“A Night in Dubrovnik” – culinary event hosted in Rochester to honor study abroad experience

"A Night in Dubrovnik"- culinary event hosted in Rochester to honor study abroad experience

Study Abroad semester spent at RIT Croatia's Dubrovnik or Zagreb campuses is usually an unforgettable experience for majority of RIT students from Rochester who decide to take this opportunity and spend a semester at one of RIT's global campuses. However, Michaela Bleier, one of study abroad students who spent the fall semester of 2017/2018 at the Dubrovnik campus, took experiential learning to another level.

In honor of her unforgettable study abroad experience in Dubrovnik, Michaela decided to organize a "Night in Dubrovnik" event at "Caledonia Village Inn" in Rochester, NY, a family restaurant owned by Lisa and Jeff Bleier, Michaela's parents.

The event took place on January 24, and it was envisioned as a fusion of Croatian and Bosnian cuisine in honor of Michaela's experience whilst studying at RIT Croatia, where she had the opportunity to explore Dubrovnik region, as well as other parts of Croatia and the immediate region. The event was carefully thought through and promoted with posters, flyers and menus designed to pay tribute to Dubrovnik.

This idea turned out to be a huge success! The restaurant was fully booked days before the event, as many of RIT's professors and students who experienced RIT's global campus in Dubrovnik wanted to have a throwback at the days spent in the Pearl of the Adriatic.

Thank you Michaela for sharing your experience back home in such an enthusiastic and imaginative way!

Michaela Bleier was a part of a group of 5 study abroad students from the Rochester campus, who spent their fall semester of the academic year 2017/2018 at RIT Croatia's Dubrovnik campus. Besides regular administrative and logistical support during their stay, the group also had the support of Belma Sokolović, an RIT Croatia student who served as their peer mentor and assisted them to integrate within RIT Croatia community and to the new culture of living, which was a life altering experience in many aspects.