Industry knowledge and a passion for teaching

Industry knowledge and a passion for teaching

May 24, 2021

When students in our Web and Mobile Computing program need career advice or inside industry tips, they know there is a faculty member they can always count on: instructor Andrej Šarić, known for his cutting-edge knowledge, industry experience, and hands on classroom approach. Students recognize him as a valuable mentor, and they recently selected him as the recipient of the first-ever Experiential Learning Ambassador Award.

Perhaps one of the reasons Mr. Šarić has strong relationships with students, is that he knows what it's like to be in their shoes. He is not only a faculty member, but also an alumnus of RIT Croatia. After graduating from the RIT Croatia information technology program, he earned a master's degree in computer engineering from the University of Dubrovnik, and joined the RIT Croatia faculty in 2016. Today, his research interests are focused on smart cities, the internet of things, and the application of software architectural patterns.

Working at both our Zagreb and Dubrovnik campuses, through a combination of online and in-person classes, Mr. Šarić teaches several courses in Website and Mobile Application Development, in which student learn how to develop modern websites and mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms.

"I believe that practical knowledge in Information Technology is one of the most important things, so I teach by using practical examples and a lot of demonstrations. I like my students to be actively involved during our classes and I always encourage them to ask a lot of questions and voice their opinions," Mr. Saric said.

"Since technology is rapidly changing, so are the tools we use. It is crucial to me that I always teach the newest cutting-edge material to the students. Making sure that all of my materials are up to date is a lot of work; I overhaul my entire course material every year, and it is worth it. Teaching our students the newest trends and making sure that we are up to date with the technology is what enables our students to be successful in the job market once they finish their studies."

Mr. Šarić's career in IT began early. He and two fellow students started their own company, ENUM Software, while they were still students at RIT Croatia. They worked on multiple projects for the City of Dubrovnik, including the Smart Parking system, Dubrovnik Card App, Visitor Counting system, and Dubrovnik Eye. Today, he works with private companies to provide software solutions and integrations.

In his journey from successful RIT Croatia student, to IT entrepreneur, to respected RIT Croatia instructor, working with people is always an important part of the picture for Mr. Šarić.

"Teaching at RIT Croatia is rewarding for many reasons," he said. "I am challenged all the time by having to be up to date with all the newest technologies out there, and this allows me to be a life-long learner. But the best part is mentoring the students and watching them grow to achieve great things academically at RIT and profession.