RIT Croatia partners up with HUB385 and TEDxZagreb in organizing TEDxZafreb Salon: Visionary or a Leader

RIT Croatia partners up with HUB385 and TEDxZagreb in organizing TEDxZagrebSalon: Visionary or a Leader


We are proud to announce that for the first time, RIT Croatia is co-organizing an event with TEDxZagreb and HUB385. The topic of the TEDxZagrebSalon event is devoted to visionaries and successfull leadership and will take place in HUB385, on March 20th at 6pm. The event will gather rather interesting people to give their TEDx talk about it, which will then open the floor for discussion with the audience. Speakers include RIT Croatia Alumni Ivana Ninčević Lesandrić, Member of Parliament and founder of the Entrepreneurial Center Solin and Izet Ždralović, co-founder of MicroBLINK, company that launched the famous smartphone application PhotoMath, as well Goran Čandrlić, co-founder of Kisha, which produces smart umbrellas and Ivana Matic, founder of the web portal Women and Adria, the brand for women in business.

The event has a special meaning for our college as it is fully organized by our students from the Business Club and their mentors from TEDxZagreb

Event announcement (in Croatian)