RIT Croatia participated in Nikola Tesla Days

RIT Croatia participated in Nikola Tesla Days


"Tesla & Friends" - a three-day manifestation organized by the Nikola Tesla Association took place from July 9-11, 2015 with the purpose of celebrating the Nikola Tesla Day of Science, Technology and Innovation and the 159th Anniversary of his birth.
This manifestation commenced on July 9 with the traditional celebration and yearly award ceremony of Nikola Tesla - Genius for the Future award.
During this celebration in Hotel Esplanade in Zagreb, the Associate Dean of RIT Croatia, Dr. Shawn Sturgeon, presented the award to a young innovator Tin Biršić from Ivanić Grad for his Cloud Security System project.
On July 10, 2015 the manifestation continued with honoring the Nikola Tesla monument in Zagreb. Afterwards, the conference "Tesla in Medicine" took place at the Croatian Chamber of Economy in Zagreb, where Dr. Sturgeon participated as well.