Moving Majority of Classes Online effective Monday, November 28

Moving Majority of Classes Online effective Monday, November 30

Dear RIT Croatia community members,

In line with the recent Ministry recommendation issued for all Croatian higher education institutions, effective Monday, November 30th, 2020, we will be moving the majority of classes, as well as the final exams, to an online delivery format. The exception to this will be some lab-based courses and some final exams, which will continue to be held live, in-person, on the campuses.

You can find the details of the Ministry recommendation at:

Your instructors will be in contact with you to share the specifics of their courses. The courses which will continue to be held live, in-person, on the campuses, are as follows:

NMDE-111 - New Media Design Digital Survey - Dubrovnik & Zagreb - Dr. Poljicak

ISTE-454 - Mobile App Dev 1 - Dubrovnik & Zagreb - Professor Saric

ISTE-120 - Computational Problem Solving in the Information Domain - Zagreb - Dr. Mutka

For those final exams which will be held live, in-person, on the campuses, your instructors will let you know the details next week.

Although the majority of our classes will be online, the campuses will remain open, and the student labs will be available to you. Some modifications may be required to conform with the new recommendations, but we will share these details on Monday.

​You have all done an excellent job in creating a safe environment for everyone this semester, and I thank you for your efforts and dedication. It is truly unfortunate that we have to finish the next 18 days of the term, predominantly online, but we need to comply with these recommendations.

​If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to .

We thank you for your understanding, your engagement, and your perseverance. Hang in there, stay safe, and stay healthy!

Sincerely, RIT Croatia Team