“Puttin' on the RITz“ in Dubrovnik has marked the 20th Anniversary of RIT Croatia

"Puttin' on the RITz" in Dubrovnik has marked the 20th Anniversary of RIT Croatia

On Friday, April 7, 2017, more than 200 attendees, dignitaries from RIT, local community, former and present RIT Croatia faculty and staff members, as well as Alumni gathered in Hotel Hilton Imperial at the "Puttin' on the RITz" dinner to celebrate the 20th anniversary of RIT Croatia.

And here is the 32nd "Puttin' on the RITz" in numbers:

-90 students from both Dubrovnik and Rochester campuses collaborated closely in the planning and organization of the event

-Students have spent more than 1,800 hours in class and working on this project during the last five months

-Although it has a long tradition on the American campus, for the first time in 32 years this event was organized outside the US - in Dubrovnik

-"Puttin 'on the Ritz" traditionally has a charitable character, so this year ticket sales and auction helped students raise 65,000.00 kn (around USD 9,000) for student scholarships

"It is with great confidence that I say we can be extremely proud of our student, who have flawlessly organized and delivered this important event of celebrating RIT Croatia's 20th anniversary. In addition to having all covered from the organizational perspective, the atmosphere at the event was fantastic and filled with joy and happiness. Our American colleagues have commented that this event is at the level, and in some aspects even above, "Puttin' on the RITz" events that have been organized at RIT in the past. Special thanks go to partners and mentors from the Hotel Hilton Imperial, who gave continuous professional support to our students, as well as to all donors of this event!", said prof. Domagoj Nikolić, RIT Croatia professor and Mentor to students in the organization of this event.

Sincere thank you goes to all of our donors: Hilton Imperial, Orka d.o.o., Meat the King, Pivovara Medvedgrad, Vinarija Vicelić , Stina, Vinarija Miloš, Bacus Vina j.d.o.o., Zmajska Pivovara, Bura, Mlinar, Importanne Hotels & Resorts, Esplanade Zagreb, Caledonia Village Inn, Samčović kruh ispod saća, T Deutche Telecom, Libertas, Coca Cola, Sun Gardens Dubrovnik, Mrgudić, Asanagica, Dental Centar Jurišić, Degarra, Black Button Distilling, Woodcliff Hotel & Spa, Hyatt Regency, Lake Tahoe Resort, The Beverly Hills Hotel and Bungalows

Happy 20th Birthday RIT Croatia and many more to come!