IT students from RIT Croatia made Dubrovnik Card available via app

IT students from RIT Croatia made Dubrovnik Card available via app

Andrej Saric, Divo Jelić and Ivan Brcic are three young and eager students of the Information Technology program delivered at RIT Croatia, Dubrovnik campus. In the past year, they have been very successful in creating and implementing apps that are improving the overall quality of life and tourist offer in Dubrovnik.
With their startup "Enum Software," these students have modernized the existing Dubrovnik Card, a tourist card with various amenities and useful information available to visitors during their stay in Dubrovnik. They have created an app where they included all existing amenities and added additional, modern possibilities, like the use of iBeacon technology. Guided by the idea that smartphones are becoming an integral part of people's lives today, Andrej, Divo and Ivan created a prototype for the mentioned app within 48 hours of the competition at Hackathon Dubrovnik 2015 contest. Quickly after the competition, this team moved from the prototype to creating and placing the actual app which enables visitors to see the historical, cultural and gastronomic offers of Dubrovnik, without needing to get the hardcopy of the brochure. While walking around the city, visitors will receive notification about the offers in their vicinity. The Dubrovnik Card app is currently available for two mobile platforms, Android and iPhone, but soon it will be available for other platforms as well.
"We hope that people will find this app useful and we look forward to receiving some feedback. The app can also be useful to local people if they wish to keep up with what is currently happening in the city," says Andrej Saric and continues, "this year brings us new challenges in terms of adding on to the app, and we also have some ideas for new projects. There is no stopping! We think about what people need, what can make their lives easier, and what has not been done yet."