Investment Club - Entering the business world while still in college

Investment Club - Entering the business world while still in college

Most student clubs at RIT Croatia are created for relaxing, socializing or for engaging in some physical activates alongside being a full-time student. However, Investment Club at Zagreb campus defies the mentioned norm and it not only offers students hands on experience of what it means to invest on the markets, but it allows them to work in teams towards achieving a common goal; a trait every employer looks for in potential employees.

RIT Croatia students from Zagreb campus initiated the idea of Investment Club in December 2014, with the goal of students learning how to manage money in a real business environment. The idea was inspired by students from the Rochester campus where they do very similar activities, but the environment in terms of law, bureaucracy, economy, mindset, etc., is in many ways different. The main goal of this club is to enable students to work in the real world and experience it in practice instead of only learning about it in theory. For all RIT Croatia students that are interested in the world of finance and investments, this is a very good opportunity to learn about it. The ability to learn from the market itself rather than the book describing it is invaluable, and our students recognized it, and seized the opportunity.

From this academic year 2015, a sophomore student, Mislav Horvatić assumed the role of an Investment Club president, and got the wheel rolling by forming a team of people that are going to manage the first RIT Croatia portfolio of investments: Stella Kupres (Vice-president, and General Secretary), Ana Perica and Katarina Milutin (Portfolio Directors), Mihovil Čužić (Information Manager), and Domagoj Hruškar (Director of Marketing). As the club is approaching its official recognition as a legal entity, it is recognizing the need of more students that would like to be a part of it. Money management might be one of the toughest jobs in the world, and the club is inviting students interested in the field of finance to join the club and contribute to its activities.