Mr. Mato Franković, Mayor of Dubrovnik, is visiting the Rochester campus and presenting on the topic “Challenges Facing Dubrovnik Tourism“

Mr. Mato Franković, Mayor of Dubrovnik, is visiting the Rochester campus and presenting on the topic "Challenges Facing Dubrovnik Tourism"

On Thursday, March 1, 2018, Mr. Mato Franković, Mayor of Dubrovnik who is also RIT Alumnus, will be visiting the Rochester campus of RIT, as a part of his official US visit. He will be holding a presentation at the Rochester campus at 2:00 PM (8:00 PM Croatian time), on the topic of "Challenges Facing Dubrovnik Tourism", where he will discuss the challenges that Dubrovnik faces as a result of summer tourism and the city's plans to address the issues. This event will be co-hosted by the Office of International Education and Global Programs and RIT's College of Applied Science & Technology, Hospitality and Tourism Management.

The presentation will be livestreamed off RIT's website on the following link:

You are welcomed to tune in!