Mr. Darko Pervan, CEO of Välinge Flooring Technology gives lecture to IHSM students in Dubrovnik

Mr. Darko Pervan, CEO of Välinge Flooring Technology gives lecture to IHSM students in Dubrovnik


On Thursday, September 18, IHSM Junior and Senior students attended an interesting lecture given by Mr. Darko Pervan, Chairman of Välinge Flooring Technology, from Sweden. Välinge is a world leading R&D and IP company in the flooring industry, which also has substantial investments in properties and tourism.

The lecture took place at Hotel Kazbek in Dubrovnik, owned by Välinge, as a part of Franchising and Growth Management courses taught by Prof. Besim Agušaj. Our students had the opportunity to gain insight into how to create and maintain a successful business in an international environment, where Mr. Pervan used some interesting examples from Välinge applicable to areas relevant for IHSM students.