RIT Croatia Students Win Croatian Henkel Innovation Challenge!

RIT Croatia Students Win Croatian Henkel Innovation Challenge!

Henkel Innovation Challenge is an international student competition with an objective to give students the opportunity to apply theory in practice. Students are invited to create an innovative product or technology for a Henkel brand in 2050 which contributes to sustainable development. This year, many teams applied and participated in this competition and only 10 teams were selected for semi-finals in Croatia. Out of 10 selected teams 4 were RIT Croatia students! We are extremely proud of our students' success and congratulate and applaud all 4 teams on such amazing results:

Dominik Benger and Daren Perinčić- won 1st place in the semi-finals in Croatia!
Mislav Mesek and Adrian Tkalčec - won 3rd place in the semi-finals this year!
Emil Varga and Dorotea Plečko
Lidija Lovrić and Ana Bačani

Student success is what makes RIT Croatia a very proud institution. Daren & Dominik will continue their competition in the international finals in Düsseldorf (end of March). We wish them best of luck!