„New Definition of Luxury“ - Invitation to a Panel Discussion

"New Definition of Luxury" - Invitation to a Panel Discussion

RIT Croatia is organizing the first in a series of panels in order to help formulate creative approaches to pleasing customers.

By investigating these conversations RIT Croatia wants to contribute to raising the awareness of new trends and enhancing our business thinking.

We would like to invite you to a panel discussion "New Definition of Luxury", on Wednesday, November 26th, Kino Sloboda in Dubrovnik at 14:00 dedicated to promoting excellence in travel and hospitality.

Panelists included in this event are Alan Mandić, Founder and Managing Director of Secret Dalmatia, Zoran Pejović, RIT Croatia Alumni, graduating class of 2004, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Paradox Hospitality and Mark Thomas, Honorary British Consul in Dubrovnik, Writer & Consultant.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Domagoj Nikolić, RIT Croatia, Lecturer in the field of Applied Technologies.

Join us to discuss the following topics:

  • Change of travel culture powered by digital revolution
  • Authenticity powered by technology
  • Authentic cultural experiences as new luxury
  • Traveler vs. tourist
  • Co-creating unique value with travelers
  • Human element in the digital revolution