RIT Croatia recognizes its student helpers!

RIT Croatia recognizes its student helpers!

In order to recognize its student helpers and thus mark the student employment week, RIT Croatia organized a pizza get-together for 61 student helpers in both campuses. Aside from their studies, these students are very active in undertaking activities in various areas - from tutoring and working in the library, to conducting diverse communication activities by writing stories or even making videos about RIT Croatia!

"The biggest interest can be seen for the tutor and TA positions", says prof. Ana Maria Šimundić who oversees their work. And if you think that getting a job at our college was easy - well, you need to prove yourself capable of the position you apply for. "Students can express their interest for these positions, but in the end, professors recommend students who have done extremely well in the course previously and who they believe can help other students master the course material.", adds prof. Šimundić

These various employment roles at the college are very beneficial for students because they are opportunities for leadership development. Prof. Šimundić elaborated on this: "First of all, students who work for us learn about how the college functions from another perspective, build meaningful, mentoring relationships with staff and faculty members and take pride in contributing to our community in their various roles. I have seen many positive outcomes for students. It is a unique experience for students to work at the same place where they are attending college, where they get to know and interact with students from different year levels (which they otherwise would not have met). We invest in their growth in these roles and hope that the overall experience drives them to maximize their college experience."

The events took place in Dubrovnik (April 11th) and Zagreb (April 12th).