L'Oreal Brandstorm 2017: RIT Croatia has a winning team once again!

L'Oreal Brandstorm 2017: RIT Croatia has a winning team once again!

RIT Croatia AGAIN has a WINNING TEAM at the L'Oreal's Brandstorm competition!

2 RIT Croatia teams (out of 10 in total) participated in a competition in Belgrade on April 18, 2017- and one of the teams (Jakov Fauković, Martin Kajtazi and Domagoj Hruškar) won the 1st place in a Tech Competition! This year, the competition is slightly different than last year: the winning team will now move to a next competition round- zone competition - where they will compete with Kazahstan, Russia,Izrael, Checz Republic, Poland and Romania. After this round- the winners will travel to Paris for a final competition round.

Big congratualtions for these amasing acomplishments go to Jakov, Martin and Domagoj, but also to Franka Šimić, Endrina Muqaj and Ines Kupsjak, members of the 2nt RIT Croatia team that participated in this contest!