from the industry about the importance of constant developments in the hospitality.

Angel Hristov: I expect ESD Croatia to boost the quality of my CV. But not only that. I expect ESD Croatia to meet me with many hospitality experts, to establish many new important to me connections. I expect to learn many new unknown skills and new potential interests for me.

Q. What do you think will be your contribution to the Society?

Kaitlin Noelle D'Costa: I believe that I can contribute my creative side to the Society by being able to share my ideas and thoughts with the other members. Planning, Organizing and Brainstorming are my strengths so I would be able to use them to my advantage and pitch in my ideas when required.

Sanja Čović: As for my contribution to the Society, I am happy to have been given an opportunity to co-create content for Family Feud event, where we celebrated the pillar of "Creativity". Therefore, I am looking forward to co-organizing more memorable events of this sort, that will be highly interactive and engaging for our students. I think we have a strong foundation and an excellent pool of ESD inductees, that will strive to create meaningful opportunities for our students related to the field of hospitality.