IT Freshman Created an App for State Exam Preparation

IB Freshman Created an App for State Exam Preparation

Great news for those preparing for the State Exam in Croatia!

IB freshman student from Zagreb campus, Tomislav Grbavac, is just about to launch his original application which will help students prepare for the exams even faster! The application will allow students to go through numerous possible State Exam questions and practice for the real test using their cell phones and tablets. In the beginning, the application will only have Croatian language sample questions, but Tomislav plans to introduce other sample tests in the future. The questions that are going to be featured in this application are all approved by Croatian National Centre for External Evaluation of Education (NCVVO).

"The idea came to my mind when I was preparing for the State Exam last year. I was all printing out sample test from the web, practicing that way, but it was complicated because every time I wanted to practice some more, I had to print the new test. Also, I was loosing time looking for the correct answers all the time. One day, when I was on the tram going to school, I was thinking about how cool it would be to have all preparatory tests on my cellphone to be able to practice on my way to school. I started talking to some people to see what they think about it, and decided to go for it! I presented my idea to the Croatian National Center and they allowed me to use their sample questions. I am going to be very happy knowing that I helped students prepare for the tests in a way that's more convenient for them!", says Tomislav about his invention.

We are all proud of Tomislav and we hope he'll come up with more great ideas such as this one!