Prof. Domagoj Nikolić presented his research of the ancient site Kanda in Sveti Nikole, Macedonia

Prof. Domagoj Nikolić presented his research of the ancient site Kanda in Sveti Nikole, Macedonia

On Friday, February 16, professor Domagoj Nikolić, who is teaching courses at the HTM program in Dubrovnik, held a presentation of the research he conducted with the Super Brain Research Group, an international scientific organization using advanced technologies for the exploration of ancient sites.

The presentation was held in Sveti Nikole, Macedonia, in front of more than 120 people in the municipal assembly hall, and it covered the archaeoacoustic and archaeoastronomical research on an ancient site called Kanda near the town of Sveti Nikole, Macedonia, which could be the burial site of a prominent person from the Macedonian history.

"This research of the ancient manmade mound in Kanda near Sveti Nikole lasts since 2011 from the point of view of archaeoastronomy and infrared, infrasound, ultrasound, EM and scalar wave emissions. To this day, we published three scientific papers pointing to the possible existence of several resonating cavities inside the mound. This mound is essentially a massive earthwork, which, on its top contains two concentric - approximately oval frames and a large geoglyph in the center which resembles the mirror image of the Constellation of Cassiopeia. Through analyzing the symbolism of the Macedonian royal dynasty and through dating by the method of the precession of equinoxes, we established that the geoglyph is precisely pointing to Alexander's birthday in the calendar. The precise alignment of the rising Sun, Cassiopeia and geoglyph on Alexander's birthday in 356 B.C. suggests that geoglyph contains something related to him, possibly his tomb or the tomb of a close relative", explained prof. Nikolić.

The Super Brain Research Group (SBRG) is a multidisciplinary and international non-profit research organization functioning under the auspices of the University of Trieste studying the architecture, geometry, shape and materials of ancient structures since 2010. SBRG collaborates with public and private foundations and implements interdisciplinary methods of study combining anthropology, architecture, town planning, geology, physics, history, archaeology, astronomy, etc.

This presentation was covered at "Dnevnik" of the national MRT (Macedonian Radio Television) and you can see the reportage here: