RIT Alum Mr. Rudi Winsberg gave a guest lecture on Specialty Travel

RIT Alum Mr. Rudi Winsberg gave a guest lecture on Specialty Travel

On October 26, IHSM students at the Dubrovnik campus had a guest speaker lecture on "Specialty Travel", delivered by Mr. Rudi Winsberg who is an RIT Alum and the Director of Elite Sports Travel.

Since before graduating RIT in 2001, Rudi Winsberg has developed an interest for learning about different cultures in Latin America. His main career focus has been in the development of business in the region both in the public and private sectors for companies and organizations ranging from the United Nations in New York and different government trade offices in Latin America to U.S. and European companies in industries such as Entertainment, Retail, Insurance and Tourism. Rudi currently spends most of his time between Lima and Miami, from where he manages his regional business. Additionally, Rudi was recently appointed president of the Andean Chapter of RIT's Alumni Association.