RIT Croatia teams won 1st and 3rd place at the Startup weekend Dubrovnik 3!

RIT Croatia teams won 1st and 3rd place at the Startup weekend Dubrovnik 3!

And off they went and did it again!

Our students participated in Startup Weekend Dubrovnik 3, which took place on November 14-16, 2014. The event was organized by DURA - City of Dubrovnik Development Agency and RIT Croatia was one of the partners of the event.

First place at this year's Startup Weekend went to the app "CheckIt", developed by Ana Perica, Daren Perinčić and Mislav Mesek, who are students of the IT program at RIT Croatia Zagreb campus. The purpose of this app is to simplify the process of checking tickets at various events and also to prohibit illegal entry at events.

Third place went to to the app "Transit", which will potentially be available to all citizens of Dubrovnik, in cooperation with Libertas Dubrovnik transportation company. The purpose of this app is to enable transport companies better insight into their transport vehicles through a GPS system. For the users it will provide accurate information about the exact location of the vehicle (i.e. bus), its route and possible alternatives to arrive at a desired destination. This app was developed by Andrej Šarić, Dživo Jelić and Ivan Brčić, who are IT students at the RIT Croatia Dubrovnik campus.

Big congratulations to our winners and to all of our students who particiapted in this event!

More info on the Startup Weekend and the photo gallery can be found at the following link: https://www.dura.hr/get/novosti/3825/odrzan_startup_weekend_dubrovnik_3.html