Network Coding and Designs conference took place in Dubrovnik

Network Coding and Designs conference took place in Dubrovnik


Network Coding and Designs conference took place from April 4-8, 2016 in Dubrovnik. The conference gathered some of the most influential experts working in the field of coding theory, encryption and underling mathematics. Random Network Codes and related combinatorial structures have gained interest during the recent decade within the mathematical, computer science, and electrical engineering community. It lies in the nature of the topic to connect researchers from the entire spectrum between pure theoretic sciences to applied practical disciplines.This event, being at the same time the final conference of COST Action IC1104, addresses all interested members of these communities, independent on their origin, approach, or scientific mission. RIT Croatia was one of the sponsors of the conference organized by Prof. Dr. Marcus Greferath (Aalto University, Helsinki), prof. dr. sc. Vedran Krčadinac (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Sciences), Dr. Jens Zumbrägel (Technical University Dresden) Mario Osvin Pavčević (University of Zagreb, Croatia) and our esteemed professor who teaches at Zagreb campus, dr. sc. Kristijan Tabak who said: "I am both happy and proud that we managed to organize this conference that gathered some of the most influential mathematicians from all over the world. We had over 90 participants and over 70 contributed talks. Engineering component of encryption and coding was highly emphasized with various applications of pure and theoretical mathematics." Professor Tabak delivered his findings in talk "Normalized difference sets tilings in cyclic groups of prime power order"

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