RIT Croatia Alumni receive awards at the Days of Croatian Tourism 2016

RIT Croatia Alumni receive awards at the Days of Croatian Tourism 2016


At the Days of Croatian Tourism 2016, organized by Croatian Tourist Board, Croatian Ministry of Tourism and Croatian Chamber of Commerce, three of RIT Croatia's Alumni from the International Hospitality and Service Management program, received awards as employees of the year. Being that employees are the key to success in tourism, we are very proud of Ana Lokas, who received the award for the best animator of the year, Katija Zvone Krmek, who received the award for the best sales and marketing employee of the year and Andrija Prostran, who received the award for the best employee in cultural heritage structures. Congratulations!
More info can be found here: https://hrturizam.hr/dani-hrvatskog-turizma-dodjeljenje-nagrade-priznanja/