RIT Croatia students' message: it's Time 4 a Change

RIT Croatia students' message: it's Time 4 a Change

RIT Croatia's students Eni Hoyka, Tina Kolić and Martin Kajtazi joined forces with students from other schools in Zagreb to warn about the food waste problem. And they picked a very popular Advent time in Zagreb during Christmas holiday to talk about it. It is a time in which Zagreb transforms into a fairy tale with amazing gastro offer - sausages and mulled wine on every corner with so many entertainment events. No wonder Zagreb has won the title of the Best European Christmas Market for 3 years in a row now!!

However, our students talked to caterers and people responsible for all the amazing food & beverage that one can enjoy in and learned that a lot of food gets wasted; approximately 2,5 kg per a caterer stand a day, which amounts to some 300 kg overall daily.

"We want to live in a society that will be more sensible and sensitive, so we wonder why the excess food would not be donated to those most in need," said Eni Lea Hoyka, project author. The students made a video It's Time 4 a Change about it and you can watch it HERE.

Our students wish to invite others to share ideas in order to find solutions to deal with this problem. We encourage you to help! Contact them at time4achange.contact@gmail.com.