Postponing the start of spring semester to January 18, 2021

Postponing the start of spring semester to January 18, 2021

December 17, 2020

Dear RIT Croatia community members,

In line with the current epidemiological measures and recommendations, we have decided to postpone the start of the spring semester classes for one week. The spring semester classes will now start on Monday, January 18th, 2021.

The weekly class schedule for the spring semester will remain in effect, and classes will be delivered in the scheduled combination of in-person, blended and online modes. Please find the updated academic calendar which reflects the new start date HERE.

This decision to postpone the spring semester start date is aligned with this week's announcement by the Croatian Public Health Institute, which stated all elementary schools and high schools will begin with in-person classes on January 18th, 2021. In case there are any changes in the recommendations and/or measures from the Croatian authorities, which could impact our plans, we will advise you via email, so please be sure to regularly check your emails during the holidays.

Our campuses will still open on Monday, January 4th, 2021 (Mon-Fri, 8:00-16:00), and our staff will be available for all of your questions, regardless of them being on campus, or working from home. For any questions relating to class delivery, please contact your academic advisors.

We hope that you had a successful finish to the fall semester and that you are now looking forward to a well-deserved break.

Thank you, and keep up the great spiRIT!

RIT Croatia Team